Friday, 25 October 2024

Sunny Hostin Claims the Solar Eclipse, Earthquake Caused by ‘Climate Change’

The liberal media loved to portray conservatives, Republicans, Trump supporters, and pretty much anyone right of center as crazy conspiracy theorists who shouldn’t be allowed a platform anywhere. But during Monday’s edition of The View, staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host, Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) proved just how dim she was when she asserted in all seriousness that Monday’s solar eclipse, Friday’s earthquake, and the coming cicada breeding season were all caused by “climate change.”

Hostin’s unhinged conspiracy theories may have been the wildest, but they were not the first during the episode. Faux conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin rhetorically scoffed at the idea that the Friday earthquake in New Jersey was a sign that Jesus was returning, but suggested former President Trump’s gold club had something to do with it:

So, what’s kind of crazy is with the earthquake on Friday and then the eclipse today, people are having all sorts of conspiracies about the end of the world. And then I read online that the earthquake epicenter was actually at Bedminster in New Jersey. Fun fact. So it originated with Trump.

Hostin, a self-proclaimed devout Catholic, laughed about how their studio makeup artist “put on her coat” and “ran down the hallway” during the earthquake saying “Jesus is coming” and “the rapture is here.”

She also bloviated about how it was the first time in 100 years that two different cicada broods were emerging for their mating seasons at the same time.



Apparently, all the pieces were on the table and only Hostin was smart enough to put them together, and “climate change” was the answer. “All those things together would maybe lead one to believe that either climate change exists, or something is really going on,” she proclaimed.

You knew things were bad when Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg were the voices of reason.

“Except earthquakes are not at the mercy of climate change. It's underground. It can’t,” Behar pushed back. But Hostin wouldn’t listen to reason. “How about the warming of the planet?” she huffed in what she seemingly thought was a checkmate, without evidence of how it would cause earthquakes miles below the earth’s surface.

“No, it happens. And the eclipse, they've known about the eclipse coming because eclipses happen and they actually can say when these things are going to happen,” Goldberg argued. She also went off on how God would not give a warning about when the end times would occur:

So, all these folks who are saying, “You know, it's a sign from God,” God doesn't give you warning. Okay? You think he gave people at the Tower of Babble warning? “Oh, I'm about to jack y'all up.” No. God does stuff and then you figure, “Oh, that's probably because I just – uh” [pretends to die]. You know?

Goldberg and Hostin also got into it over the cicada brood emergences occurring because of climate change. Goldberg noted that their breeding cycles have been known for a while and they’re sticking to it (Click “expand”):

HOSTIN: Cicadas. For the first time in like 100 years, there’s two different kinds –

GOLDBERG: No. No. No. No. No. No, No. No. That’s not – No. No.

HOSTIN: Well, that is what I read. Two different kind of --

GOLDBERG: There's two different kinds of cicadas coming.

HOSTIN: Yeah, two different times are coming.

BEHAR: The good cicadas and the bad cicadas.


HOSTIN: This is for the first time in many, many years.

GOLDBERG: No. Every 17 years this happens.

Hostin’s defense basically came down to “that's not what I read” online.

It’s worth mentioning again that The View is under the ABC News umbrella.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

ABC’s The View
April 8, 2024
11:03:39 a.m. Eastern


ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: So, what’s kind of crazy is with the earthquake on Friday and then the eclipse today, people are having all sorts of conspiracies about the end of the world. And then I read online that the earthquake epicenter was actually at Bedminster in New Jersey.


FARAH GRIFFIN: Fun fact. So it originated with Trump.


SUNNY HOSTIN: I know, right? I have to say, Karen Dupiche our wonderful makeup artist, when the earthquake was happening, she put her coat on and she was, “Like, Jesus is coming. I'm out. I’m leaving. We got a solar eclipse. We got the earthquake.”

SARA HAINES: She ran down the hallway.

HOSTIN: She ran down the hallway.

FARAH GRIFFIN: The rapture is here.

HOSTIN: The rapture is here. And then also, I learned that the cicadas [mispronunciation] are coming.



HOSTIN: Cicadas. For the first time in like 100 years, there’s two different kinds –

GOLDBERG: No. No. No. No. No. No, No. No. That’s not – No. No.

HOSTIN: Well, that is what I read. Two different kind of --

GOLDBERG: There's two different kinds of cicadas coming.

HOSTIN: Yeah, two different times are coming.

BEHAR: The good cicadas and the bad cicadas.


HOSTIN: This is for the first time in many, many years.

GOLDBERG: No. Every 17 years this happens.

HOSTIN: Well, that's not what I read, but maybe, you know, maybe you know better.

GOLDBERG: But either way --

HOSTIN: All those things together, would maybe lead one to believe that either climate change exists, or something is really going on.

BEHAR: That’s more on point.

FARAH GRIFFIN: Or Jesus is returning.

BEHAR: Except earthquakes are not at the mercy of climate change. It's underground. It can’t.

HOSTIN: How about the warming of the planet?

GOLDBERG: No, it happens. And the eclipse, they've known about the eclipse coming because eclipses happen and they actually can say when these things are going to happen.

So, all these folks who are saying, “You know, it's a sign from God,” God doesn't give you warning. Okay? You think he gave people at the Tower of Babble warning? “Oh, I'm about to jack y'all up.” No. God does stuff and then you figure, “Oh, that's probably because I just – uh” [pretends to die]. You know?

I mean – It's -- No, but the cicadas come -- we have them every 17 years. There are some we get every 20-some-odd years and they just go under and they come back up, and now there's

BEHAR: What do they do?

GOLDBERG: They make noise and they have sex.

SARA HAINES: And sing.

HOSTIN: And this time both types are coming.

BEHAR: They have sex?

GOLDBERG: Yes. They make new cicadas.

BEHAR: What's the noise when they’re having sex, “Oh god?”


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