Friday, 20 September 2024

The View & Jill Biden: ‘We Will Lose All of Our Rights’ If GOP Get Elected!

The scent of desperation permeated the set of ABC’s The View on Wednesday as the liberal ladies teamed up with First Lady Jill Biden to shriek like banshees about how, if Republicans won in November and got to put another conservative justice on the Supreme Court, “We will lose all of our rights!” Co-host Joy Behar also shrilly vented to Biden about people questioning her husband’s mental acuity.

Near the end of the second of three segments, Dr. Biden implored everyone to “think of the Supreme Court, for God's sake!” “Talk about things getting worse,” she added, “Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court?”

“We’re finished,” Behar announced. Biden then fear mongered that “We will lose all of our rights” and got resounding agreement from moderator Whoopi Goldberg:

BIDEN: So, we're talking about women's rights, gay rights, I mean, we will lose our rights and freedoms!

GOLDBERG: Voting rights!

BIDEN: Voting rights, yes!

GOLDBERG: Voting rights. All of this is up at stake.

Earlier in the first segment, Behar lamented that the American people didn’t trust President Biden’s mental fitness for office. She defended him by boasting about how he once told her he exercised “every day.” “Yes, every day,” the First Lady agreed.



“What do we have to do to tell people that the man is competent, alert, and doing the job and it's not about his age?” Behar raged. Ignoring all of Biden's senior moments, she lashed out at former President Trump, declaring: “The other one is doddering and doesn't remember anything and can't put a sentence together and has like brain farts in the middle of a paragraph and they go after Joe.”

Biden suggested that the election was “not about age” because they were similar in age, but rather “about character.”

Further in the interview, pretend independent Sara Haines shared her enthusiasm for how heavy CNN would be with their “guardrails” during the debate because they would have control of Trump’s microphone. “Donald Trump will gaslight, he over-talks,” she griped.

Asked about “what is the strategy” her husband would be using, Biden laughably suggested that her husband doesn’t “scream” at anyone. “No, they built that in where they’re gonna turn off the mics so that somebody can't ramble or scream at somebody, you know, not that my husband would be the one doing that,” she asserted.

But according to an Axios article from the summer of 2023, “Biden angrily yells, curse at aides in private.” “Behind closed doors, Biden has such a quick-trigger temper that some aides try to avoid meeting alone with him. Some take a colleague, almost as a shield against a solo blast,” national political reporter Alex Thompson wrote.

Of course, faux-conservative Alyssa Farah Griffin was her usual useless self and didn’t push back on any of it.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

ABC’s The View
May 29, 2024
11:18:17-11:19:07 a.m. Eastern


JOY BEHAR: But I know, I have met him a couple of times. He seems right on top of it. I said last time he was here, “do you work out?” He said, “Yes. Every day.”

JILL BIDEN: Yes, every day.

BEHAR: What do we have to do to tell people that the man is competent, alert, and doing the job and it's not about his age? The other one is doddering and doesn't remember anything and can't put a sentence together and has like brain farts in the middle of a paragraph and they go after Joe.

BIDEN: Well, you know - This is – This election is not about age because like you said -- I mean Donald Trump's going to be, what, 78? And Joe is 81. They're basically the same age.

BEHAR: Right.

BIDEN: But it’s about character.



SARAH HAINES: Donald Trump will gaslight, he over talks- there are no guardrails. So-

BEHAR: He stalks.

HAINES: Yeah, well I happen to believe it's really important more than ever to have a debate with guardrails. What is the strategy that the president has going into this, any tips you’d have for a debate that we could pull off where we could actually hear our candidates?

BIDEN: No, they built that in where they’re gonna turn off the mics so that somebody can't ramble or scream at somebody, you know, not that my husband would be the one doing that.

And so, that's already been negotiated and, you know, I think -- but I think the American people deserve a debate because you need to see your choices. You need to see Trump and you need to see the President and you need to see the differences. And my husband -- and you're going to see how smart he is and the experience he has and then you'll see somebody who, like you're saying, I'm gonna use Joy's words, can't put a sentence together and everything is beautiful and it is wonderful-

BEHAR: Tremendous.


BIDEN: Yeah, yeah tremendous.



BIDEN: But we cannot take things for granted because they can – And think of the Supreme Court, for God's sake, talk about things getting worse. Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court?

HOSTIN: No, no.

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