Saturday, 11 January 2025

Morning Joe—Literally—Points the Accusatory Finger at Trump Tariffs!

Tariffs get passed down to consumers MSNBC Morning Joe 11-27-24 Yesterday, it was CNN scaremongering Trump's tariffs, absurdly claiming they would raise Walmart prices by 250%.

Today, it was Morning Joe's turn to trash Trump's tariffs. The show ran a segment on the tariffs featuring Hallie Jackson of NBC News. Every point Jackson made about the tariffs was negative. This is crystal-ball speculating about the future, not about current facts on the ground. This is how the networks keeps their Trump coverage 90-percent negative, month after month. 

According to No-Hope Hallie's doom-and-gloom routine, the tariffs:

  • Could "blow up" a trade agreement he negotiated in his first term.
  • Are causing the auto industry to brace for a blow, since Chevy and Chrysler import cars and car parts from Canada and Mexico.
  • Could cause your grocery bill to rise, since Mexico supplies more than half the fruits and vegetables imported into the US.
  • Could cause overall inflation to rise by 1%.
  • And Jackson offered her notion of an economics lesson:

    "Remember, tariffs are a tax on things other countries send here. And those other countries don't pay the tax directly. It gets passed down to companies instead—and often to you.

    That last warning was accompanied by a finger literally pointing at the viewer [see screencap.] Shades of the wartime recruitment poster of Uncle Sam pointing a finger and saying, "I Want You." Except in this case, it was Jackson suggesting "Donald Trump Wants You—To Pay Higher Prices!"

    So, Hallie, taxes on companies often wind up getting passed down to individual taxpayers. Huh! Funny, we don't remember Morning Joe making that point regarding Kamala's huge proposed increase in the corporate income tax!

    Jackson's spiel failed to acknowledge the tariffs' positive goals: to make US-made goods more competitive, thereby increasing jobs and economic activity in the US. 

    Jackson capped off the segment by interviewing the co-owners of a Washington D.C. pet store who expressed the fear that the tariffs on their items would make them unaffordable for their customers. Translation: Trump could drive us out of business!

    A check of the pet store's About page indicates its allegiance to liberal pieties: Sustainability. Non-GMO ingredients. Reducing their carbon "pawprint." Going green. 100 solar panels on the store's roof. Holistic supplements. We're going to go out on a limb and guess that in choosing store owners to interview, Hallie made sure they were not among the dreaded 6.6% of DC voters who supported Trump!

    If only President Biden had shopped there, perhaps Commander, eating locally-produced, organic, non-GMO foods, wouldn't have bitten so many Secret Service agents!

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