Sunday, 27 October 2024

The Media Have Turned On Biden (For Now)

They want Joe to go. The left-leaning “mainstream” media could not be making their views on Joe Biden clearer. Headline after headline portrays this, that or another Democrat leaking a headline somewhere that, sad as it is, Joe must go.

As if running their own Times editorial headlining this were not enough?

To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race

To add insult to injury The Times felt compelled to give actor George Clooney space to trash the Democrat President. Clooney’s headline:

George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.   

In which Clooney - who a mere three weeks earlier hosted a Hollywood-style fundraiser bringing in zillions for Biden from Clooney’s fellow lefties - now turns on Biden and says, reluctantly of course, that Joe must go.

It is safe to say the liberal media has been living out a serious conflict with respect to Biden. Headlines oozing a strict neutrality about Biden announcing his re-election bid fill the Internet with headlines like these:  

  • NBCBiden announces he is running for re-election, framing 2024 as a choice between 'more rights or fewer’ 
  • CNNBiden announces reelection bid, saying battle for nation’s soul isn’t complete 
  • New York Times: Biden Announces Re-election Bid, Defying Trump and History 
  • Associated PressBiden announces 2024 reelection bid: ‘Let’s finish this job’ 
  • And on and on, with foreign outposts like the UK’s BBC and Canada’s CBC joining in.

    Then, of a sudden, post the now-infamous tangle on the debate stage with former President Trump and the predictable flood of Times-obeying liberals in and out of the media and the Democrat Party quickly follow suit, pressuring Biden to get out of the race.

    Taken all together, all of this is nothing less than a vivid illustration of just how much clout the liberal media has with trying - and succeeding often enough - to shape both public opinion and the opinion of Democrat Party elites. 

    Once upon a time the younger Joe was a liberal media hero. Remember Senate Judiciary Chairman Biden who used his post to destroy the confirmation of Reagan Supreme Court nominee Judge Robert Bork? Back in the day The Hill headlined: 

    Joe Biden, the father of ‘Borking’

    The liberal NPR was thrilled, not least because Biden’s borking of Bork helped him recover from a nascent and troubled presidential campaign in 1987, headlining in 2019 when another Biden presidential run was in the offing: 

    For Joe Biden, 1987 Brought Triumph In The Wake Of Political Setback  

    But now? Now in the twilight of Biden’s life, as wife and close friends (enough of them, at any rate) plot and scheme to re-elect him for a second presidential term that would end when he is 86, the Times and others in the media have finally turned on ‘ole Joe. His time has come, they suddenly say. It’s over.

    And in suddenly doing this, the liberal media - with a parade of Democrats now trailing along - has signaled the end of the Biden career.

    The question now? Will America - not to mention the Democrat Party - obey the media masters who are turning on ‘ole Joe? Or not?

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