Wednesday, 23 October 2024

USAF Veteran Blows Whistle: Chemtrails Op Has Target Kill Rate of 86%

Kristen Meghan's research from within the Air Force revealed that chemtrails were a conspiracy fact - and her own office was playing a key role in the top-secret operations.

Kristen Meghan was an environmental specialist nine years into her career with the US Air Force when she decided to debunk the chemtrail conspiracy theory. She thought the idea was insane. Why would we use hazardous chemicals in our atmosphere, poisoning the earth and humanity?

But instead of debunking or disproving the conspiracy theory, her research from within the Air Force revealed that chemtrails were a conspiracy fact – and her own office was playing a key role in the top-secret operations.

After a lot of sampling and investigating, Kristen blew the whistle and got out, emerging with a wealth of invaluable information about chemtrails, weather modification, the role of HAARP, and the evil agenda of the elite.

Before we break this down, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, join the People’s Voice Locals community to join our incredible community and support the channel, and check out the brand new free speech forum.

We’ve all noticed the strange and unnatural chemtrail patterns in the skies above major cities and regional centers. Despite mainstream media’s efforts to downplay it, these bizarre geometric chemtrails don’t resemble any natural cloud formations and have only started appearing in recent decades.

According to Kristen Meghan, a subject matter expert who investigated the phenomenon from the inside, the answers to these questions are dark and disturbing and the paper trail exposes the depopulation agenda of the global elite.

Kristen’s job as an environmental specialist involved identifying toxic chemicals and substituting them out of the workplace for the health and safety of her military colleagues.

She became radicalized when she learned that the same highly toxic chemicals she was trying to substituting out of the workplace were the same chemicals they were spraying from the skies in industrial quantities, blanketing the earth and humanity in deadly toxins.

Kristen’s investigations also lead her to learn that the elite are engaged in weather modification. She was hounded and demonized at the time, called a conspiracy theorist and worse, only to be vindicated a few years later when the global elite let the mask slip and confirmed they control the weather.

Once a conspiracy theory, HAARP is yet another conspiracy fact, and a forensic analysis of information in the public domain proves that climate change is not only a hoax, it’s a depopulation project, and our governments are complicit in this crime against humanity.

The elite agenda to block the sun has taken a serious turn this year with Bill Gates and George Soros pumping tens of millions of dollars into schemes to spray aerosols into the atmosphere to shield the earth from the life-giving rays of the sun.

Suddenly, chemtrails stopped being conspiracy theories and became the supposed cure for climate change.

But those who have been paying attention know that the propaganda being pumped out by mainstream media is utter hogwash.

In 1972, the Club of Rome published the book The Limits To Growth, which called for extreme depopulation to save the planet from the plague of humans.

This book has served as an instruction manual for the global elite ever since its publication.

In 2018, Dennis Meadows, the co-author of The Limits To Growth, explained that the time had come to implement the final phase of the elites’ depopulation agenda. Bear in mind, the population of the world today is 7.9 billion.

Overpopulation is at the crux of the climate change hoax and overpopulation is a lie. Traditional farming methods and traditional, nutritious food including grass-fed beef and organic salmon have been sustaining populations for thousands of years.

It was only when elites including Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates decided to get involved in the farming industry that we found ourselves experiencing supply chain issues, food production plant fires, and a manufactured food crisis.

But don’t take my word for it. Ask any of the hundreds of thousands of farmers across Europe who are still protesting their WEF-infiltrated government’s disastrous Agenda 2030 policies which are designed to put them out of work and force us to rely on Gates’ synthetic food production process for our nutrition.

Oh, and Klaus’ bugs.

Most of the so-called climate change we are seeing around the world is contrived. The fires breaking out around the world are being blamed on climate change, even though far-left arsonists have been caught starting them.

Directed energy weapons are able to start fires from above and can utilize microwave technology to target specific home and burn them from within.

This is another conspiracy theory that has become conspiracy fact.

In 2019, the mainstream media admitted that lasers can now change the weather and make rain and lightning.

Since this fateful news broadcast, people all over the world have reported witnessing strange strobe-like lightning, unlike anything they had seen before.

What did these strange weather events have in common? They involved unnatural meteorological data and they caused massive damage to communities, sparking political unrest.

Kristen mentioned HAARP, the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, which can now create hurricanes and they can control their direction with Next Generation Weather Transmitters, or NEXTRAD.

By building an electromagnetic charge and dispersing it underground as direct current VLF waves, the NEXTRAD radar transmitters are able to trigger earthquakes.

Remember the earthquake in Turkey earlier this year? Locals reported seeing strange strobe-like flashes that always happen in HAARP operations right before the devastating quake.

Earthquakes and explosives can trigger tsunamis. These are the technologies that we know about.

That only leaves volcanoes and tornadoes.

Funded by Peter Thiel, AVEtec Energy Corporation began work on developing a device to produce 140 foot tall tornadoes.

Meanwhile, a former US intelligence official recently told State of the Nation that the US has already triggered a volcano.

Climate change is part of the Club of Rome’s blueprint for the depopulation agenda and the global elite are using chemtrails, HAARP and weather modification to destroy humanity and drive the world towards their techno-communist dystopia.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue holding the global elite to account for their crimes against humanity but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel, tell your friends and family about us, and join the People’s Voice Locals community and check out the new forum. I hope to see you there.


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