Saturday, 21 September 2024

Sen. Warren Admits Kamala Harris Will Grant Millions of Illegals ‘Instant Citizenship’ so They Can Vote for Dems

Senator Warren admits Kamala Harris will grant millions of illegals citizenship so they can vote for the Dems in future.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has admitted that Kamala Harris is planning to clear the pathway for millions of illegal aliens to gain ‘instant citizenship’ in the United States so that they can vote for Democrats in future elections.

“I don’t need to tell you voters overwhelmingly disapprove of how the Biden-Harris administration has handled the border,” CNN’s “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper said. “By giving the nomination to one of the leaders of the border effort, aren’t Democrats doubling down on one of your party’s biggest vulnerabilities?”

“Border crossings now are lower than they were in the last year of the Trump administration. But recognize – and I know that Kamala Harris knows – this is a problem that ultimately has to be solved by Congress,” Warren said.

“We need the tools in order to have more resources at the border, to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants,” she continued. “And I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship.”

“All of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done,” she added.

Watch the full exchange:

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