Thursday, 24 October 2024

Networks Present House Hearing as St. Merrick Garland vs. Republican Villains

The four nightly broadcast news shows (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS) on Tuesday presented Attorney General Merrick Garland’s House hearing as a brave moment where he proclaimed he would "not be intimidated" by House Republican demands. 

 The emphasis of every segment was a pitiable Garland attacked by the Republican bullies, the news seemed more and more like a teenage drama story, exempt from any attempt at nonpartisan journalism.

The House Republicans called the hearing in hopes of obtaining audio and video from President Biden’s meeting with Special Counsel Robert Hur about his handling of classified documents and concerns over links between the Bidens and the Trump Trial from the week prior. Yet in covering the hearing the networks seemed to care more for following their script, leading to a collection of biased stories, like ABC and NBC echoing: 

DAVID MUIR, ABC: We turn now to Capitol Hill, and to the combative hearing.


LESTER HOLT, NBC: And a combative House hearing, Attorney General Merrick Garland fought back against Republican attacks, including the false accusation the Justice Department was behind the Manhattan prosecution of former President Trump. 


GEOFF BENNETT, PBS: Attorney General Merrick Garland pushed back against Republican lawmakers today over what he called unprecedented attacks on the Justice Department. During an appearance before the House Judiciary Committee, Garland condemned what he called the conspiracy theory that his department played a part in Donald Trump's criminal hush money case in New York.

Major aspects of the hearing were quickly summed up in a few words, leaving out the context which was very clearly missing.

PIERRE THOMAS, ABC: And Garland, for the first time, blasting false allegations that the DOJ and Biden were behind the Manhattan District Attorney's prosecution and conviction of former President Trump on 34 felony counts.

GARLAND: That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself.

In each story it is evident the picture which the media hoped to paint. Detailing the Attorney General as “soft,-spoken,”and “pushing back … against dangerous attacks on the Justice Department.”  Meanwhile the Republicans were painted with comparatively aggressive descriptions of “angry”, “refusing”, and accused of “attacks” against their sainted Garland. 

What truly could be a truly interesting segment about issues which the Republican Officials are yet again swept under the rug for a dramatic, but incomplete story. Disappointing, though not surprising.


The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:


CBS Evening News with Norah O’Donnell


6:36:56 p.m.

58 seconds

[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Breaking News; Attorney General Garland: ‘I Will Not Be Intimidated’]

JAMES BROWN: Attorney General Merrick Garland pushed back today against what he calls dangerous attacks on the Justice Department. Garland appeared before the House Judiciary Committee amid threats from Republicans to hold him in contempt of Congress. Garland accused Republicans of spreading false conspiracy theories suggesting the Justice Department was involved in former President Donald Trump's historic conviction last week by a New York jury.

ATTORNEY GENERAL MERRICK GARLAND: These repeated attacks on the Justice Department are unprecedented, and they are unfounded. These attacks have not and they will not influence our decision-making. I will not be intimidated, and the Justice Department will not be intimidated.

BROWN: Garland also shot down the baseless claim that federal law enforcement was cleared to use deadly force against Trump during their search for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.


CBS Mornings


7:12:15 a.m.

1 minute and 57 seconds


[NEWS HEADLINE: Merrick Garland Testifies; AG Says Trump & Republicans Attacks on Judicial System Are Dangerous]

VLADIMIR DUTHIERS: U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland was called to Capitol Hill yesterday to face Republican lawmakers who say the Department of Justice is targeting former President Trump. As Nicole Killion reports, Garland rejected those claims, calling them dangerous.

ATTORNEY GENERAL MERRICK GARLAND: I will not be intimidated, and the Justice Department will not be intimidated.

NIKOLE KILLION: In some of his most forceful comments to date, Attorney General Merrick Garland defended his department from false attacks.

GARLAND: That is false. The allegation is not true. That’s a false characterization.

KILLION: The attorney general said the DOJ had no involvement in the local prosecutions of former President Trump in Georgia or New York, where he was convicted last week.

CONGRESSMAN MATT GAETZ (R-FL): Will the Department of Justice provide to the committee all documents, all correspondence between the department and Alvin Bragg’s office and Fani Willis’s office and Letitia James’ office?

GARLAND: The offices you’re referring to are independent offices of state.

GAETZ: I don’t need a history lesson.

GARLAND: We do not control those offices.

KILLION: Garland was also scrutinized over the classified document and January 6 probes of  Trump led by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

CONGRESSMAN JIM JORDAN (R-OH): He was the best pick for the most high profile investigation ever?

GARLAND: He was independent, he was nonpartisan.

KILLION: Federal cases against Hunter Biden —

GARLAND: I have never spoken to Hunter Biden in my life.

KILLION: — and GOP lawmakers pressed him to turn over tapes of President Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

CONGRESSMAN ANDY BIGGS (R-AZ): You’ve been non-responsive, and that’s why we need the audio.

KILLION: Democrats slammed the other side.

