Friday, 18 October 2024

The View Uses Deceptively Edited Vid to Label Trump ‘Senile,’ ‘Crazy’

On Monday morning, following another eventful weekend, The View took to the air to, once again, complain about Donald Trump, in their own words, “you-know-who.” The women reacted to a video recap of Trump's comments from a rally. Yet their confusion from the video should more accurately be attributed to the deceptive and chaotic editing, and not the delivery of the former President. 

The soundbites in question came from Trump’s campaign rally in Las Vegas, Nevada and were stitched together with multiple cuts:

TRUMP: I'm up here sweating like a dog. Secret service said, we have to make sure everyone's safe. I said, what about me? Oh, we never thought of that. [Cut] Are the teleprompters not working? Not even a little bit. Great job, and then I don't pay the company that does it, right? Then I end up with a story, Trump doesn't pay. I don't pay contractors that do a [ bleep ] Job, and that's a [ bleep ] Job. [Cut] They're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery's now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there. [Cut] The boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? [Cut] I'll take electrocution every single time. I'm not getting near the shark. [Cuts back to Live]

Its clear from the production, that properly informing their viewers, was not a clear intention of ABC News here. As the clip of Trump finished, no context was given as the hosts - clearly confused – launched into a ridiculous and uninformed conversation:


WHOOPIE GOLDBERG: Okay. So y'all always concerned that I'm smoking something. What's he smoking? Oh my god. 


GOLDBERG: I don't know what is going on. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: Okay so the first part, that literally sounds like me after, like, four espresso martinis, like, “shark, water, boat.” It's just. Bizarre.




As a faux-conservative on the panel, Farah Griffin then used this clip to suggest Trump’s old age and decline, as equivalent to or worse than President Biden’s (Click “expand”):

But this election has been a lot about mental acuity and the stamina of these two presidential candidates who are the oldest in history, and I have at times been critical of Joe Biden. But I think that if you’re going to be critical of Joe Biden, you have to look at the glaring warning signs about Donald Trump.


He's not where he once was. And, yeah exactly it's the look. I'm convinced that the stress of having lost the 2020 election, the legal, you know, the convictions, the indictments, all just piling up, and him finally maybe being held accountable.

“And these pending trials I think they’re getting to him and I don't think he's as sharp as he once was, and I don't recognize how his voters don't see that more,” she huffed.

Ana Navarro suggested that their video was enough evidence to “take him in for a neurological exam.” “Donald Trump is senile, incoherent, crazy, offensive, outrageous, disgusting, evil, and convicted,” she added.

Truly a misplaced comparison, as Trump’s teleprompter difficulties had nothing to do with his own faculties, or mental capability.

This has not been the first time The View has gone out of their way to highlight those who are “ageist” toward President Biden. Yet Monday morning’s segment made it clear that the ABC producers are not trying to explain any part of the story in a fair way. Instead taking every opportunity to twist the narrative, manipulate their audience, and further spread misinformation.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

ABC’S The View


11:02:09 AM EST

Total Run Time: 4 minutes 41 seconds

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: So, when a candidate makes a public appearance, they usually lay out their vision for the future, and the policies they'll put in place, but then there's you-know-who. He held his first campaign rally since his conviction, and I think it was the 110-degree heat in Vegas that really got to him. Take a look.

[Cuts to Video]

DONALD TRUMP: I'm up here sweating like a dog. Secret service said, we have to make sure everyone's safe. I said, what about me? Oh, we never thought of that.


Are the teleprompters not working? Not even a little bit. Great job, and then I don't pay the company that does it, right? Then I end up with a story, Trump doesn't pay. I don't pay contractors that do a [ bleep ] Job, and that's a [ bleep ] Job. 


They're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery's now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there. 


The boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? 


I'll take electrocution every single time. I'm not getting near the shark.

[Cuts to Live]


GOLDBERG: Okay. So ya’ll always concerned that I'm smoking something. What's he smoking? Oh my god. So a few days earlier, he hinted that he'd make payback a policy during a very bizarre interview with Dr. Phil. Take a look.

[Cuts to Video]

DR. PHIL: I know you got a thick skin. You're not one of those people that's afflicted with the need to be loved by strangers. I get that.


TRUMP: I think that's true.

PHIL: You're a billionaire. You've got a great family. You're a very dedicated father. People may not see this in you a lot because you keep that kind of private.


You have so much to do, you don't have time to get even. You only have time to get right.

TRUMP: Well, revenge does take time, I will say that.

PHIL: It does.

TRUMP: And sometimes revenge can be justified, but I have to be honest here – 


TRUMP: – Sometimes it can.

PHIL: But is the country better or worse for them going after you?

TRUMP: I think the country is really worse for what they've done.

[Cuts to Live]

GOLDBERG: I don't know what is going on. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: Okay so the first part, that literally sounds like me after, like, four espresso martinis, like, “shark, water, boat.” It's just. Bizarre. But this election has been a lot about mental acuity and the stamina of these two presidential candidates who are the oldest in history, and I have at times been critical of Joe Biden. But I think that if you’re going to be critical of Joe Biden, you have to look at the glaring warning signs about Donald Trump. Listening to him now doesn't sound like him in 2016. And he was not ever particularly eloquent. 2016 it's not like he was —

SUNNY HOSTIN: That was really nice of you, that was said nicely.

GRIFFIN: — William Shakespeare by any means, but I'm recognizing and seeing a decline in him, and others have said it. And I think that that matters because, I mean, from comparing Nancy Pelosi and Nicky Haley to confusing the president of Turkey with the president of Hungary, to confusing Obama and Biden left and right, he does this constantly. – 

HAINES: Maybe ‘cause they look alike.

GRIFFIN: – He's not where he once was. And, yeah exactly it's the look. I'm convinced that the stress of having lost the 2020 election, the legal, you know, the convictions, the indictments, all just piling up, and him finally maybe being held accountable.

GOLDBERG: The 34 one?

GRIFFIN: 34 convictions felony counts.

GOLDBERG: I'm just, I’m just asking.

GRIFFIN: And these pending trials I think they’re getting to him and I don't think he's as sharp as he once was, and I don't recognize how his voters don't see that more.

ANA NAVARRO: You know I said during the trial that I thought being on trial was actually helping him because he was off the campaign trail and we weren't seeing the crazy stuff he says on a daily basis. Now it took him about ten days to get -- eight days to get back on the campaign trail. He was playing golf so, you know, for the first few days and now that he's back, we see – 


NAVARRO: – the crazy things he says. Listen, if this was your uncle, if this was your father, 


NAVARRO: – you would take him in for a neurological exam.


NAVARRO: So, people talk about Joe Biden being old. Yes, Joe Biden is old. So is Donald Trump, and Donald Trump is senile, incoherent, crazy, offensive, outrageous, disgusting, evil, and convicted. That's your binary choice, people.




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