Friday, 25 October 2024

AP Rips GOP on President Kamala Talk: 'Tinged with Racist and Misogynist Undertones'

Now that it's increasingly possible that Democrats will push Joe Biden off the ticket and turn to Kamala Harris, the supportive scribes at the Associated Press sounded like the Associated Partisans on her behalf. Or should they just be the EP, for Editorializing Press?

Our "objective" media insist it's now "racist and misogynist" to suggest Harris would end up as president in the next four years if the Democrats are re-elected. 

The Republican who mostly boldly underlined the President Kamala narrative in the last year was Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley. So apparently Haley is both racist and misogynist? Jill Colvin's editorial -- oops, "news story" -- began like this: 

NEW YORK (AP) — For years it’s been a Republican scare tactic.

A vote to reelect President Joe Biden, the GOP often charges, is really a vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. It’s an attack line sometimes tinged with racist and misogynist undertones and often macabre imagery.

But after Biden’s dismal performance at last week’s presidential debate, which has sparked Democratic calls for him to step aside, what was once dismissed as a far-right conspiracy — Harris replacing Biden — could now have a chance of coming to pass. And Republicans, including Donald Trump, are ramping up their attacks.

Colvin didn't offer anything "macabre" in this story, but she sounded scandalized that Team Trump was offering "derisive" nicknames for Harris, from "Laffin Kamala' to "Cackling Copilot." Sounds gentler than Trump is Hitler! Then there was a Truth Social post from the former president: 

“She did poorly in the Democrat Nominating process, starting out at Number Two, and ending up defeated and dropping out, even before getting to Iowa, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a ‘highly talented’ politician! Just ask her Mentor, the Great Willie Brown of San Francisco,” he wrote. ( Harris dated Brown in the mid-1990s.)

AP linked op-ed by Willie Brown asking "So what?" That's what Associated Partisans do. The liberal fact checkers have tried to downplay the Harris-Brown dating/mentorship angle. Watch for more of this to resurface if Biden is pushed out.

Colvin added: 

Trump also posted an expletive-laced video, which was first been reported by the Daily Beast, in which he was captured on the golf course calling Biden an “old broken down pile of crap” and declaring that he’d driven the president from the race. 

AP turned to KJP for comment. (Maybe we should call them KJAP?)

“I think it’s gross, I think it’s disturbing,” Jean-Pierre told reporters Friday aboard Air Force One. “She should be respected in the role that she has as vice president. She should be respected like any other vice president before her who was in that room. [??] It is appalling that, I’m going to be careful here, that a former president is saying that about a current vice president. And we should call that out — it is not OK.”

The idea that vice presidents -- especially Republicans -- have been universally "respected" is obviously false. At least the AP story ended with Team Trump explaining how they could beat Harris just like Biden, since their policies are the same. 

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