Saturday, 26 October 2024

Debunking the Media's Claim they Were 'Duped' by WH on Biden's Fitness

Since President Biden’s earth-shatteringly bad debate performance, pro-DNC journalists have been ping-ponging between desolation at Biden’s condition and feigned outrage that the White House somehow “hid” said condition from them for so long. Of course, these are the very same journalists who spent years denying that there was anything wrong with Biden at all.

On July 6, Axios’s Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen wrote: “Hell has no fury like a press corps deceived. Reporters feel duped — and some probably embarrassed — and are scrambling to unearth new evidence of decline.”

This nonsensical framing was retweeted by CNN’s former media critic, Brian Stelter, who made a career at CNN out of defending the media from criticism.

Of course, anyone familiar with the media’s framing of Biden’s cognitive fitness over the last three years will immediately recognize this notion of a “duped” press as absurd. They’ve spent the entire Biden presidency minimizing any concerns about his mental state, and we’ve got the receipts to prove it. Watch the video below for just a small sample of the narrative that dominated the corporate press’s airwaves up till two weeks ago:


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