Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Glass Houses: The View Hypes Democrats Calling Republicans ‘Weird’

The Cackling Coven of ABC’s The View largely embraced the new campaign message of Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrats of calling any and everything about Republicans “weird.” They praised how “effective” it supposedly was. But, as co-host Joy Behar warned, it opened them up to people putting them under the magnifying glass; which is what NewsBusters will do here, highlighting a lot of their truly weird comments and takes.

“I think the problem is that the GOP needs to convince voters that Trump and Vance are regular guys and they're not. They are weird just like they've been called,” proclaimed staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners). She would go on to argue in favor of using the word “weird” because it was “innocuous” and “benign.”



Moderator Whoopi Goldberg boasted: “Well, Democrats seem to have landed on this word that they think sums up the Republican ticket.”

“Now, getting to the weird thing that they've really turned on the right, the Harris campaign is really kind of taken that weird. Think about it. People on the right say a lot of weird things,” declared pretend independent Sara Haines. “So, that is why that is so effective, is there is so much weird on the other side. But that pretty much sums it up.”

Faux conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin falsely claimed she didn’t like “name-calling” but liked throwing around the word “weird” because, “I don’t see as below the belt.”

Behar seemingly knew this blog was coming because she warned the rest of the cast: “I don’t think you should use the word ‘weird.’… [It] opens the door for the other side to say, ‘Well, you think we're weird? Look at you.’”

What’s actually weird was Farah Griffin once announcing on the show that she wouldn’t have an issue with her husband having a drunken one-night stand as long as he didn’t fall in love: “I could forgive, like, a drunken hookup mistake. I could not forgive falling in love with someone else." She later doubled down on it, and then explained how to introduce another lover into a relationship.



Haines also found it “weird” that Republicans didn’t think drag shows were an appropriate place for kids to be. What’s actually weird was Haines once insisting: “So, I've always found everyone belongs at a drag show.” Fake Republican Ana Navarro also weirdly argued that drag shows are fine for kids because drag queens had never killed anyone, which was also a falsehood.

Goldberg was arguably the queen of weird on The View. She recently argued that even if President Biden had “pooped his pants” she’d still vote for him, adding that she too had “poopy days all the time.” There was also the time she falsely suggested the Holocaust wasn’t about race and doubled down on it by saying Jews were better at hiding than blacks; that was pretty weird.



As for Hostin, there was the time she weirdly announced that she had inspected Ambassador Nikki Haley’s vagina: “I remember when Hillary Clinton was running, there was a lot of talk about ‘I don't vote for someone just because she has a vagina.’ Well, last I checked Nikki Haley has one too.” And she has repeatedly recounted how she once stole all of her then-boyfriend/now-husband’s phones and threw them onto a highway because he hung up on her once.



There was also the time the cast had a conversation about if having sex with a ghost counted as cheating and Behar said: “I've had sex with a few ghosts that have got pregnant.” Farah Griffin admitted: “Honestly, I need the positive reinforcement in my life being like ‘oh baby, oh baby’ outside the shower, even if it’s a ghost. I’ll take it.”



In the weird words of Captain America, “I can do this all day.”

The transcript is below. Click "expand' to read:

ABC’s The View
July 30, 2024
11:04:08 a.m. Eastern


SUNNY HOSTIN: I think it's just going to get worse. I think that the bar is already low and we've heard the attacks. She didn't earn it. She is a DEI candidate. Some people are calling her crazy. They're calling her dumb. Which is --

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Don't they do that to women all the time?

HOSTIN: All the time and specially, unfortunately women of color. But you know, I think the problem is that the GOP needs to convince voters that Trump and Vance –

GOLDBERG: And themselves.

HOSTIN: - are regular guys and they're not. They are weird just like they've been called.


GOLDBERG: Well, Democrats seem to have landed on this word that they think sums up the Republican ticket.

[Montage of Democrats calling Republican “weird”]

[Cackling laughter from the co-hosts]

GOLDBERG: So, I mean really the question is, what on God's green Earth makes them think that taunting people and women in particular -- what makes them think this is going to work for them?

SARA HAINES: So, first of all – So before we get to the weird part, I want to talk a little about the laughter. Donald Trump's obsession with the laughter. There was an article in The Atlantic where it says this comes from Trump's upbringing.


HAINES: So, he used to say, his father drilled into him laughing is to make yourself vulnerable, it’s to let down your guard in some way. So, Donald Trump thinks laughter is weakness, which is why if you look around you'll have never seen him laugh.

HOSTIN: Have you never seen him laugh?

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: I thought about this. I’ve never seen him laugh. He does a smile and he just pauses. I've never seen him laugh.

GOLDBERG: He just shows teeth. He doesn’t even smile.

HAINES: It’s why he would also like take a joke like at the White House Correspondent Dinner to a point of running for a presidency because that humor is too vulnerable for him.

Now, getting to the weird thing that they've really turned on the right, the Harris campaign is really kind of taken that weird. Think about it. People on the right say a lot of weird things. Whether you think of monitoring girls' periods. That's weird.

FARAH GRIFFIN: That's weird.

HAINES: Banning books. Coming for drag shows. And by the way, if your kid is gay, they're already gay. Like nobody is turning them anything.


HAINES: So, that is why that is so effective, is there is so much weird on the other side. But that pretty much sums it up.

JOY BEHAR: It doesn't mean the left has to use it. I don't agree with that. I don’t think you should use the word “weird.” Call him what he is, a convicted felon.

HOSTIN: Yeah, that's better. I agree with that.


FARAH GRIFFIN: I think it's both because --

BEHAR: Opens the door for the other side to say, “Well, you think we're weird? Look at you.” It’s to much weird. The name-calling. Take the high road. Get off the weird thing. Just call him what he is.

FARAH GRIFFIN: I don't like name-calling. You’re not going to see me do it unless I slip up and I’ll own it. But “weird” I don’t see as below the belt.

HAINES: I don’t either.


HOSTIN: To Joy's point in terms of this weird thing, because I thought weird was pretty innocuous. So, that felt benign.


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