Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Top Sniper Blows Whistle: Trump Assassination Attempt Was ‘Inside Job,’ ‘FBI Narrative Makes No Sense’

One of the world’s top snipers has admitted the official narrative surrounding the Trump assassination attempt on Saturday “makes no sense” and he has “no doubt” that Thomas Matthew Crooks was not acting alone.

According to Dallas Alexander, a veteran sniper from a team that held the world record for longest confirmed kill, it is obvious that gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks had help from “an agency, an organization, or the government.”

Alexander, a 17-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, took to Instagram on Sunday to share his expert opinion on what we are not being told about the shooting at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Alexander said, “I’m very familiar with the layout of these types of things and what the job should be,” referencing his 14 years of experience as an elite sniper, including as protection for the Canadian prime minister at public events.

And yesterday, what happened, I have no doubts in my mind that the shooter had help from somewhere within an agency, an organization, or the government,” the veteran, who is now a country music singer, explained in a video:

“The second I saw that aerial photo of what they were saying happened, it immediately made no sense to me,” he continued, referring to the rooftop where Crooks had an unobstructed shot at Trump from about 400 feet away. 

Breitbart report: Alexander was a member of Joint Task Force 2, which held the world record for the longest confirmed kill at 2.2 miles in Iraq in 2017 until a Ukrainian special forces soldier beat it in 2023.

According to the sniper, even “a seventh-grader” would know the rooftop Crooks climbed onto was “the most fucking obvious” place to check.

“You don’t even need to be a sniper — it’s the most fucking obvious thing. The most obvious place in the whole world,” he said.

Dallas Alexander

“You could be, like, a seventh-grader — like, ‘What do we have to do for security? Well, let’s look at these rooftops that are almost within zeroing range of a rifle,’” he added.

Alexander continued to explain that “something happened”:

“Something happened. I’m not pointing fingers at anyone — it’s just too obvious that this guy had help getting there. Whether someone turned a blind eye or it was strategically planned. Events like that, security like that … it’s not a small thing, and that is the most obvious place to be.”

A Secret Service sniper eventually killed Crooks after he got multiple rounds off toward the rally.

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