CONGRESSWOMAN BECCA BALINT (D-VT): I do not partake in cannabis products, but after today’s hearing, I could understand why someone might want to actually pop a gummy. It is maddening.

CONGRESSMAN ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): They care more about this convicted felon than they do the country.

KILLION: Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan told me the House could move forward with a full contempt vote against Garland as soon as next week, although the speaker says timing is still being worked out, Nate.

NATE BURLESON: Nikole, thank you


NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt


07:08:07 PM ET

Run Time: 1:57


[NEWS HEADLINE: Breaking News; Garland: 'I Will Not Be Intimidated]

LESTER HOLT: At a combative house hearing, Attorney General Merrick Garland fought back against Republican attacks, including the false accusation the Justice Department was behind the Manhattan prosecution of former President Trump. Here is Hallie Jackson.

[Cuts to Video]

[NEWS HEADLINE: A.G. Garland: ‘I Will Not Be Intimidated’]

HALLIE JACKSON: A message both blunt and sharp tonight from the attorney general.

MERRICK GARLAND: I will not be intimidated, and the Justice Department will not be intimidated.

JACKSON: A full-throated defense from the typically soft-spoken AG, targeting Republican attacks on the Justice Department and slamming suggestions the DOJ had a hand in former President Trump's state felony conviction last week, as Mr. Trump falsely claimed.

GARLAND: That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself.

JACKSON: But many Republicans insist the Biden DOJ's playing politics.

CONGRESSMAN JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Many Americans believe there is now a double standard in our justice system. They believe that because there is.

JACKSON: The House GOP looking to hold Merrick Garland in contempt of congress for defying a subpoena for the audio of the interview between President Biden and Special Counsel Robert Hur, who ultimately declined to prosecute the President over his handling of classified documents, suggesting a jury would be unlikely to convict a “well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory.” The interview transcript has already been released, but Republicans want more.

CONGRESSMAN SCOTT FITZGERALD (R-WI): We haven't heard the tapes. We don't know if they match up.

CONGRESSMAN KELLY ARMSTRONG (R-ND): If you have audio or video, that is better than a transcript.

REPRESENTATIVE ANDY BIGGS (R-AZ): Substantively, the transcript may be accurate. But you know what? The audio would tell us so much more.

JACKSON: But the White House asserted executive privilege over the recordings at the request of Garland, who today says he'd be concerned about a possible chilling effect if they were released.

GARLAND: It could influence witnesses' answers if they thought the audio of their law enforcement interviews would be broadcast to Congress and the public.

[Cuts to Live]

JACKSON: And with the House Speaker rolling out a new three-part plan today to go after the justice department, the GOP fight is clearly not over yet. Lester

HOLT: Hallie Jackson, thank you.


ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir


06:40:25 PM ET

Run Time: 1:50


[NEWS HEADLINE: Garland: "I Will Not Be Intimidated"]

DAVID MUIR: We turn now to Capitol Hill, and to the combative hearing. Attorney General Merrick Garland defending the Justice Department from allegations of political bias, reminding lawmakers that the DOJ had no role in Donald Trump's conviction in New York state. Here's our chief justice correspondent Pierre Thomas.

[Cuts to Video]

[NEWS HEADLINE: Garland :"I will not be Intimidated" Atty. Gen. Condemns Conspiracy Theories About Trump Case ]

PIERRE THOMAS: Tonight, the Attorney General firing back, rebuking Republican claims that the Department of Justice is being weaponized.

MERRICK GARLAND: These repeated attacks on the Justice Department are unprecedented and they are unfounded.

THOMAS: In an intense, more than five-hour hearing, Garland today defiant, even as he faces the threat of being held in contempt by House Republicans for refusing to release the audio of President Biden's interview with the special counsel over Biden's handling of classified documents.

GARLAND: I will not be intimidated. And the Justice Department will not be intimidated.

THOMAS: And Garland, for the first time, blasting false allegations that the DOJ and Biden were behind the Manhattan District Attorney's prosecution and conviction of former President Trump on 34 felony counts.

GARLAND: That conspiracy theory is an attack on the judicial process itself.

THOMAS: But Republicans accusing the DOJ of playing politics, clearly angry about the Manhattan jury's verdict.

CONGRESSMAN JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Justice is no longer blind in America.

HOUSE SPEAKER MIKE JOHNSON (R-LA): They're so desperate to stop him that they're willing to use the judicial system to do so. It is a new low.

THOMAS: Democrats forcefully pushing back.

CONGRESSMAN JERRY NADLER (D-NY): These Republicans don't care what's in the interest of the American people. They just care about getting their favorite felon back in the White House.

[Cuts to Live]

THOMAS: All these allegations of accusing the DOJ of playing politics come at a dangerous moment. He worries it could fuel a spike in threats of violence aimed at DOJ employees. David?

MUIR: Pierre Thomas, live on the Hill tonight. Pierre, thank you.

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