Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Watch: Biden Advisers Threaten to ‘Beat Shit Out Of’ Staffers Who Blow Whistle About Biden’s Health

After four years spent pretending Joe Biden was whip-smart, articulate and competent, CNN has suddenly changed its tune and the network is desperately clamoring to push the 81-year-old out of the presidential race.

CNN is now reporting that Biden’s advisors have threatened White House staffers, saying they will “beat the shit out” of anyone who blows the whistle about the real state of Biden’s health or anything that runs contrary to their narrative.

CNN anchor Jake Tapper spoke with reporter MJ Lee in a surreal segment in which she revealed the threats. Watch:

Via Modernity:

Lee noted “You know, we talked to a lot of folks who said, ‘Of course we know that he has aged. Of course, we had seen some signs, especially over the last year, of his decline in terms of his physical stamina, his mental clarity.’ But that version of the president that we saw on the debate stage, they said was basically unrecognizable.”

She continued, “what my colleagues and I have really reported on is there is a lot of anger and the blame that is being placed on the inner circle of advisers and family members around the president and what these people say is this really painstakingly choreographed and stage managed daily operations at the White House around the president that is set up, specifically designed to prevent the public from often seeing the president in these extended unscripted settings.”

“And one thing that many of the folks that we spoke with that they are so furious about is this idea that when people have gone to these inner circle of advisers around the president to express some of these concerns, that they were not taken seriously or really brushed aside,” Lee added.

Then came the kicker.

“This is what one top Democrat told me, they said, “Everyone who expresses any level of suspicion or contrary views, they call everyone, and they beat the shit out of them and say stay on message,” Lee asserted.

Lee also claimed that the source said members of Biden’s family have also been warned not to step out of line.

The comments come after multiple reports, many in the New York Times, citing insiders who say Biden is completely out of it.

Tapper also cited yet another longtime Biden advisor, claiming he received the following text message:

The CNN anchor took some flak for suddenly and strangely being on board with the ‘Biden’s brain is fried’ angle after years of ignoring it.

It doesn’t end there today either for the Biden advisor leaks.

NBC News reports that three Biden officials have told them they believe his chances of winning are zero.

The report notes “Several of President Joe Biden’s closest allies, including three people who are directly involved in efforts to re-elect him, told NBC News they now see his chances of winning as zero — and the likelihood of him taking down fellow Democratic candidates growing.”

It adds, “‘He needs to drop out,’ one Biden campaign official said. “He will never recover from this.’”

Again, people have questions as to why the media is suddenly all over this like flies on you know what.

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