Saturday, 21 September 2024

NewsBusters Podcast: Biden Lays an Egg on Transgender Day of Easter

The hot item of the Easter weekend on conservative social media was President Biden's "compassionate" embrace of Transgender Day of Visibility when it coincided with Easter. Biden chose his woke-left voters over church-going Christian voters. The media rushed to Biden's defense. Managing Editor Curtis Houck reviews the hot takes on Biden and Trump on TV.

When conservatives began tweeting, the Stelters of the world started the so-called "fact checking." The date of Easter moves around and our Transgender Day does not! So they didn't put their Transgender Day on Easter on purpose! but Biden chose to honor it.  This should be a sticky wicket for Biden, but it wasn’t. It was a no-brainer on the Left. 

Meanwhile, the cable networks quickly broke out the latest Trump attack, that he spent the Christian holy day unloading his Truth Social messages. Suddenly Easter was too holy for Trump, but Biden didn't clash with the Christians.

At the White House press briefing, Curtis tweeted this unbelievable tee-ball question to KJP from AP reporter Will Weissert: “So, the criticism over the Transgender Day of Visibility, the White House said that the President wouldn't abuse his faith for political purposes. Does the President think that's what Republicans are doing on this?”

NBC News put out a Biden-defense piece titled "Conservatives shell long-standing White House Easter egg contest."  They  lamented a flyer circulated by the adjutants general of the National Guard inviting children of National Guard members to submit Easter eggs to the White House contest caused a controversy, with "outlets like Fox News and The Daily Caller writing stories saying the administration is banning religious themes in this year's contest."

They admitted this year's flyer does say that the decorated Easter egg submissions "must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements." But the White House insisted the American Egg Board's "standard non-discrimination language" has been in use for 45 years. Deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said it was "unsurprising" that some "are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric."

"President Biden will never abuse his faith for political purposes or for profit," Bates added, noting that Biden is "a Christian who celebrates Easter with family."

On MSNBC, former Republican congressman David Jolly trashed Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson on Rev. Al Sharpton's show:: “The Jesus they celebrate today would be inclusive of the transgender community” Jolly implies Jesus thinks the Father is wrong to assign genders at birth. He should let the little children pick their own genders.

On Monday, Morning Joe regular Donnie Deutsch explained “Here’s why I think Republicans so heinously seize on the trans issue. Obviously the numbers are not there. The amount of trans athletes competing is, men with women, 0.0001%." Republicans pouncing on men in women's sports is "tragic and it's disgusting." 

Gregory on CBS with Marianne Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington. Ed O Keefe was guest-hosting really wanted to drive the point that Biden is a devout Catholic in his attendance at Mass. Cardinal Gregory is a very measured prelate. Being the church’s shepherd in DC ends up being very political, and the bishops in general have acted very gingerly about Biden. The cardinal stipulated that Biden is “very sincere about his faith," BUT he said the words “cafeteria Catholic.” Biden rejects the pieces of Catholic teaching that get in the way of seeking hardcore leftist Democrats.

We shared how it's funny that "heinous" describes complaining about men entering women's sports, but it's not "heinous" to terminate a baby in the third trimester.

Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. 

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