Friday, 25 October 2024

The View Whines Biden 'Forced' into Border Order in an Election Year

After spending almost four years claiming there was nothing he could do about securing the U.S.-Mexico border (which echoed his claim about lowering inflation), President Biden finally issued an executive order to supposedly secure it. The purported effectiveness of the orders remained to be seen, but the liberal ladies of ABC’s The View spent the first part of their Wednesday show touting the move while simultaneously whining about Biden being “forced” into doing it by Republicans.

Near the top of the segment, staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) tried to suggest Biden’s move proved that Democrats – the party of sanctuary cities and amnesty – was not weak on border security:

I think we should all remember Obama was called the (…) deporter-in-chief and deported more undocumented people than ever before and Biden was his vice president. So, the notion somehow that Democrats are so light on immigration is just actually a misnomer, it's not true. And I think he's doing the right thing.

She admitted it was just a political decision during an election year, “but at least he's doing something.”

Faux-conservative co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin quoted Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) in proclaiming that “it's not xenophobic to care about border security.” She added that “the left flank of the party” got it “wrong” when they made it their position that “you're bigoted and racist if you think there needs to be some level of border security.”

“He's got five months to prove that he can help solve this process and I would say this: Joe Biden can't live in fear of his left wing or he's going to lose,” she stated.



Co-host Joy Behar, who recently admitted that she self-censors her criticism of Biden to help him get elected, spun Biden’s limitations on asylum claims from the left as eventually returning and claimed former President Trump wanted to put people in “camps”:

What Trump said he would do is he would basically he would round them up and put them in detention camps. Total different. It's a little different. One is an extreme way to deal with this issue and one is somewhat humanitarian and it'll be changed eventually, rechanged and people able to come in here legally again. But if you put Donald Trump in there, he's going to put people in, like, these sort of camps.

Pretend-moderate co-host Sara Haines also admitted Biden’s executive order was wholly intended to stop the bleeding in the polls but insisted “this is a Band-Aid like that he's been forced to do” by Republicans.

She also blamed Trump for the increase in border crossings during the Biden presidency, despite Biden letting Title 42 expire.

Moderator Whoopi Goldberg took on the role of parroting one of the more intellectually lazy arguments of the far-left wing of the Democratic Party: claiming red states sending illegal immigrants to the so-called sanctuary cities that were telling them to come was somehow human “trafficking”:

GOLDBERG: So, here's my question. So, people arrive in a country.


GOLDBERG: They are then put on buses and sent to other cities and towns. Isn't that trafficking?

BEHAR: They send them to sanctuary cities.

GOLDBERG: Isn’t that trafficking?

Last year, The View was all for “tracking” illegals out of their city. Haines demanded that they be “resettled elsewhere” in America because it’s “a massive country.” Goldberg obviously didn’t care about American sovereignty because she previously demanded other countries come into America and control our border security and immigration system.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

ABC’s The View
June 5, 2024
11:05:01 a.m. Eastern


SUNNY HOSTIN: I think we should all remember Obama was called the ex—the

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Deporter-in-chief.

HOSTIN: I was going to say exporter. Deporter-in-chief and deported more undocumented people than ever before and Biden was his vice president. So, the notion somehow that Democrats are so light on immigration is just actually a misnomer, it's not true. And I think he's doing the right thing. He's doing it, yes, because it's a political threat. It's five months before an election but at least he's doing something.


JOY BEHAR: What is he doing? Tell us what he’s doing.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: Well, he's using an executive action to basically limit the number of asylum seekers that can come in.

But I'm basically just frustrated with how this debate has gone in the country and I think there’s responsibility on both sides. John Fetterman who I feel like is one of those people who is a straight shooter said, very wisely, ‘it's not xenophobic to care about border security.’ Every nation on Earth deals with this issue. I remember being in a meeting with then-Chancellor Angela Merkel saying, ‘we’re dealing with the Syrian Refugee Crisis, we’re dealing with a border crisis.’

So, I think what Democrats got wrong early in this – and especially the left flank of the party – is to basically say you're bigoted and racist if you think there needs to be some level of border security. What Republicans got wrong is that they got the best border package in decades and they blocked it because Donald Trump.

It is a crisis. It ranks as the top issue for voters. And I think a lot of folks think it's a border state issue, doesn't affect us. So, New York City, this was interesting. Hotel prices have gone up because 15 percent of hotels are housing migrants in New York City. So, there are real impacts that we have.

He's got five months to prove that he can help solve this process and I would say this: Joe Biden can't live in fear of his left wing or he's going to lose.

BEHAR: So, Biden is saying when you reach a certain number like over 2,500, is it?

HOSTIN: It’s 2,500.

BEHAR: Then that's the end of asylum?

HOSTIN: Yes, because –

BEHAR: What Trump said he would do is he would basically he would round them up and put them in detention camps. Total different. It's a little different. One is an extreme way to deal with this issue and one is somewhat humanitarian and it'll be changed eventually, rechanged and people able to come in here legally again. But if you put Donald Trump in there, he's going to put people in, like, these sort of camps.

FARAH GRIFFIN: He's talking about people who are already here, the DACA population.

BEHAR: He wants to send them back too. Right?

SARA HAINES: The problem with the executive order – which I feel like his has was forced because he didn't have the vote and that border bill was designed by a very conservative Republican Senator James Lankford, the one they blocked. The problem with this executive order in making Biden do that, is it doesn't include a lot of the more comprehensive parts that that bill does, which is quick -- they have antiquated systems down there. They don't have enough help, not enough judge, social workers, al the things.

HOSTIN: Path to citizenship.

HAINES: That bill included so much more. So, this is a Band-Aid like that he's been forced to do. And so, some people are calling it political but I'll take what Sunny said, something needs to be done because if we've watched this happen for decades and decades and decades and now it's exploded as people started, like, seeing the numbers come in – because it did get really after Donald Trump and that 42 --


HAINES: Title 42 expired the numbers have gotten too great. But it would be really nice if they could just do their jobs. Because now you have nine senators I think it is, a group of Senate Republicans vowing to oppose legislation and Biden nominees in the wake of Trump's conviction. So, now you've got time and they're just saying I'm not going to do my job.

GOLDBERG: So, here's my question. So, people arrive in a country.


GOLDBERG: They are then put on buses and sent to other cities and towns. Isn't that trafficking?

BEHAR: They send them to sanctuary cities.

GOLDBERG: Isn’t that trafficking?

HOSTIN: In a way. They're processing them first.

GOLDBERG: Are they, though?

HOSTIN: This is supposed to be the land of the free and we’re supposed to be welcoming people. And so, they process them. But right now there are about 3,700 crossings a day over the last three weeks. And so, they want them to be about 2,500. So now, even if you have an asylum claim that's valid, you will not be heard and you have a five-year minimum ban for returning.

GOLDBERG: So, you come across and you get here and they take you and they send you someplace else. They don't send money. The other states don't say, and here's some money to help you with the thing.


GOLDBERG: It feels like trafficking and feels like we only have 30 seconds so talk fast.

FARAH GRIFFIN: The Biden administration has put in a policy of taking lateral flights where they relocate migrants to where there may be more places with economic opportunities and so on. But, I  mean, it just underscores how bad the crisis is.

GOLDBERG: This blanket sending people wherever.

HOSTIN: States aren’t necessarily helping, like Texas.

GOLDBERG: Yes. Yeah.

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