Monday, 28 October 2024

BLESS THE ‘CHILD’: Hunter Biden Gun Trial Gets Pillow-Soft Treatment

The networks must have collective whiplash. The brutality and edge of their coverage of former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan business records trial is eclipsed by the collective tenderness with which they’re handling Hunter Biden’s federal trial on gun charges in Wilmington, Delaware.

We’ll get to that in a bit, but one fascinating tidbit emerged: as clean an admission of the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop as you’ll hear on Regime Media, over on NBC:

RYAN NOBLES: Hunter's original plea bargain, which would have resulted in no prison time, was blasted by Republicans as a sweetheart deal, and it fell apart under a judge's scrutiny. Special prosecutor David Weiss then charging him for both tax and gun crimes, to which Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty. Weiss saying he'll rely on Hunter's laptop, writing the defendant's laptop is real, it will be introduced as a trial exhibit, and it contains significant evidence of the defendant's guilt. 

It’s been almost four years since the laptop story broke, was suppressed, called Russian disinformation and all but buried. But the truth eventually comes out. At least it did on NBC. CBS and ABC continue to look the other way on the laptop, and this is a test of what kind of coverage we get from this trial. If Special Counsel David Weiss is intending to enter the laptop as evidence, he’ll need to elicit testimony authenticating the laptop, which per the (also media-suppressed) IRS whistleblowers happened in November of 2019. We’ll see who reports that and who doesn’t.

The rest of the coverage was essentially a love letter to a father’s undying love for his troubled son. Or “child”, as the networks ridiculously characterized 54-year-old Hunter Biden- a deference never accorded to the Bush twins when they were busted for underaged drinking.

Credit to Lester Holt, who refused to go along with this collective foolishness:

The most obsequious report, of course, was filed by the most pro-Biden network which is ABC. Here’s how Terry Moran’s report opened:

TERRY MORAN: Hunter Biden walked hand-in-hand with his wife, Melissa, into the federal courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware, this morning to stand trial on charges of violating federal gun laws. Minutes later, First Lady Jill Biden made her way into court on her 73rd birthday. The case marks the first time in American history that the child of a sitting president has gone on trial. Hunter Biden faces three felony gun charges in what prosecutors are calling "a simple case." They allege that he lied about his drug abuse on this federal form back in October 2018, when he bought a Colt Cobra .38 Special handgun. For years, the president's son has been open about his fight with drug addiction.

He could’ve ended it right there and no one would have missed anything. There were no mentions of the laptop, or of Hallie Biden’s testimony, which would’ve elicited mention of Hallie’s gross relationship with Hallie Biden. Just a father’s love and Hunter’s recovery from addiction.

We’ll see whether things pick up once opening statements kick off. But tonight was, with few exceptions, a saccharine mess.

Click “expand” to view the aforementioned reports as aired on their respective evening newscasts on Monday, June 3rd, 2024:


DAVID MUIR: But we start tonight with the trial of Hunter Biden on felony gun charges. The first child of a sitting president ever to go to trial. 12 jurors and four alternates were seated today. Hunter Biden arriving at federal court in Wilmington, Delaware along with his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden. First Lady Dr. Jill Biden there to show her support. His father, the president, tonight sending his boundless love to his son. Hunter Biden is accused of lying about his drug use on a federal form when he bought a handgun in 2018. For years, Hunter Biden has been open about his drug addiction and his fight to beat it. Tonight, prosecutors now plan to use Hunter Biden's own words against him. ABC's Terry Moran leading us off at the courthouse tonight.

TERRY MORAN: Hunter Biden walked hand-in-hand with his wife, Melissa, into the federal courthouse in Wilmington, Delaware, this morning to stand trial on charges of violating federal gun laws. Minutes later, First Lady Jill Biden made her way into court on her 73rd birthday. The case marks the first time in American history that the child of a sitting president has gone on trial. Hunter Biden faces three felony gun charges in what prosecutors are calling "a simple case." They allege that he lied about his drug abuse on this federal form back in October 2018, when he bought a Colt Cobra .38 Special handgun. For years, the president's son has been open about his fight with drug addiction.

HUNTER BIDEN: …that I have made mistakes in my life and wasted opportunities and privileges I was afforded. For that, I am responsible.

MORAN: Now prosecutors plan to use his words against him in court, including excerpts from his 2021 memoir "Beautiful Things," where he came clean about his addiction, and his text messages. This one allegedly sent just two days after buying that firearm, "I was sleeping on a car smoking crack on 4th Street and Rodney." Hunter Biden's lawyers have argued in court documents that that form is confusing, and so their client did not knowingly lie. Last year, a plea deal in this case fell apart under tough questioning by the same judge who will now preside at trial. The jury selected today, six men, six women including a man whose father died by gun violence and whose brother was sentenced to prison for drug crimes. A woman who grew up in a hunting family with guns, and whose best friend died from a drug overdose. And a man who has owned six guns in his life and told the judge, "I believe the Second Amendment is very important. Earlier today, President Biden released a statement standing by his only surviving son, saying in part -- "I have boundless love for my son." In court, Hunter Biden has been an active participant, conferring frequently with his lawyers during jury selection. And he's been an attentive son, checking in on the First Lady. At one point during a break, embracing her with visible emotion. Opening statements in this case begin tomorrow morning. David.

MUIR: Terry Moran leading us off here tonight. Terry, thank you.



