Friday, 20 September 2024

MRC’s Houck Joins Newsmax to Slam New Anti-Trump Outburst From RFK Jr.’s Sister

In a truncated segment on Monday’s Eric Bolling The Balance (due to the previous segment with GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson), NewsBusters Managing Editor Curtis Houck said the meltdowns from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s sister Rory Kennedy and others over his independent presidential campaign are proof the press have decided they can only fear-monger voters into casting ballots for Biden not in support of him, but against Kennedy and Donald Trump.

Speaking to the aforementioned Newsmax host, Houck highlighted Rory Kennedy’s appearance on ABC’s Good Morning America where, along with co-host and former Clinton flack George Stephanopoulos, they compared the Synanon cult (the subject of her new documentary) to Trump supporters.



This, Houck said, was an odious comparison and an example of how liberals have decided “they would much rather cast aspersions” on those who think differently and “get people to vote against Donald Trump” versus “trying to understand why people are voting the way they do” or “convince people to vote for you or your policies.”

Conservative author and Spectator contributing editor Chadwick Moore was also alongside and, for his part, he said the meltdown from liberals over RFK Jr.’s candidacy was “symptomatic of not necessarily that our elites are all a bunch of far left communists...but it's a crisis in their own confidence in themselves.”

“I mean, we have a ruling class now that doesn't really know who they are ideologically. They don't have any strong convictions of any strong values and to top it all off, their extremely riddled by guilt. They actually hate themselves...[T]hey're really intimidated by people who are confident and political movements who are competent and coherent in their beliefs and I think that's what we see a lot when these lefties having absolute meltdown,” he added.

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