Friday, 25 October 2024

Ana Navarro Gets DEMOLISHED By Real Republican, CNN Host Turns on Her

Since President Biden’s disastrous performance in the first debate, fake Republican Ana Navarro of ABC’s The View had been desperately trying to get people to stop talking about the President’s failing mental situation and pledging her allegiance to the Cult of Biden. But she got more than she bargained for during a Wednesday appearance on CNN’s NewsNight where she was confronted by real Republican Scott Jennings, and host Abby Phillip turned on her.

Before the schooling, Jennings was bringing the heat by pointing out how we were experiencing “the first time” the media wasn’t going along with the lies Biden had told about himself:

The reason he's having so much trouble with all this is because he spent his entire career getting used to his own largely fabricated personal narrative being successfully covered up. This is disorienting for him. This is the first time in his life that his personal narrative is not being covered up either by Democrats or by media looking the other way.

This led to an argument with Jamal Simmons, former communications director of Vice President Kamala Harris, who clownishly tried to suggest Jennings was claiming the deaths of Biden’s first wife and daughter and the death of his son Beau were lies. “Do you want to go through and rehash all the stories he has taught to?” Jennings warned him.

But before he could finish his point, Navarro interrupted Jennings to denounce him because supposedly, “you support Donald Trump.” “No I haven't announced who. I work here. I don’t work for anybody. You give money to Joe Biden. I don’t give money to anybody,” he shot back at her.

“You’re obviously not supporting Joe Biden,” she huffed as she bragged about giving money to Biden’s floundering reelection effort.



Navarro tried to insanely claim the Biden administration had never uttered a lie in the almost four years it’s been limping around. Jennings rightly laughed in her face as she doubled down on her falsehood:

NAVARRO: I think you got it all wrong. When I think it was -- Listen, this is not an administration that has lied. It just hasn't.

[Scott Jennings bursts out laughing]

Okay, you can laugh or you can scoff.

JENNINGS: Not one lie?

NAVARRO: No, but you supported an administration that lied about the size of the crowd at the inauguration. That lied for a living.

Navarro then went on to take embarrassing swings at the media, suggesting they were the ones lying about Biden’s deteriorating mental condition Americans witnessed themselves on the debate night (Click “expand”):

NAVARRO: I think you're confusing administrations. And I think part of the reason that this hasn't been shut down, frankly, is because there's been breathless and somewhat reckless reporting by media --

JENNINGS: The journalists? You're saying the journalists are wrong?

NAVARRO: Yes, I do. I think that was journal –


NAVARRO: No. Okay. Let me give you examples. I think that when journalists jump on the George Stephanopoulos interview and talk about how Mark Warner didn't run, I think they're wrong. Mark Warner ran. He ran for five hot minutes, but he got close enough to run.

JENNINGS: I'm sorry, we have to defend --

NAVARRO: But Joe Biden is saying that it's not a lie.

“We have to defend the journalists. I'm sorry, we have journalists at CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, these are journalists,” Jennings tried to reason with her, fruitlessly. “I think that when journalists jump to conclusions about a Parkinson's specialist that has been part of the White House medical unit for over a decade,” Navarro screeched, interrupting host Abby Phillip.

Phillip tried to get things under control and pivot to actor George Clooney’s op-ed in The New York Times calling for Biden to exit the race. “No way. Hold on, Abby,” Navarro snapped at her again, wanting to continue sparring with Jennings.

Possibly fed up with Navarro’s disrespect, Phillip upended her argument about the concern being just a “media narrative” by pointing out the debate ratings:

PHILLIP: Ana I hear what you're saying, but there's no question that it's not a media narrative. 50 million people --

NAVARRO: You don't think the media had – You don't think there's been reckless reporting by some media?

PHILLIP: 50 million people watched the president on that debate stage.

Navarro seemed to be in a state of disbelief at being countered by a CNN host as Phillip took back control and moved the panel along.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

CNN NewsNight with Abby Phillips
July 10, 2024
10:18:06 - 10:23:29 p.m. Eastern

ABBY PHILLIP: Joe Biden has not shut this down. I mean, the governor suggested that he has, that he said he's going to stay in the race, but this just keeps coming back.

COLEMAN HUGHES: No, it's -- it's been an issue in my view for at least 18 months really. If you look at him on camera and after the debate, everyone saw what they saw now. We were all watching it at once, and that's why the dam broke with the debate. So, I think, absolutely, if he wants to make a statement, he should absolutely do a cognitive test with multiple witnesses from both parties in the room.

The longer he doesn't do it, the more he is saying to people, I'm afraid to do it because I'm afraid of the results.

ANA NAVARRO: Okay, I'm not advocating a cognitive test with multiple witnesses. It's not like a virginity test, okay, in the medieval ages.

SCOTT JENNINGS: His issue is not a one-off cognitive test. His issue is that he's super old. He is in obvious decline from when he ran in 2020 and from when he served as vice president. And no, I mean, no test is going to reverse what we've seen.

