Saturday, 28 September 2024

Trump Warns WEF Planning To “Build an Army” To Invade America

Trump says WEF building an army to attack the U.S.

Donald Trump has warned that “an army” of foreign fighters is being assembled by globalists to attack America “from within” in the coming months.

Trump told a crowd in New York that illegals immigrants from the Middle East, Africa and China among other places are being allowed to cross the border into the U.S. with no resistance and forming sleeper cells ready to strike the US.

“You look at these people… they are physically fit, they’re 19 to 25, almost everyone is a male, and they look like fighting age,” Trump warned.

“I think they’re building an army,” Trump added.

“I think they want to get us from within. I think they’re building an army… they have something in mind,” he warned. reports: As we highlighted yesterday, a group of illegal immigrants who crossed into the US expressed shock at how easy it was for them to get into the country and warned that the US government is allowing anyone to just walk in completely unvetted.

Reporter Bill Melugin documented massive groups of illegals from countries all over the world entering the US via the southern border.

Migrants are surging the border now because they believe Trump is going to win the election in November and enforce security, according to a report quoting the illegals themselves.

Two brothers from Columbia who had crossed into the US and had eventually been put on a flight to New Jersey stated “We think with the elections, it will be harder,” adding “We don’t want Trump.”

Illegal immigrants may believe that so long as they cross now under Biden, they’ll be able to stay in the US. Trump, however, has other ideas having stated that he intends to oversee the “largest mass deportation effort” in the country’s history if he’s elected in November.

Trump has declared that the US cannot simply absorb some 20 million people, and that he may be forced to use the military to enable deportations.

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