Sunday, 27 October 2024

Sununu Triggers The View, Points Out Kamala’s Undemocratic Nomination

On Thursday’s edition of ABC’s The View, the penultimate for the season, Republican Governor Chris Sununu (NH) sent the liberal ladies into a tailspin by pointing out how the Democratic Party – the self-appointed defenders of democracy – had a very undemocratic method of anointing Vice President Kamala Harris the presumptive nominee.

Staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) tried to argue that Democratic primary voters “voted for Harris too. She was on the ticket.” But she wasn’t. During the primary season, President Biden’s was the name at appeared on the ballot. Hence why vice presidential nominees have to approved at conventions; not to mention the fact that none of the other Democratic challengers had veep picks.

“She has 2,000 delegates she has already,” Hostin continued to brag. Sununu countered her on that point by calling out how party elites had made calls to push Biden out and wrangle the delegates to fall in line, causing moderator Whoopi Goldberg to blow a gasket:

SUNUNU: Guys, look, three phone calls were made from Schumer and Pelosi, Biden said I'm in this thing, I'm not leaving. A couple phone calls are made and all of a sudden he's pushed out and in 48 hours all the delegates aren't given a choice of other candidates, they’re told you're going to get behind Kamala.

GOLDBERG: That's actually not what happened! But go ahead.

SUNUNU: But where is the other choice?

GOLDBERG: That’s not actually – The other choices decided she was the best choice. That’s what they decided.

SUNUNU: But who decided? Who’s they?



In answering Sununu’s question of “who decided?” Hostin and co-host Joy Behar sounded like the seagulls from Finding Nemo, echoing: “The delegates did. The delegates did. The delegates did.” “But the delegates haven’t voted yet, guys,” Sununu popped their bubble. “The delegates decided,” Behar repeated.

Ignoring Democrats such as Congressman Dean Phillips (MN), who was actually a primary challenger, Goldberg pointed to others not in the race to show people bowing down to Harris. “But also I'm saying Newsom said ‘I'm not going to challenge this.’ People decided who would have gone in to challenge said ‘no, we're not going to challenge her,’” she argued.

Sununu’s efforts to get them to see reason were futile. When he tried to “flip it” and see what their reaction to a Republican Party unilaterally dumping Trump and installing challenger Ambassador Nikki Haley, faux conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin clownishly proclaimed: “I wish we had a party that could operate that way!” Hostin, missing the point of the analogy, noted: “But they can’t the convention happened already.”

“But that would be awful. But everyone has to accept that would be awful for America. But that would be awful because the voters have to decide,” Sununu pushed back on Farah Griffin. Behar seemingly couldn’t wrap her head around how it could be bad for America and seemed to hint that he had an issue because of sexism. “Why? Why would it be awful? So, it would be two women against each other,” she pressed.

His insistence on calling the Democratic Party’s leadership “elites” triggered the snowflake moderator. “Stop calling them elites!” Goldberg exclaimed.

By this point, Behar was over it and wanted everyone to stop taking about the undemocratic nature of Harris’s nomination. “Look, that's – by the way, that's ship has sailed. She's the nominee. So why beat a dead horse? Ok, let's move on,” she demanded.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

ABC’s The View
August 1, 2024
11:31:29 a.m. Eastern


GOV. CHRIS SUNUNU (R-NH): The challenge I think Democrats have, let's -- Let's talk about what's really going on in the last couple of weeks here. So, the Democrat voters all voted for Joe Biden and then a couple elites said, yeah.

SUNNY HOSTIN: Well, they voted for Harris too. She was on the ticket.

SUNUNU: Understood. That's right but they voted for him –


That's right, but they voted for Biden to be president and then it wasn't like it was sent to the convention and then the delegates had a choice or anything like that. A couple elites --

HOSTIN: She has 2,000 delegates she has already.

SUNUNU: That's right and she did it in –


Guys, look, three phone calls were made from Schumer and Pelosi, Biden said I'm in this thing, I'm not leaving. A couple phone calls are made and all of a sudden he's pushed out and in 48 hours all the delegates aren't given a choice of other candidates, they’re told you're going to get behind Kamala.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: That's actually not what happened! But go ahead.

SUNUNU: But where is the other choice?

GOLDBERG: That’s not actually – The other choices decided she was the best choice. That’s what they decided.

SUNUNU: But who decided? Who’s they?

HOSTIN: The delegates did.

GOLDBERG: That’s who the people who were running. The people who would have –

JOY BEHAR: The delegates did.

HOSTIN: The delegates did.

GOLDBERG: Governor Newsom decided he didn’t—

SUNUNU: But the delegates haven’t voted yet, guys.

BEHAR: The delegates decided.

GOLDBERG: But also I'm saying Newsom said ‘I'm not going to challenge this.’ People decided who would have gone in to challenge said ‘no, we're not going to challenge her. We actually think—’ So, I can tell you --

SUNUNU: A lot of people voted for the ticket.



GOLDBERG: GO ahead, babe.

SARA HAINES: There was another scenario that could have happened here, where President Biden could have said, ‘In order to I have go you a nudge and really make it a decision we’re making, I could step down as president and you could step up right now,’ and she'd be going into an election.

SUNUNU: But he didn't want that.

HAINES: Right, but I'm saying that is actually something that's a little more disenfranchised --

SUNUNU: So, let me flip it if I could. What if I said, ‘you know what, Trump, you're losing in the polls now and we have another candidate and the head of the Republican National Committee and myself and a bunch of others say you're out. We're just going to instill Nikki Haley now because the polls are –‘

FARAH GRIFFIN: I wish we had a party that could operate that way!


SUNUNU: But that would be awful. But everyone has to accept that would be awful for America.

HOSTIN: But they can’t the convention happened already.

SUNUNU: But that would be awful because the voters have to decide.

BEHAR: Why? Why would it be awful?

SUNUNU: Because voters have to decide, not elites.

BEHAR: So, it would be two women against each other.

GOLDBERG: Stop calling them elites! That’s – You’re –

SUNUNU: No, no, insiders, let’s say.


SUNUNU: No, no. I just want -- I'm a big believer, everyone should vote. You guys are -- but.

HOSTIN: They did vote. They voted for Harris as vice president and the delegates want her as the nominee

GOLDBERG: Go ahead, Joy.

BEHAR: Look, that's – by the way, that's ship has sailed. She's the nominee. So why beat a dead horse? Ok, let's move on.

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