Sunday, 27 October 2024

Catholic Group BEGS DOJ to Probe Violent Abortionist Threats

It seems Joe Biden’s Department of “Justice” is becoming more of an oxymoron by the day. 

Its latest double standard features a conservative Catholic organization begging them to investigate over four hundred known attacks waged by the abortion mafia on pregnancy centers and churches, LifeNews reports

In a letter shared with the Daily Signal, the organization CatholicVote asked Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke to meet with them to probe the overwhelming cases of abortion radicals violating the FACE Act, which prohibits instigators from threatening or using physical force to intimidate people out of expressing their right to religious freedom. 

However, the act also prohibits forceful attempts to interfere with so-called “reproductive health care services.” Therefore, Biden’s DOJ figures they can apply this act unevenly by targeting only pro-life protesters. 

“The [Biden] administration has repeatedly met and coordinated with the abortion industry, but has refused to meet with representatives of the millions of pro-life Americans and concerned Catholic citizens who are being threatened and intimidated across the country,” CatholicVote President Brian Burch writes in their letter, dated June 21.

“Nearly every single prosecution of alleged violence against abortion clinics has involved application of the FACE Act despite the lack of enforcement on attacks against churches and pregnancy resource centers,” Burch adds. “What policies are in place at the DOJ which contribute to this imbalance, and what is being done to rectify it?”

After two years of crickets from the DOJ despite numerous communication requests, they finally sent ONE response to CatholicVote in June 2024, updating the group that three Florida pro-abortionists pled guilty to threatening pro-life pregnancy resource centers. 

Still, most of these attacks are “not being pursued with any diligence by the federal government,” Tommy Valentine, director of CatholicVote’s Catholic Accountability Project, told The Daily Signal. Valentine added,  “And a lot of these are centrally organized by domestic extremist organizations like Jane’s Revenge, like Ruth Sent Us, various anarchist groups that are clearly coordinating at least some of these attacks." 

Apparently these violent extremists are receiving the same coddling as the Hamas-holes calling for another 9/11 in our city streets. 

After all, Biden’s DOJ has more important things to worry about like throwing eighty-two-year-olds in prison for protesting against the murder of unborn babies and branding angry soccer moms as terrorists for protesting their woke school boards.

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