Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Carville: ‘Idiotic’ for Biden Care, Modify Plans for Slain NY Officer

Democratic strategist James Carville was spinning his wheels on NewsNation Monday night as he tried to defend President Biden’s callus neglect of slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller who was being laid to rest not far from his star-studded, elitist fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall. In trying to defend Biden from the rather tame criticism from host Chris Cuomo and correspondent at-large Geraldo Rivera, Carville proclaimed it would be “idiotic” for Biden to do anything in response to the officer’s death that evening.

After literally laughing at Rivera’s criticism of Biden, Carville proclaimed it “idiotic” for Biden to think about modifying his plans for the fundraiser. His reasoning? He had money to collect and cops get shot all time:

Well, I think I think it’s idiotic. And I'll tell you why. They have a fundraiser scheduled. They have Radio City Music Hall, they’re out there raising money, they got guest lists, they got everything, done. Unfortunately, it happens about 120 times a year, a police officer was shot. And you’re really saying they just should un-ring the entire bell? Okay.

Interestingly, on Tuesday, NewsNation highlighted a 2024 press release from the National Fraternal Order of Police that put the number of officers shot in the line of duty in 2023 at more than triple Carville’s estimate. “Instead, 378 officers were shot in the line of duty in 2023, the highest number the FOP has ever recorded,” the press release said.



Carville was determined to paint critics as unreasonable; putting words in Cuomo and Rivera’s mouths by suggesting the only solution was to just call of the fundraiser entirely. Cuomo pushed back by noting how easy of a “layup” modifying his plans would have been, but Carville had a meltdown:

CARVILLE: So, you really think that should just call the fundraiser off? Just called it off? It’s insane. Of course not.

CUOMO: No, no, no, James. That was an easy one. It’s a layup. The answer is both. You stop by. You see the family. You give them some private moments. You get back in the car. You go to the fundraiser. That's the that's not a stretch.

And I get it. I get why they didn’t do it. I get it James, I get it.

CARVILLE: I profoundly disagree. I understand.

CUOMO: I totally get it.

CARVILLE: You’re a free speech guy. You want your guests and free speech. I think the entire thing about the fundraiser and a transgender thing is just borderline idiotic. Certain events – you have confluence events campaigns don’t control everything.

Rivera’s “minimal effort” idea didn’t even involve Biden going to see the family, but just sharing his condolences at the fundraiser, which he didn’t care to do either. “It would have been so easy. James, you could have crafted it easily,” he tried to stroke Carville’s ego.

Carville bizarrely retreated to using the number of cops killed in the line of duty as some sort of morbid defense. “Again, unfortunately, it is not uncommon for peace officer to be killed in the line of duty. Okay?” he huffed.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

NewsNation’s Cuomo
April 1, 2024
8:10:30 p.m. Eastern


CHRIS CUOMO: James. When you're done laughing.

JAMES CARVILLE: Well, I think I think it’s idiotic. And I'll tell you why. They have a fundraiser scheduled. They have Radio City Music Hall, they’re out there raising money, they got guest lists, they got everything, done. Unfortunately, it happens about 120 times a year, a police officer was shot. And you’re really saying they just should un-ring the entire bell? Okay.

And this whole thing about March 31st every year it's on March 31st. And I think there this whole outrage machine and this whole false equivalency machine that says we – [indiscernible noises]. By the way, when you get mocked Saturday Night Live, I don't know Geraldo, that a pretty culturally significant program to me.


8:12:27 p.m. Eastern

CUOMO: It is April Fool's Day, and I have to tell you I never thought—

CARVILLE: So, you really think that should just call the fundraiser off? Just called it off? It’s insane. Of course not.

CUOMO: No, no, no, James. That was an easy one. It’s a layup. The answer is both. You stop by. You see the family. You give them some private moments. You get back in the car. You go to the fundraiser. That's the that's not a stretch.

And I get it. I get why they didn’t do it. I get it James, I get it.

CARVILLE: I profoundly disagree. I understand.

CUOMO: I totally get it.

CARVILLE: You’re a free speech guy. You want your guests and free speech. I think the entire thing about the fundraiser and a transgender thing is just borderline idiotic. Certain events – you have confluence events campaigns don’t control everything.

I don't even think anyone knew about the transgender proclamation. I worked in the mayor's office, they have proclamations every other day. Same thing in the White House. I mean, that's just not the way the world works. And the idea a sleet Biden is come kind of cultural liberal.

CUOMO: James, it has to be the way the world works because it's happening right now.


GERALDO RIVERA: Stephen Colbert – Here’s how you fix it with minimal effort and you make people feel better. Stephen Colbert opens the program, “New Yorkers are in mourning now we have lost one of finest. We obviously we didn't know this tragedy was going to happen when we scheduled is event. But President Biden, do want to say something about law and order, crime and punishment, the risk that police officers and their families endure?” It would have been so easy. James, you could have crafted it easily.

CARVILLE: I – you know – Again, unfortunately, it is not uncommon for peace officer to be killed in the line of duty. Okay? That's just one of these – Actually, think it's a little bit down now, but I looked at the statistics and it doesn’t happened every day but –


CUOMO: But James, it was an opportunity.

CARVILLE: Okay. All right. Seriously, were outrage is missed – You know, I can tell Stephen Colbert how to do its job. [Stammering]

CUOMO: James, you’re among friends.

CARVILLE: I think the whole thing –

CUOMO: You’re welcome to disagree.

CARVILLE: I understand.

CUOMO: I am happy that you are disagreeing.

CARVILLE: But I am totally unpersuaded that there was anything wrong with this. That’s all.

CUOMO: I understand.

CARVILLE: We’ll agree to disagree.

CUOMO: Perception is reality.


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