Friday, 25 October 2024

Ms. Rachel Attempts to Justify Her LGBTQ Support With Biblical Scripture

On June 1, popular YouTube children's content creator "Ms. Rachel" posted a video in celebration of Pride month. Considering the fact that Ms. Rachel’s target audience is babies and toddlers, she was roasted for promoting the LGBTQ agenda on her page. 

Now, she's has released a new video defending her statement, in which she attempted to use the Bible to justify her affirmation of wokeism.

Ms. Rachel's original video posted on her TikTok page, titled "MsRachelforLittles," currently has 3.5 million views. 

“Happy pride to all of our wonderful families and friends. This month and every month I celebrate you,” she said in the video, adding, “God bless and I am not chasing fame or views. I’m standing strong in love” before noting that she expected to receive backlash for her take.

Which, of course, she did. In her follow-up, the YouTuber actually pointed to faith as a reason why she released the Pride-happy statement in the first place.

“I’ve shared prayers on here before and said 'God bless' and that’s because my faith is really important to me and it’s also one reason why I love every neighbor,” she said to begin the 50-second video.

"There are so many reasons I stand strong in love. I stand with everyone. That’s who I am and the ‘love back’ and the ‘God bless,’ if you disagree, is genuine," she went on.

UPDATE: Ms Rachel responds to backlash over her teaching LGBT prode to children by claiming it is what Jesus wanted

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) June 3, 2024

Ms. Rachel then brought up Matthew 22, where Jesus noted the importance of loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself.

'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?' Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’

Matthew 22:36-40

While Ms. Rachel is right in that we are to leave ultimate judgment to God. But that doesn't mean we are supposed to ignore sin when we see it - instead, Christians are to pray hard against it. Yes, as Christians, we are to love our neighbor, but we are also called to call out sin in one another in order to help our friends walk more closely with God (Galatians 6:1). Living a life as part of the alphabet mob is sinful, according to God's rules for sexuality and gender that are plainly laid out in the Scriptures. 

Related: Indoctrination Station: Toddler Show YouTuber Posts Video Celebrating Pride Month

Reactions to Ms. Rachel’s attempt at justifying her stance did not disappoint. 

America First Legal’s Stephen Miller jokingly wrote, “Which part of the Bible says to put children on puberty blockers?” One user noted that Ms. Rachel’s “facial expressions indicate she doesn’t even believe what she’s saying. She’s lying."

Another had a similar understanding as I had of Ms. Rachel’s confusion:

There’s a difference in agape love, and affirmation and validation of sin. Christ doesn’t affirm the sin. He affirms the sinner with the understanding that we go and sin no more. False prophet alert!

I’m glad to see people online are pulling away from both from Ms. Rachel’s content and her cult of personality. I’ll leave you with one more quote from X that sums up what I believe we’re all thinking: “Ms Rachel needs a come to Jesus meeting with some parents.”

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MRC's @tierin_rose dives into the left's already over-celebration of Pride and far-left propaganda

— MRCTV (@mrctv) June 4, 2024

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