The reason he's having so much trouble with all this is because he spent his entire career getting used to his own largely fabricated personal narrative being successfully covered up. This is disorienting for him. This is the first time in his life that his personal narrative is not being covered up either by Democrats or by media looking the other way. This is the first time we've seen on full display the truth, the truth of Joe Biden. They have covered this up --

JAMAL SIMMONS: Scott -- Scott -- Scott -- Scott --

JENNINGS: -- for too long, for so long, and it's a scandal.

SIMMONS: Scott, when you talk about covering up personal narrative, are you talking about the loss of his wife and daughter? Are you talking about the loss of his son to cancer?

JENNINGS: Are you saying Joe Biden has never made up a story about his personal --

SIMMONS: No. But what I'm saying his personal narrative is a narrative about a man who has been steeped in pain, steeped in things that most of us would struggle to get through, who kept battling away at it, kept showing up for people, kept fighting for the middle class, who grew up in small town, Scranton, that's his personal narrative.

That's what it is that attracts people to Joe Biden. It's been a thing that sort of held him up the entire time in his political career. And I think it's kind of like not right for anybody to say that he's covering that up because that's so honestly true about his life.

JENNINGS: First of all, he has told lie after lie after lie about his life.

SIMMONS: Did I say anything right now that was a lie?

JENNINGS: But the biggest lie –

SIMMONS: Did I just say anything that was a lie?

JENNINGS: Do you want to go through and rehash all the stories he has taught to? But here's the deal.


JENNINGS: No let me finish my point.

NAVARRO: Scott, Scott, Scott, Scott. No, no, no let me just say this -- you support Donald Trump. This is a guy who began --

JENNINGS: No I haven't announced who. I work here. I don’t work for anybody. You give money to Joe Biden --

NAVARRO: You’re obviously not supporting Joe Biden --

JENNINGS: I don’t give money to anybody.

NAVARRO: I will give happily give all my money to Joe Biden, because if the other choice is Donald Trump, that's a binary choice. But, okay, the other choice is a guy who began lying about how to dodge the draft because of made up bone spurs. He doesn't even remember which foot he had those supposed--

JENNINGS: So, what level of lying is acceptable? This is what I don't get about this Biden versus Trump lying debate. Apparently, if you tell one less lie than Donald Trump, that's good enough. Is that the bar you want to set?

This is a scandal. What has been covered up about Biden for the last three and a half years or more by his staff, by Democrats, look at this George Clooney op-ed. Well, three weeks ago, you know, we all saw it. Why didn't anybody say anything that night? It's not that they care about the office of the president. It's that they care they're losing. That's why it's coming apart.

NAVARRO: I think you got it all wrong. When I think it was -- listen, this is not an administration that has lied. It just hasn't.

[Scott Jennings bursts out laughing]

Okay, you can laugh or you can scoff.

JENNINGS: Not one lie?

NAVARRO: No, but you supported an administration that lied about the size of the crowd at the inauguration. That lied for a living.

JENNINGS: Do you honestly expect us to believe that they've never lied?

NAVARRO: I think you're confusing administrations. And I think part of the reason that this hasn't been shut down, frankly, is because there's been breathless and somewhat reckless reporting by media --

JENNINGS: The journalists? You're saying the journalists are wrong?

NAVARRO: Yes, I do. I think that was journal –


NAVARRO: No. Okay. Let me give you examples. I think that when journalists jump on the George Stephanopoulos interview and talk about how Mark Warner didn't run, I think they're wrong. Mark Warner ran. He ran for five hot minutes, but he got close enough to run.

JENNINGS: I'm sorry, we have to defend --

NAVARRO: But Joe Biden is saying that it's not a lie.

JENNINGS: We have to defend the journalists. I'm sorry, we have journalists at CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, these are journalists.

PHILLIP: Let me just – Scott and Ana. Can we just take a pause here for a second?

NAVARRO: I think that when journalists jump to conclusions about a Parkinson's specialist that has been part of the White House medical unit for over a decade.

JENNINGS: That they've lied about. They lied about it.

NAVARRO: What part of it did they lie about? What part did they lie about?

PHILLIP: Let's just take a pause for a bit because I want to talk about the George Clooney of it all?

NAVARRO: No way. Hold on, Abby.

JENNINGS: Karine has repeatedly lied about this.

NAVARRO: No, she has not.

JENNINGS: And about whether Biden was in the meeting. She talked about it.

NAVARRO: No, they have not. This is a White House medical unit doctor who has been part of this since Obama. During the Obama administration, he visited the White House over 20 times. Did Obama have Parkinson's? They have said --

JENNINGS: I think you need to catch up on the news tonight. That's all I'm saying.

NAVARRO: No, I think you need to go read the truth. And you see, this narrative is part of the reason why all of these questions have not been shut down. And I do think there's been reckless reporting.

PHILLIP: Ana I hear what you're saying, but there's no question that it's not a media narrative. 50 million people --

NAVARRO: You don't think the media had – You don't think there's been reckless reporting by some media?

PHILLIP: 50 million people watched the president on that debate stage.


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