Thursday, 19 September 2024

POST-BIDEN SPEECH ROUNDUP: Lots of Gushing, Lots of Ridiculous Spin

Regime Media coverage of President Joe Biden’s speech was, as expected, equal parts in vita funeral, campaign spin, and part Cleanup on Aisle 46 in terms of obfuscating the real underlying reasons why Biden withdrew from the presidential race.

The tone was set very early on. “A speech for the history books”, exulted NBC’s Kristen Welker.

Over at CNN, Abby Phillip gushed about Biden being on the level of greats as GEORGE WASHINGTON.

As did MSNBC’s Joy Reid. 

Biden is no Washington, Jack. Washington didn’t look at polling before delivering his farewell address in 1796, nor was his fundraising held hostage until he withdrew. That such ridiculous comparisons can be uttered on national television without the speaker being laughed out of town makes a compelling case for mandatory civics education in all our schools. 

But anyway.

Post-speech, a tearful Van Jones mourned for Joe Biden, and made a false J6 equivalency.

I take it the temperature is cooled to everyone’s satisfaction. On that note, here’s MSNBC’s Alex Wagner, not talking about whiteness or masculinity but smearing the Supreme Court as a “threat to democracy”. 

One of the recurring themes among the broadcast networks was to insist that this very political speech was not a campaign speech, no sirree. Here are David Muir and Donna Brazile on ABC, trying to make that point while calling Biden “a patriot who stepped in when democracy needed it.”

ABC News titled their special broadcast “The Decision”, which was weird given that Biden had already announced that he was taking his talents to Rehoboth Beach.

NBC News did the “no campaign speech” fakery as well, while echoing some of Biden’s inflammatory rhetoric.

CBS quickly moved to the campaign portion of the program, and eagerly cued Biden…err Harris surrogate J.B. Pritzker for attacks against Trump.

I leave you with a rare moment of honesty amidst all the nonsensical spin: Kasie Hunt admitting that the Democrats did, in fact, shut down the primary that everyone insists happened transparently and without incident.

If you turned your TV on and expected serious, sober coverage of this speech that is, on its face, historic (albeit for different reasons than advertised), you were in for major disappointment, Sadly, the worst we can say is that this is exactly what we expected from the Regime Media.


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