NORAH O’DONNELL: Hunter Biden just left the courthouse where six men and six women have been seated in an American first. The first criminal trial for a child of a NORAH O’DONNELL: Hunter Biden just left the courthouse where six men and six women have been seated in an American first: the first criminal trial for a child of a sitting president. Good evening, I am Norah O'Donnell and thank you for being with us. Those jurors were six selected after attorneys on both sides questioned them about their views on gun rights, addiction, and politics. The president’s only surviving son is charged with three felony counts related to his alleged illegal purchase and possession of a firearm in 2018. Tomorrow the prosecution and the defense will present opening statements, which could include sordid details about Hunter Biden's love life and addiction battles. The First Lady was in the courtroom with the president not far, remaining in his home in Delaware. CBS's Scott MacFarlane was inside the courtroom for today's proceedings.

SCOTT MACFARLANE: A show of support on the first day of trial for President Biden's son Hunter. First Lady Jill Biden, on her 73rd birthday, sat directly behind him. And in a rare statement on the case the president said, “Jill and I love our son. And we’re so proud of the man he is today.” Hunter Biden is charged with making false statements when he bought a Colt .38 handgun six years ago, by not acknowledging on the application he was using or addicted to drugs.

HUNTER BIDEN: I’ve made mistakes in my life and wasted opportunities, and privileges I was afforded. For that, I am responsible.

MACFARLANE: Prosecutors expected to call as a witness Beau Biden’s widow Hallie Biden. She and Hunter were romantically linked at the time of the gun purchase.

BIDEN: I had returned that fall of 2018, after my most recent relapse in California, with the hope of getting clean through a new therapy in reconciling with Hallie. Neither happened.

MACFARLANE: Prosecutors will also argue that Hallie Biden found the gun in Hunter’s truck in 2018 and tossed it in a dumpster. According to court documents, Hunter texted her: "Are you insane? Tell me now. This is no game" Hallie Biden wrote back, “Check yourself into local rehab, Hunter. This has all got to stop.” Also expected to testify, his ex-wife Kathleen who is currently in a legal battle with him over unpaid alimony.

TOM DUPREE: Regardless of how this comes out, even if he is acquitted, this is not going to be a pleasant experience to say the least.

MACFARLANE: Prosecutors will also show jurors text messages illustrating Hunter’s drug problem, including one he wrote around the time he was waiting for a drug dealer in Wilmington. “I was sleeping in a car smoking crack on Fourth street at Rodney.” An agreement that would have spared Biden from trial and prison collapsed here last year when the judge determined the sides didn’t fully agree on the terms.

DUPREE: It blew up at the last minute- it was Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown when everyone thought it was about to be sealed, done and delivered and it wasn't and we were back to square one.

MACFARLANE: Opening arguments begin tomorrow morning, and the trial likely lasts one to two weeks. Hunter Biden has also pleaded not guilty in a different case, a tax case in California brought by the same prosecutor. Norah, that goes to trial in September, just as the presidential race hits high gear. 

O’DONNELL: Scott MacFarlane. Thank you.



LESTER HOLT: Days after the first criminal conviction of a former president, another first is unfolding tonight in Delaware where Hunter Biden has become the first offspring of a sitting president to face criminal charges. The trial began today for the president's son, who stands accused of three federal counts related to gun possession. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty. Today was jury selection, with lawyers questioning dozens of prospective jurors before seating a panel late today. And in the courtroom for most of the day, First Lady Jill Biden. In a statement, the president avoiding direct comment on the case but affirming the first couple's support for their son, saying "we are so proud of the man he is today." Ryan nobles is covering the trial.

RYAN NOBLES: Tonight, for the first time in American history, the child of a sitting president is facing a criminal trial, and now the 12-member jury is set. Six men and six women, including six jurors who own guns themselves or have family members that purchased them recently. Hunter Biden, accused of lying on a federal form in 2018 to purchase a gun, checking a box saying he was not an active drug user, despite acknowledging in his book he was addicted to crack-cocaine at the time. First Lady Jill Biden, making a surprise appearance, sitting just a few feet behind her son in court. And the president offering his support saying, "As the president, I don't and won't comment on pending federal cases, but as a dad I have boundless love for my son." President Biden spending Memorial Day Weekend with Hunter, and recently inviting him to state dinners and defending him publicly.

JOE BIDEN: First of all, my son's done nothing wrong. I trust him. I have faith in him.

NOBLES: But his son's legal battles likely to take a political toll on the president in the midst of a re-election campaign. Hunter's original plea bargain, which would have resulted in no prison time, was blasted by Republicans as a sweetheart deal, and it fell apart under a judge's scrutiny. Special prosecutor David Weiss then charging him for both tax and gun crimes, to which Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty. Weiss saying he'll rely on Hunter's laptop, writing the defendant's laptop is real, it will be introduced as a trial exhibit, and it contains significant evidence of the defendant's guilt. Prosecutors also expected to call Hallie Biden, who Hunter was dating when the handgun was discovered. She's the widow of his brother Beau.

HOLT: And Ryan, we understand this trial is not expected to last long.

NOBLES: That's right, Lester. We expect this trial to last about a week or maybe a little bit longer with opening statements set to begin tomorrow morning. We don't know yet if Hunter Biden will testify in this case but, if convicted, he is facing jail time. Lester.

HOLT: All right. Ryan Nobles, thank you.


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