Sunday, 27 October 2024

Deranged Joy Reid Rambles About ‘King Trump’, Project 2025

Once again, MSNBC host Joy Reid is offering viewers proof evident that she has terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome, as evidenced by the string of incoherences she rattled off to start tonight’s broadcast. These particular incoherences centered around the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity and the continued candidacy of President Joe Biden.

Watch Reid ramble about the futility of debating over who the next Democrat nominee might be, and the rambling bleatings that follow:

JOY REID:  Democrats are the anxiety people. They're always freaking out, assuming they're going to lose. They are also a normal political party. And debating whether an elderly president is the right choice to beat American Hitler is unsurprising, and honestly pretty politically healthy. If ill-timed, given the emergency our democracy is in. And who the Democrat nominee is is important on one level, because it speaks to the strategy of how to keep King Donald off the Iron Throne. But, real talk, it kind of doesn't matter. No, actually, it really doesn't matter. Because honestly, any Democrat, Biden, you name the popular Democratic governor or senator, Vice President Harris, any of them would be solid presidents, and far preferable to the Republican alternative, because all of them believe in the rule of law. Each of them would follow the traditional role of the presidency, and not try to be American Putin. None of them would use S.E.A.L. Team Six to assassinate their rivals, or expand presidential powers to turn the Justice Department into a witch hunt squad. None of them would arrest the entire Trump family and charge them with treason and put them in public show trials. None of them would round up millions of migrants and send them to concentration camps. Or make them fight in Fight Club like the Romans did. None of them would turn this country into a Christian Nationalist hellhole and ban books and criminalize teachers and drag shows.  And I guarantee you 100% not a single one of them would outlaw birth control, and the abortion pill, and IVF and force women and teenage girls into being forced birth chattel for the State. But you know who would do those awful things? That would-be king. Trump. Trump. Through his weak, spineless party, and the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 plan. And the Leo Six on the Supreme Court say that’s exactly what should happen. The president must be bold and rule by fiat. Eff the law. That shouldn’t even apply to him. And they have made clear that they would partner with King Trump.  As his loyal hands to rule us. 

The segment actually opens with Reid dumping on Independence Day.

REID: On the eve of America's Independence Day, when we commemorate the white male land and slave owners who declared themselves free from the yoke of the British king 

To the race essentialist, everything becomes about race. 

It is then that Reid rambles on about the Supreme Court opinion that clarified presidential power. Rather than informing her viewers, Reid launches into multiple tangents on ridiculous hypothetical scenarios.

Rather than discussing what the opinion actually says, she evokes violent imagery as originally imagined by Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s emotional dissent in Trump v. United States. The segment was constructed for the purpose of bashing the Court, make no mistake. Last I checked, these hostile mentions of the Supreme Court sound very insurrection-y. 

Once Reid is done vomiting nonsense, she begins her interview of Sherilynn Ifill on these very same subject matters, treading the same derivative ground, making arguments that would only make sense had Reid read the op-eds.  

At their heart, these goofy hypotheticals are about projection. The authoritarians are on the left are who have weaponized government against everyday citizens. But, these arguments are con

You, dear reader, may be inclined to feel a twinge of compassion for those of us who watch this bile so you don’t have to. But, as Hyman Roth said to Michael Corleone: this is the business we’ve chosen.

Click “expand” to view the partial transcript of the aforementioned segment as aired on MSNBC’s The ReidOut on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024:



7:01 PM

JOY REID: And we begin tonight with Hurricane Beryl hurtling toward the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. So be safe out there. Well, politically, we're weathering a different kind of storm here at home. On the eve of America's Independence Day, when we commemorate the white male land and slave owners who declared themselves free from the yoke of the British king, the Leonard Leo Six on the Supreme Court have decreed that the American president is, in fact, a king. So by that logic, all hail King Biden, am I right? Because America’s king right now, per the conservative Supreme Court majority, is Joe Biden. He is also the Democratic Party's candidate to be president/king again. And despite some Democrats jumping ship and saying he should drop out, and the frantic meetings and calls taking place inside the Democratic Party, today Biden told his campaign staff the following. Quote: “let me say this as clearly as I possibly can. As simply and straightforward as I can.I am running. No one’s pushing me out. I'm not leaving, I'm in this race to the end and we’re going to win.

 ♪♪ And I am telling you ♪♪ 

Okay, look. The truth is, this is basically who Democrats are, okay? Democrats are the anxiety people. They're always freaking out, assuming they're going to lose. They are also a normal political party. And debating whether an elderly president is the right choice to beat American Hitler is unsurprising, and honestly pretty politically healthy. If ill-timed, given the emergency our democracy is in. And who the Democrat nominee is is important on one level, because it speaks to the strategy of how to keep King Donald off the Iron Throne. But, real talk, it kind of doesn't matter. No, actually, it really doesn't matter. Because honestly, any Democrat, Biden, you name the popular Democratic governor or senator, Vice President Harris, any of them would be solid presidents, and far preferable to the Republican alternative, because all of them believe in the rule of law. Each of them would follow the traditional role of the presidency, and not try to be American Putin. None of them would use S.E.A.L. Team Six to assassinate their rivals, or expand presidential powers to turn the Justice Department into a witch hunt squad. None of them would arrest the entire Trump family and charge them with treason and put them in public show trials. None of them would round up millions of migrants and send them to concentration camps. Or make them fight in Fight Club like the Romans did. None of them would turn this country into a Christian Nationalist hellhole and ban books and criminalize teachers and drag shows.  And I guarantee you 100% not a single one of them would outlaw birth control, and the abortion pill, and IVF and force women and teenage girls into being forced birth chattel for the State. But you know who would do those awful things? That would-be king. Trump. Trump. Through his weak, spineless party, and the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 plan. And the Leo Six on the Supreme Court say that’s exactly what should happen. The president must be bold and rule by fiat. Eff the law. That shouldn’t even apply to him. And they have made clear that they would partner with King Trump.  As his loyal hands to rule us. So, the fantasy football conversation in the mainstream media about the Democratic?, Okay, go for it. Just remember, there is no one on the Democratic side, including the super-old guy, who is a threat to American democracy. Pay as much attention as you can to the candidate debate as you need to. It's a worthy debate. Just make sure that you’re prepared to vote in November for whoever that person is, and every Democrat below them on the ticket. Because the alternative is King Trump and Project 2025 as the new rule of law.


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