Saturday, 26 October 2024

The View’s Faux Conservative Whines Hunter Biden Trial Is a ‘Distraction’ from the Issues

Hunter Biden was finally brought to trial this week to answer for his alleged crime of lying on a federal background check form when purchasing a firearm, a felony. But ABC’s Alyssa Farah Griffin, one of The View’s faux-conservatives, finally found a trial she didn’t like. After previously cheering on the ethically dubious trial of former President Trump, on Tuesday’s show she was decrying the trials as a distraction from the real issues.

For months prior to Tuesday, Farah Griffin had touted the trial against Trump because polling data suggested that a non-insignificant portion of Republican voters would ditch him if he was convicted. But now that a conviction had been scored, she was finished with all the trial coverage now that Biden was under the microscope.

“I'm not particularly interested in this case but I think I am frustrated this election cycle the media coverage feels like it's trial this, conviction this, this trial, him walking into the courtroom,” she huffed.

She got close to admitting the truth when she lamented that the media’s obsessive coverage of the trials was distracting from real issues like the economy:

FARAH GRIFFIN: And it’s like, why aren't we talking about what people care about, their ability to afford utilities this summer, the economy, addressing border security? It just becomes this convoluted distraction that I worry is making people tune out the news and not wanting to be engaged politically.

BEHAR: Well, you say the media –

FARAH GRIFFIN: Yes, but it feels like –

BEHAR: But everybody in the media is responsible including us because you sit here and talk about all the accomplishments of Biden administration, people tune out!

FARAH GRIFFIN: Well, I’m not interested in talking about the Biden accomplishments, but what's happening in the country that voters care about.

Distracting from Bidenomics is the point, Alyssa.



Near the top of the segment, moderator Whoopi Goldberg beclowned herself again by declaring, “Don't you think if he [President Biden] had that much power, Hunter probably wouldn't be on trial?”

Staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) built off of Goldberg by adding that the trial showed that “no one is above the law.”

This ignored the fact that the prosecutor was going to give the President’s son a sweetheart plea deal that would have avoided prosecution on the gun charges before the judge stepped in and rejected the deal.

A bit shockingly, Hostin declared that she didn’t “have a problem with him being on trial” because “that's how this country should be.”

“It's a case about buying a firearm and lying on your application saying that you have never used drugs and he was an active addict at the time,” she explained. “So, out of the cases that are investigated, there are 80 million Americans that have purchased firearms. Only about a thousand a year are investigated. 12 were prosecuted. That is 0.09 percent of the cases. Less than one percent of the cases are investigated but guess what, Hunter is one of them.”

Back in September, The View cast decried the gun charges with fake Republican Ana Navarro arguing that all addicts “lie” and “commit crime” so Hunter was nothing special.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

ABC’s The View
June 4, 2024
11:17:01 a.m. Eastern


WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Don't you think if he [President Biden] had that much power, Hunter probably wouldn't be on trial?

SUNNY HOSTIN: Of course. And I love that question, because not only is Hunter Biden on trial showing that no one is above the law.


HOSTIN: President Biden has indicated if he is convicted he will not pardon him.


HOSTIN: Okay? Because no one is above the law.

And the other thing that I will say is, this is an interesting case. It's a case about buying a firearm and lying on your application saying that you have never used drugs and he was an active addict at the time. Some people argue that you're always an addict. That you live day to day, right?

SARA HAINES: Does it ask you if you've never or just if you currently addicted to something?

HOSTIN: I'm not sure. I'm not sure.

So, out of the cases that are investigated, there are 80 million Americans that have purchased firearms. Only about a thousand a year are investigated. 12 were prosecuted. That is 0.09 percent of the cases. Less than one percent of the cases are investigated but guess what, Hunter is one of them. And I say that's how this country should be.

GOLDBERG: That’s how it’s supposed to be. Yes.

HOSTIN: That's how the country is supposed to work. I don't have a problem with him being on trial. I suspect he'll get a drug diversion.


11:19:11 a.m. Eastern

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: Listen, let the facts play out. I'm not particularly interested in this case but I think I am frustrated this election cycle the media coverage feel like it's trial this, conviction this, this trial, him walking into the courtroom. And it’s like, why aren't we talking about what people care about, their ability to afford utilities this summer, the economy, addressing border security? It just becomes this convoluted distraction that I worry is making people tune out the news and not wanting to be engaged politically.

BEHAR: Well, you say the media –

FARAH GRIFFIN: Yes, but it feels like –

BEHAR: But everybody in the media is responsible including us because you sit here and talk about all the accomplishments of Biden administration, people tune out!

FARAH GRIFFIN: Well, I’m not interested in talking about the Biden accomplishments, but what's happening in the country that voters care about.


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