Friday, 18 October 2024

Canadian Man Wants To Travel to Tex. To Get a Vagina, Still Wants to Keep Penis

Have you ever desired to have both a penis and a vagina?

An Ontario man referred to as K.S. is seeking to undergo a vaginoplasty while also keeping his penis intact at a gender-affirming hospital in Austin, Texas. Being that he’s “literally a mix” of genders, the man is in the middle of a court battle to force his Ontario insurance to pay for the procedure.

According to the National Post, the case “reflects a small but growing demand for niche surgeries for people who identify as non-binary, meaning neither exclusively female nor exclusively male.” K.S. presents more as a female but says he doesn’t feel fully female, hence why he wants to keep his penis.

In 2022, when K.S. initially requested the procedure, his Ontario’s Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) denied his request for a penis-sparing vaginoplasty that would be performed at the Crane Center for Transgender Surgery in Austin. He could get it done, but the insurance wouldn’t fund it.

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Obviously, this wasn’t the answer K.S. hoped for, so he complained to Ontario’s Health Services Appeal and Review Board which insisted that OHIP was wrong in its decision. The board ruled that “a vaginoplasty is among the 11 external genital surgeries listed for public coverage, and that it shouldn’t inherently include a penectomy,” the National Post added.

K.S., who is now 33, has apparently struggled with his identity since he was a teen and “doesn’t completely align with either the male or female genders.” His doctor noted how important it was for K.S. to have both a penis and a vagina. 

“It is very important for [K.S.] to have a vagina for her personal interpretation of her gender expression but she also wishes to maintain her penis,” the doctor wrote in a letter to OHIP adding that K.S. "is transfeminine but not completely on the ‘feminine’ end of the spectrum [and] for this reason it’s important for her to have a vagina while maintaining a penis.”

I don’t even know how that would work - but then again, I don’t want to have to visualize anything to try and find out. 

“K.S. argued that forcing a non-binary person to undergo binary surgery — male to female, or female to male — would only exacerbate her gender dysphoria and would be akin to an act of conversion therapy,” the National Post reported. Additionally, K.S. wants to keep his penis out of concern for the “urological rerouting.”

Kinda funny that K.S. is worried about possible complications, given that walking into this sort of elective procedure is asking for complications.

The case has now been moved up to Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice, but no official decision has been made about whether or not K.S.’s desires will be covered by insurance.

I’m absolutely flabbergasted that this is even a story and dumbfounded at the fact that it isn’t made up, but instead that someone is so delusional and out of touch with reality that they think this is a normal desire.

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— MRCTV (@mrctv) April 3, 2024

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