Saturday, 21 September 2024

Sound of Freedom Producer on MRC UnCensored: Media, Hollywood ‘Tried to Silence Us’

Actor and producer Eduardo Verastegui spoke out against the hatred and censorship campaigns his films Cabrini and Sound of Freedom have faced from Hollywood, social media and legacy media. 

During the March 29 episode of MRC’s UnCensored, Verastegui said that both he and his films had been censored. When host and MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider asked Verastegui about attacks from media outlets like The New York Times and Hollywood’s opposition to his movies, Verastgui answered emphatically: “They tried to silence us.”

Verastgui told Schneider that he doesn’t make movies for Hollywood or media elites, but “for the people.” As for his elite critics, Verastgui said, “They tried to silence us, it’s not only in the United States, this is a global problem … I’m from Mexico. They tried to silence my movie, Sound of Freedom as well.” He went on to mention that his latest film, Cabrini, was facing similar attacks. 

“They are going to try and silence this movie as well. The feminist movement that doesn’t have God at the center of their lives, whatever they touch is destroyed, they already started a movement in Mexico not to see Mother Cabrini,” said Verastgui, before alleging that some protesters were demonizing Cabrini as “Christian propaganda” and were trying to burn posters of the film. 

The Sound of Freedom producer also said that he had been censored on social media and that the film itself suffered blowback after he announced a campaign for president in Mexico. “At the moment I announced that I was going to register and then raise one million signatures so I can be officially an independent candidate, they silenced our film, they removed our film from theaters, all the billboards of the film, they were removed,” said Verastgui. 

According to El Universal entertainment journalist Mariel Lopez Duran, Sound of Freedom appeared on 2,000 screens in Mexico during its opening week. The film made $7,477,850 in Mexico from Sept. 1 through Sept 10. Verastgui announced his presidential run on Sept. 7, 2023. Sound of Freedom earnings fell drastically over the weeks following the announcement. It is not apparent how many theaters were showing the movie during that time. 

He went on to mention that Instagram had discouraged users from following his account, “They canceled me on Instagram, on social media, for those 120 days, my Instagram, if you want to follow me, ‘Are you sure you want to follow Eduardo Verastgui who provides false information?’ The attacks were all over from every angle.” In other words, users were not only forced to take an extra step to follow Verastgui but were also strongly cautioned not to do so by the app. 

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