Sunday, 20 October 2024

Al Sharpton on Morning Joe: Eliminating Ballot Drop Boxes Means 'Voting Will Not Matter'

Al Sharpton MSNBC Morning Joe 7-29-24 MSNBC's Morning Joe tap-danced on the Democrat line again on Monday, freaking out over Donald Trump joking to the Christians at a Turning Point USA "Believers Summit" that they won't need to vote in four years because "we'll have it fixed." 

In turning to Rev. Al Sharpton for his analysis, Jonathan Lemire began with the common notion that Trump's joking about how excellent he's going to be so "don't bother showing up" next time. He said that, "for many, sets off alarm bells."

LEMIRE: Or, there's this idea of, well, maybe we won't even have any more elections four years hence. There are some Democrats who warn that's what Trump meant. His campaign pushed back against that idea as well. Just talk to us about what you saw there, and how worried are you?

Sharpton thought he was criticizing Donald Trump. Instead, he unintentionally revealed something ominous about the Dem strategy for "winning" elections.

SHARPTON: If he's saying he's going to give the far-right Christians what they want, it is frightening at best. And if, in fact, let's remember, he said twice, Jonathan, 'We're going to fix it. Well, if you are dealing in a climate where they're trying in some states to stop a drop box for voting, trying to limit early voting, I mean, fix it can mean exactly what they're doing in many states. Changing a lot of the voting regulations, changing a lot of the voting acces. I think that he said out loud what he intends to do. He intends to set a situation, working with the right-wing governors, to where voting will not matterHe will have it fixed. He said it.

Let's take Sharpton's nightmare to the extreme: only Election Day voting allowed, requiring—heaven forbid— the same kind of ID needed to buy a pack of cigarettes.  And no drop-boxes.  

Does that mean "voting will not matter?" Yes, it does—if your campaign strategy relies on ballot harvesting and drop-box stuffing!

Judging by the enthusiastic applause, Trump's comments pleased his audience. But it certainly gins up the incessant leftist paranoia about the "existential threat to democracy," which could lead to violence. People who track the leftist media paranoia might wonder why he seems to like feeding that beast. 

Here's the transcript.

Morning Joe
6:07 am EDT

DONALD TRUMP:  And again, Christians, get out and vote! Just this time! [ Applause ] You won't have to do it anymore! Four more years. You know what? It'll be fixed. It'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians. I'm a Christian. I love you. Get out. You gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote.

JONATHAN LEMIRE: A spokesperson for Trump's campaign released a statement Saturday,  trying to clarify the comments. Writing, the former president was talking about uniting this country and bringing prosperity to every American. We can sure [chuckles] fact-check that! 

Reverend Sharpton, let's get you on this. There are a couple interpretations here about what Trump meant. One is what we just floated, this idea that, because I'm going to give you everything you need these next four years, ah, don't bother showing up. And that, I think, for many, sets off alarm bells.

Or, there's this idea of, well, maybe we won't even have any more elections four years hence. There are some Democrats who warn that's what Trump meant. His campaign pushed back against that idea as well. Just talk to us about what you saw there, and how worried are you?

AL SHARPTON: I'm very concerned. First of all, if you take either interpretation, their justification, which doesn't really land well, or those of us who fear he meant what he said and said what he meant. Either way, it's a danger to this country. If he's saying he's going to give the far-right Christians what they want, it is frightening at best.

And if, in fact, let's remember, he said twice, Jonathan, "We're going to fix it." Well, if you are dealing in a climate where they're trying in some states to stop drop off, a drop box for voting, where they're trying to limit early voting, I mean, "fix it" can mean exactly what they're doing in many states. Changing a lot of the voting regulations, changing a lot of the voting access.

And I think that he said out loud what he intends to do. He intends to set a situation, working with the right-wing governors, to where voting will not matter. He will have it "fixed." He said it. And I see where his campaign is trying to clean it up. They didn't address him saying, fix it, we're going to fix it. He said it twice.

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