Friday, 20 September 2024

Cotton Accused of 'Attacking Harris' by Calling Her San Fran Liberal

As the Democratic Party had finally seemed to settle on the now-glorified Vice President Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate, it was no surprise that the liberal media have followed suit. Nearly any and every critique of the candidate was considered an attack on Harris, even referring to her as a “San Francisco Democrat,” which Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) was berated for on Wednesday morning’s Segment of CNN’s News Central.

The media, having been hyper fixated on restoring the Democratic Party, has been making a stand to defend Harris. Co-host John Berman, during an interview with Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA) took advantage of the opportunity to highlight Harris as a martyr claiming:

BERMAN: In terms of the candidacy of Vice President Harris we've seen over the last 24 hours a line of attack coming from Republicans calling her a San Francisco liberal. I had Tom Cotton, the Arkansas Republican on yesterday and I want you to listen to how many times he said it in a short period of time. 

COTTON: She is a San Francisco liberal; a San Francisco liberal; San Francisco liberal; a failed San Francisco liberal; she is a failed San Francisco liberal.

BERMAN: That had been a drinking game, I would have been plastered by the end of that, congresswoman. But listen, you know, San Francisco up the beach, up the coast from you, how do you defend her against those attacks.



What seemed like the most ridiculous claim by the host was doubled down upon Chu, allowing for yet another campaign monologue:

She is an American who stood up for the needs of Americans. She has been instrumental in making sure that we got the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill so that we could get good jobs in America. And she was instrumental in the Inflation Reduction Act, which brought prescription drugs down to only $2,000 a year for seniors and $35 a month for Insulin for seniors. And she has been instrumental in the Chips and Science Act, which will finally bring back semiconductor manufacturing to the U.S.

These are American priorities and Vice President Harris has been in the forefront of that going all over the United States to make sure that these monies are spread across every sector of society and in fact, in the Midwest where these kinds of manufacturing jobs are greatly needed.

It is ridiculous, the claims which the liberal media has entertained, that stating a simple fact of Kamala’s Political background is seen as an attack. The media can try and paint Harris as the moderate pick for as long as they want but at the end of the day, her ACU rating was still 4.45 percent. It must be noted that Jud Chu, having an even lower rating of 3.38 percent, joined Harris in the Liberal Californian category.

Following the assassination upon his life, Trump was made a martyr for the week, yet this was just the beginning of the glorification which may bolster Harris’ campaign. One that, without a doubt, will be spearheaded by the liberal media.

The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

CNN News Central 


08:12:28 AM EST



JOHN BERMAN: In terms of the candidacy of Vice President Harris we've seen over the last 24 hours a line of attack coming from Republicans calling her a San Francisco liberal. I had Tom Cotton, the Arkansas Republican on yesterday and I want you to listen to how many times he said it in a short period of time. 

SENATOR TOM COTTON:She is a San Francisco liberal; a San Francisco liberal; San Francisco liberal; a failed San Francisco liberal; she is a failed San Francisco liberal.

BERMAN: That had been a drinking game, I would have been plastered by the end of that, congresswoman. But listen, you know, San Francisco up the beach, up the coast from you, how do you defend her against those attacks.

JUDY CHU: She is an American who stood up for the needs of Americans.She has been instrumental in making sure that we got the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill so that we could get good jobs in America. And she was instrumental in the Inflation Reduction Act, which brought prescription drugs down to only $2,000 a year for seniors and $35 a month for Insulin for seniors. And she has been instrumental in the Chips and Science Act, which will finally bring back semiconductor manufacturing to the U.S. These are American priorities and Vice President Harris has been in the forefront of that going all over the United States to make sure that these monies are spread across every sector of society and in fact, in the midwest where these kinds of manufacturing jobs are greatly needed.

BERMAN: Congresswoman Judy Chu from California. Thanks so much for being with us today. Appreciate your time.


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