Saturday, 21 September 2024

WATCH: Glenn Beck Wields MRC Study to Smack Leftist NewsGuard Around

Blaze Media host Glenn Beck emphasized the utter ridiculousness of leftist website traffic cops like NewsGuard masquerading as unbiased truth gatekeepers, and relied on original MRC Free Speech America research to do it.

Beck ripped into the discredited NewsGuard that has been outed as a leftist operation targeting the advertising dollars of right-leaning media sources during the March 27 edition of Glenn TV. In his X post promoting the segment, Beck referred to NewsGuard as “propaganda” for continuing to behave like an Orwellian arbiter of truth, despite the glaring evidence of its so-called ratings system consistently being shown to favor left-leaning media while punishing the right. 

“An analysis by the Media Research Center found that NewsGuard rates left and left-leaning news outlets an average of 27 points higher than conservative news outlets,” said Beck citing MRC's first NewsGuard analysis conducted in 2021. “But never mind that. I’m sure NewsGuard’s ratings are perfectly fair and balanced,” Beck mocked. What’s more terrifying about NewsGuard’s reach in light of MRC’s research, as Beck noted, was that it was being used by more than 800 libraries across the globe and the radical American Federation of Teachers union to indoctrinate children on the newspeak concept of so-called “media literacy” in order to inoculate the next generation against certain news sources, which in NewsGuard’s world typically indicates sources generating from the right. The study Beck referenced was the first of three MRC investigations into NewsGuard's extreme bias conducted over three consecutive years. 

MRC’s analyses utilized a media bias list compiled by AllSides that classifies publications based on their “right” to “left” bias in order to determine how NewsGuard rated the outlets listed. The results found over three years of analysis have been nothing short of damning. In 2021, As Beck stated, the average NewsGuard score for the “left” and “lean left” outlets — which included leftist outlets like The New York Times, Politico and Washington Post — was 93/100. While the average rating for “right” and “lean right” outlets — which included Fox News, The Washington Times and New York Post — was a low 66/100, reflecting a 27-point disparity. 

2021 MRC NewsGuard Study Results

NewsGuard's acute level of bias remained consistent over the next two years. In the second study, released Jan. 6, 2023, the bias has barely budged. The average score for “left” and “lean left” outlets was a 91 while the average for “right” and “lean right” outlets was still a low 66/100, a 25-point disparity. Then, in the third study released Dec. 12, 2023, MRC found that NewsGuard’s treatment of right-leaning media got even worse. “Left” and “lean left” outlets maintained their stellar average of 91/100, while the average for “right” and “lean right” outlets dipped to an outrageously abysmal 65/100, indicating a 26-point disparity. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers should be aware that MRC’s NewsGuard studies only use the AllSides media bias list to analyze NewsGuard ratings of outlets considered by AllSides to be “left” and “lean left” or “right” and “lean right.” It does not necessarily reflect MRC’s characterizations of these outlets.

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