Friday, 25 October 2024

Trump-Obsessed Rick Wilson Reveals Weird Fantasy to Joy Reid Cackles

Wednesday night’s episode of MSNBC’s The ReidOut included yet another round of Democrat condemnation from President Joe Biden’s number one fan: host Joy Reid. During the segment, she invited never-Trumper and Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson to spew a macabre and disgusting mess of anti-Trump rhetoric to her immense amusement, suggesting Republicans would be okay with cannibalism if former President Trump said he ate babies.

Before turning to Wilson, Reid stumbled through a couple of quotes from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, who had begun expressing their doubts about Biden’s continued reelection campaign, adding actor George Clooney’s recent opinion on the matter and mocking him as no longer “as up to speed as he used to be.” 

She also bashed his wife, Amal Clooney, for her failed arrest warrants recommendation to the International Criminal Court (ICC), back in May, against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and leaders of Hamas.



Obviously, if anyone dares to even breathe a word against Biden they instantly incur the wrath of one of his chief toadies.

Reid proceeded to draw a parallel between Democrats’ attitude towards Biden and Republicans’ handling of Richard Nixon’s resignation following the Watergate scandal:

He was given more dignity than Democrats are giving their own sitting president who’s done, you know, nothing much for them except give them like a giant infrastructure bill, paid off a bunch of people’s student loans, which is life-changing for people, giving them $35 insulin to run on…I mean, if they want him to go, isn't there a more dignified way for Democrats to maybe behave than to publicly humiliate him?

Wilson seized the opportunity to contribute a despicable juxtaposition of loyalty in both parties:

This is an example of the difference in the two parties that, as a former Republican I can tell you, if Donald Trump tomorrow said, ‘I'm a cannibal I love to eat live babies. I barbecue them at Mar-a-Lago everyday,’ every single Republican would go, ‘Why, yes, it's the new fashionable meat. This is what we should all be doing.’ They would get in lock-step.

Ironically, race-obsessed Reid was apparently unaware that Wilson and his wife had posted several (since-deleted) pictures that clearly displayed a Confederate-theme cooler flaunting the words “the south will rise again.”

It was no surprise that the aggressively anti-life Reid was particularly entertained by Wilson’s revolting analogy. After all, she and Congresswoman Pramila Jaypal (D-WA) laughed off Fox News reporting on the rape of 13-year-old girl by an illegal immigrant in New York City as Republican “fear-mongering.”

Wilson then proudly declared how he thought his time each day was “best used,” urging all Democrats to follow his example:

It's my job and it should be everyone's job in the Democratic Party right now to turn their fire on the one person who will destroy them and the country: Donald Trump! Every single day I wake up and go, ‘What is the best and highest use of my time?’ And my time is best used taking an iron pipe to Donald Trump's kneecaps.

Wilson finally ended his rant with an emphatic call to action for all Democrats to “attack Trump every minute, every day, every hour, without stop,” supplemented by Reid’s screeching “Amen!”

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

MSNBC’s The ReidOut


07:23:48 PM EST

JOY REID: Yeah, it's embarrassing. Let me play Chuck Schumer. Here is Chuck Schumer's new quotes from today. (long pause) Oh, it’s–I'm sorry. Let me read it. I apologize. My bad. I'm gonna read it. “Chuck Schumer is privately signaling to donors that he’s open to a Democratic presidential ticket that isn't led by President Biden. Schumer has been listening to donors’ ideas” –donors’ ideas!– “and suggestions about the best way forward for the party, according to three people familiar with the”–with–with what the, you know, Senate leader has said. 

Hakeem Jeffries, who is the upcoming leader in the House, the minority leader, here’s what he said. “We're having conversations with ourselves. It's a family discussion, that's important. We're a separate and coequal branch of government…We have the right and responsibility on behalf of the people we represent to have their [sic] conversations with ourselves on the best [sic] forward. What’s interest in [sic] the American people, and that’s all we’re doing right now.” Which is a change from what he had said before. 

Rick Wilson, we’ve got George Clooney saying, “Biden’s gotta go.” (Laughs) And then, you know, he's like–he’s, you know, he wasn't as up to speed as he used to be and I know that there were some issues Amal Clooney had had with on her Gaza stuff that’s happening. You know, you’ve got Hollywood moguls of all kinds jumping in and saying things, op-ed writers have fun ideas. 

What strikes me about this that is weird, is that when Richard Nixon, who was a crook, was driven out of the party in the 1970s, he was given more dignity by his party. Barry Goldwater went to him–it came out afterwards that he had gone to him privately and said, “We want to spare you the indignity of an impeachment. You need to step down before that happens.” A deal was cut, in advance, for him to be pardoned by Gerald Ford. 

He was given more dignity than Democrats are giving their own sitting president who’s done, you know, nothing much for them except give them like a giant infrastructure bill, paid off a bunch of people’s student loans, which is life-changing for people, giving them $35 insulin to run on. So it’s not like he’s not giving them anything to run on and he’s not the one benefitting from that. That's supposed to benefit them. But all they needed was the Cook Political Report to come out and re-do their rankings for all these districts. And they're like, “Destroy him! Publicly!” (Laughs) I mean, if they want him to go, isn't there a more dignified way for Democrats to maybe behave than to publicly humiliate him?

RICK WILSON: You know, and Joy, this is an example of the difference in the two parties that, as a former Republican I can tell you, if Donald Trump tomorrow said, “I'm a cannibal…

REID: (Laughs).

WILSON: …I love to eat live babies. I barbecue them at Mar-a-Lago everyday,” every single Republican would go, “Why, yes, it's the–it’s the new–it’s the new fan–fashionable meat…

REID: (Laughs).

WILSON: …This is what we should all be doing.” They would get in lock-step. Here is why they have a political powerhouse, you know, in that unity and that loyalty. Is they understand that this is a race that matters. If Democrats think right now they're gonna have some baroque, bizarro world, candidates switch, flip-flop, they're overlooking two things. Joe Biden had 14 million Democratic voters come out and vote for him in the primary this year. He has all the delegates at the convention. 

It's not my job to tell Joe Biden what to do. It's my job and it should be everyone's job in the Democratic Party right now to turn their fire on the one person who will destroy them and the country: Donald Trump! Every single day I wake up and go, “What is the best and highest use of my time?” And my time is best used taking an iron pipe to Donald Trump's kneecaps. It is best for everyone to remember that if you play this game out past the convention, you will have given Donald Trump a two-month vacation where he works on his golf game as Democrats sit in a circular firing squad. This has got to stop. 

The unity–look, and at the end of the day, whether the candidate is Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris, or some guy from behind the bus station…

REID: (Laughs).

WILSON: …we're running against a guy who will destroy this country by implementing his Project 2025 blueprint. And no matter how much Donald Trump says he didn't do Project 2025, it’s got his revolting DNA all over it. This is a guy who if we don't focus on the fact that this is a race against Donald Trump, a referendum in this country against Donald Trump, we are going to end up with four more years of Donald Trump. 

This is something–I hope my Democratic friends and allies and colleagues will wake the hell up and understand that no matter what your inner-party dispute about Joe Biden is right now, you better turn the machine back on and attack Trump every minute, every day, every hour, without stop.

REID: Amen!


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