Monday, 28 October 2024

THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD: CBS’s Weijia Jiang Admits The Regime Media Drove Anti-Vance ‘Weird’, ‘Cat Ladies’ Narratives

One of the main purposes of the Regime Media, formerly known as “mainstream”, is to further partisan Democrat narratives and do everything possible so as to push them out to the general public. The most recent example of this partisan message echoing disguised as news is the ceaseless promotion of negative narratives intended to adversely shape the electorate’s opinion of Senator JD Vance (R-OH), the 2024 GOP vice presidential candidate.

Watch as CBS White House Correspondent admits as much on Face the Nation:



11:23 AM

ED O’KEEFE: Let's play what he had to say about JD Vance.

DONALD TRUMP: Historically, the vice president in terms of the election does not have any impact. I mean, virtually no impact. You have two or three days where there's a lot of commotion as to who, like you're having it on the Democrat side who it's going to be, and then that dies down and it's all about the presidential pick. Virtually never has it mattered.

O’KEEFE: Not exactly singing Vance's praises there.

KADIA GOBA: No. It wasn't. And, you know, leading up to the pick before he was announced, Republicans were kind of split on this. I heard a lot of them saying, “well, JD Vance, as long as it's not JD Vance because he brings nothing to the ticket.” On the other side people said, well, they like his background, they like this guy, came from nothing, now he's a senator. But also, I mean, either way, for a presidential nominee to say that about his running mate, is pretty detrimental, whether it's -- he might very well be, you know, accurate, but it's kind of like, interesting to say that.

WEIJIA JIANG: Especially because all you have to look at is what we've been talking about with regard to the Republican ticket since Vance was named, which is his comments from a few years ago about single cat ladies, which is how weird he is. So it’s taking away from Trump and that is an impact in and of itself.  

Jiang’s uncoerced admission came at the back end of “analysis” about former President Donald Trump’s candid remarks on vice presidential candidacies during his forum at the National Association of Black Journalists’ convention. In this context, it is interesting to see Semafor’s Kadia Goba admit that Trump might be accurate in his assessment of the politics of a vice presidential pick- even though everyone took turns saying it was “detrimental”, or adverse in some way.

And this is when Jiang pipes in. Her confession is twofold: not only did she admit that the Regime Media chose the “cat lady” and “weird” talking points as a focal point of coverage, but that they do so because it detracts from any Trump messaging. “So it’s taking away from Trump and that is an impact in and of itself”.

Election interference, when performed by the Regime Media, can take multiple forms. Sometimes a story is suppressed, as in the case of Hunter Biden’s laptop. And sometimes, that election interference comes in the incessant pushing of narrative- as in the cases of “cat ladies” and “weird”, respectively. Different means, but the intended outcome is the same- to tilt the balance of public opinion in support of the Democratic ticket.

If it weren’t for Regime Media, we’d have no media at all.


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