Tuesday, 22 October 2024

ABC's 'Grey's Anatomy' Celebrates In-Utero Life-Saving Surgery on Pre-Born Baby

ABC's Grey's Anatomy is one of the most rabidly pro-abortion shows on television, but last night's episode spotlighted life-saving surgery on an unborn baby.

On Thursday's episode, "Baby Can I Hold You," Dr. Arizona Robbins (Jessica Capshaw) announces to a room full of interns that the hospital will be performing a unique brain surgery on a growing baby in the womb. The plotline is based on a real, first-of-its-kind surgery performed in the United States last year.

Robbins: Correct, and in utero the baby is typically sheltered by mom and the placenta, but then after delivery and the cord is clamped, what happens? Yes?

Adams: The baby's heart and lungs become overwhelmed with the massive overflow of blood. 

Robbins: Which can lead to heart failure, seizures, and possibly death. 

Shepherd: Standard procedure has been embolization after delivery, but many babies do not survive. And if they do, the child often has major brain injury. 

Bailey: So that's when I called Dr. Robbins. 

Robbins: So, a few months ago I started a clinical trial with a team of interventional neuroradiologists in which we operate on the baby's brain before delivery. 

Yasuda: In-utero brain surgery? Sick. 

Millin: Ugh. I hate babies.

Kwan: Technically a fetus. 

Millin: What did I say about talking to me?

Millin hates babies, and Kwan is nitpicking about the Latin word for offspring, but the lead doctors are genuinely excited about saving the unborn child.

Bailey feels the hospital's interns should not be allowed in the operating room to observe because they are too immature. Robbins disagrees, insisting the surgery is too important a moment for the budding doctors to miss.

"Bailey. We might fix a baby's brain inside a womb. That is magic," she says. 

As Robbins begins the surgery, she tells her colleagues, "Every second puts mother and baby in more danger, so let's make them count. " She also talks to the unborn child while working on her. "Alright, calm down, baby girl, calm down," she whispers when the baby moves.

The surgery is successful. Doctors let the pregnant mother know that her unborn baby now has a good prognosis but will have to spend some time in the NICU after she is born.

Grey's Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes is one of the most radically pro-abortion writers on network television.  Her abortion-pushing shows include a famous episode of Scandal in which a woman has an abortion to the tune of "Silent Night." Grey's Anatomy itself has been a relentless fount of extreme abortion propaganda

How does one explain the cognitive dissonance between an episode about live-saving in-utero surgery and episodes promoting killing children in the womb?

Many abortion proponents no longer bother to deny that an unborn child is a baby. Activists on Twitter/X have even gone so far as to post cakes mocking their unborn babies' deaths.

The unborn girl in "Baby Can I Hold You" only matters to the writers because the mother wants her, not because of her innate value as a human being. This one episode may have highlighted an unborn life, but Grey's Anatomy remains an abortion-loving show.

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