Sunday, 27 October 2024

Mark Levin Scorches ‘Soros’ Puppet’ Antony Blinken for Rampant Election Interference

Syndicated radio host Mark Levin demonstrated Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s multi-generational connection to leftist billionaire George Soros and how the cozy relationship shaped American policy towards Albania.

On the April 4 edition of The Mark Levin Show, Levin referred to Blinken as “Soros’ puppet” and said he was “doing Soros’ bidding.” Levin detailed how the State Department has acted against an enemy of Soros in Albania to the benefit of Soros-ally Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, before noting the connection between Soros and the Blinken family. “Antony Blinken is [Soros’] pawn. Antony Blinken is his boy in the Department of State,” Levin said, before moving on to Blinken’s parents, “Donald Blinken was the former U.S. ambassador to Hungary. I guess under Obama. His wife Vera funded the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society archives at the Central European University in Budapest founded and funded by Soros.” 

Levin added, “This is what’s going on behind the scenes in the shadows, ladies and gentlemen.” ‘

The radio legend cited a New York Post article by columnist Miranda Devine on the tense relationship between Soros and a friend of former president George W. Bush, Sali Berisha, who has served as both president and prime minister in Albania. Devine noted that Secretary Blinken moved quickly to put sanctions on Berisha and his family, purportedly to fight corruption and protect Albanian democracy. 

Coincidentally, Blinken’s State Department and Soros’ Open Society Foundations Albania are both donors to the Center for the Study of Democracy and Governance, which seeks “radical transformation of the democratic processes in Albania.” The center also frequently hosts events discussing corruption, the fig leaf Blinken used to justify sanctioning Berisha. 

Coordination between Soros and the State Department to intervene in favor of Rama’s interests dates at least as far back as the Obama administration. 

During his show, Levin also mentioned that “Alex Soros, the son, of George Soros is repeatedly in the White House.” The host suggested that Alex Soros frequently visited the State Department as well. Alex Soros has visited the White House at least 22 times and met with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and various White House staffers a total of 27 times during these visits. 

Notably, the younger Soros also frequently meets with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama—whom Alex Soros called his “brother”—posting no less than 24 pictures with Rama on Instagram from 2017 to 2024. In one of these posts, Alex Soros suggested Albania had come a long way, possibly due to Rama’s efforts, “Congrats to my brother @ediramaal on such a successful tourist season! A long time coming for what was once Europe’s North Korea.”

Alex Soros also lauded Rama as a “renaissance man who has become a symbol of liberal democracy in Albania” and praised his “inspirational leadership.” Soros has also called him a “renaissance man” and a “visionary” on other occasions and congratulated Rama on transforming Albania’s capital Tirana for the better.

Rama, who recently made headlines for shoving a female journalist, also takes radical positions on regional issues. When former Kosovo President Hashim Thaçi was put on trial for war crimes, Rama complained that it was not right to try a man praised by President Joe Biden. “Are those who lead their people towards freedom against brutal regimes now to be considered criminals?” Rama asked. 

A prosecutor told The Associated Press that Hashim Thaçi would be exposed for presiding over “hundreds of murders and illegal detentions” and that his men slaughtered their own people under suspicion of being “collaborators and perceived traitors including political opponents.”

Rama also went after a Greek-Albanian candidate for mayor, who was thrown in prison after winning his election. Rama called Himara mayoral candidate Fredi Beleri, “illiterate,” “scum,” and said that he had “an ugly face that would scare.” The Albanian prime minister claimed in an interview that he was unaware that the candidate would be arrested when he insulted him this way. While Beleri sits in prison, a member of Rama’s party who lost to Beleri had been permitted to serve as mayor until recently.

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