Wednesday, 15 January 2025

WEF Orders Slaughter of Pets Owned by Citizens with Low Social Credit Scores

The WEF has urged world governments to begin euthanizing pets owned by citizens with low social credit scores, all under the guise of fighting climate change.

The WEF has urged world governments to begin euthanizing pets owned by citizens with low social credit scores, all under the guise of fighting climate change.

The official reason? To reduce the so-called “carbon pawprint” as cities move toward tightly controlled 15-minute living zones where no pets will be allowed.

But there’s more to this story. According to a whistleblower inside the WEF, this agenda goes far deeper than environmental goals. The real purpose is not about climate at all—it’s a calculated step in a conspiracy to strip humanity of anything that brings joy, companionship, or comfort.

Could this scheme be part of an even darker attempt to control the human spirit?

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CNN, always at the forefront in pushing the globalist agenda, has begun urging its audience to starve their pets to death in an effort to combat climate change.

CNN published an article entitled, Our pets are part of the climate problem. These tips can help you minimize their carbon pawprints.

Let’s stop right there. Our pets are not the problem, CNN. You are the problem.

In the article, the liberal sadists argue that the meat-heavy diets enjoyed by household pets is causing planet-warming gases to be released into the atmosphere.

Your kitty kat and pooch, CNN explains, are going to have to eat bugs just like you, assuming Klaus Schwab allows you to keep them at all in the future.

Bloomberg, another mouthpiece of the global elite, jumped on the bandwagon at the same time, urging pet owners to euthanize their pets to help them survive in Biden’s economy.

Hollywood celebrity Emma Thompson has gone even further, telling pet owners to eat their own pets to survive the so-called climate crisis.

Now the Democrats have announced plans to introduce an expensive “pet tax” for citizens who refuse to euthanize their healthy pets as part of the WEF’s Net Zero agenda.

The proposed policy has sparked intense outrage among animal rights organizations and pet owners alike, who argue it is both unethical and unwarranted.

Many fear that the real-world impact of this policy will be devastating, and will lead to widespread suffering and loss for millions of pet-loving households worldwide.

Spread the word about Peanut the squirrel and Fred the raccoon—two beloved pets whose story shows the disturbing reality of the globalist’s policy overreach.

New York authorities raided a man’s home, confiscated his cherished animals, and killed them in cold blood.

Let everyone know: this is what the war against pets looks like in real life.

Despite official explanations, the global crackdown on pet ownership isn’t truly about climate change, rabies concerns, or any other pretext. It’s about breaking the human spirit.

According to an insider from Davos, as the global elite push toward their dystopian vision, crushing the human soul has become essential to their agenda.

If you have been paying attention to the WEF’s policies in recent times you will realize that this is not really about saving the world. WEF policies all have one thing in common: they dehumanize, degrade and mock us.

They are designed to take away all of the joys of life and inflict maximum pain.

The campaign to force humanity to give up meat and subsist on bugs and crickets is a good example. A WEF insider actually admitted it is about “crushing the human soul.”

Why should the peasants be allowed pet companionship in the looming dystopia as a way to cope with the soul-sucking hopelessness and alienation? That’s what “ineffective and potentially harmful” psychiatric antidepressants are for, silly.

The Roman empire had bread and circuses. Klaus Schwab’s hero Karl Marx said religion was the opium of the people. But today’s elite have hit upon a deadly formula to keep the permanent underclass happy. Video games and drugs.

Make no mistake, the global elite want us drugged and in a stupor.

Then there is the depopulation drive, which was a conspiracy theory for a long time, but is now completely out in the open. They aren’t even trying to keep it a secret anymore.

According to these two WEF ghouls, all religious groups are opposed to the World Economic Forum because religions want “more souls” and the WEF “wants less on the planet.”

At what point do we stop and say “enough”? How many times does the World Economic Forum have to declare their sinister intentions before the world stops and listens?

It’s now out in the open: pets will be banned in the 15-minute cities they have envisioned for our future. Should we really be surprised? After all, prisoners aren’t allowed pets today—so why would they be permitted in the elite’s open-air prisons of the near future?

George Orwell warned that the future could be like a boot stomping on the human face—endlessly. If we want something different, something better, we have to rise and act now.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the globalist elite but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel, spread this video far and wide, and join the People’s Voice Locals community for exclusive and uncensored content. I hope to see you there.


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