Saturday, 19 October 2024

Leave it to Behar to Make Remembering D-Day All About Trump, Election

On Thursday, the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the ladies on ABC’s The View took attention away from the memory of the brave men and boys who stormed the beaches of Normandy, France and made it about former President Trump and their fears of him winning in November. There was also the ironic rant by moderator Whoopi Goldberg about young people needing to learn their World War II history.

Co-host Joy Behar contributed to the discussion as she relayed a story regarding a trip she took to Normandy. “I had a guide who was French, and I said to him, ‘we saved France,’ and he said, ‘you saved the world.’” Goldberg, with her vast understanding of history, quickly added “That’s what America used to do!”


Behar explained that what the guide said to her was “the most touching thing anybody has ever said to me about this country.” But her almost patriotic sentence took a turn when she made the moment about Trump: “and for us to be throwing it down the toilet to a convicted felon, to somebody who is liable for rape, who lies and cheats.” But she wasn’t done:

John Kelly, his former chief of staff, said Trump said U.S. service members were suckers and losers for risking their lives. There's nothing in it for them. He refused to visit the graves in France. He didn't want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because, quote, it doesn't look good for me. He criticized Gold Star families.

Trump has denied making any disparaging remarks about U.S. service members.

Behar concluded with: “Today is the day to reflect on what we have in this country and what we could lose very easily if we don't watch it.”

Goldberg kicked off the segment by mentioning that Biden was in Normandy for the 80th anniversary of D-Day visiting the grounds where “allied forces stormed the beaches to fight back against fascism and to turn the tide of World War II.” She noted “the craziest thing is that we've had to tell an entire new generation that it actually happened.”

Goldberg placed great emphasis on the idea that everyone should know and understand history as a whole. Interestingly, in 2022 Goldberg boldly proclaimed, “Well also, if we're going to do this, then let's be truthful about it because the Holocaust isn't about race.” She attempted to validate her point by adding that the Holocaust only concerned “two groups of white people.”

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ABC The View

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Well President Biden is in Normandy right now to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, when allied forces stormed the beaches to fight back against fascism and to turn the tide of World War II. The craziest thing is that we've had to tell an entire new generation that it actually happened.



GOLDBERG: You know, we are losing so much ground because people don't realize what the blood and sweat that people put in, you know, and to save other people. And how everybody is involved in this.



BEHAR: So, when I was there, I had a guide who was French and I said to him, “we saved France,” and he said “you saved the world.” “You saved the world.”

GOLDBERG: That’s what America used to do.

BEHAR: And that is the most touching thing anybody has ever said to me about this country and for us to be throwing it down the toilet to a convicted felon to somebody who is liable for rape, who lies and cheats, who calls-

HOSTIN: -Liable for sexual abuse-

BEHAR: Sexual harassment whatever it is. John Kelly, John Kelly his former chief of staff said Trump said U.S. service members were suckers and losers for risking their lives. There's nothing in it for them. He refused to visit the graves in France. He didn't want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because, quote, it doesn't look good for me. He criticized gold star families. He went against John McCain who was a hero.


 And this guy is neck and neck with Biden? Today is the day to reflect on what we have in this country and what we could lose very easily if we don't watch it.

ALYSSA GRIFFIN: If I could just add –

BEHAR: End of speech and by the way, if you want to learn about this and you don't feel like reading about it watch Saving Private Ryan and The Longest Day. Two movies about this.



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