Thursday, 24 October 2024

Whoopi on 'Poopy': 'The View' Crew Unload Delayed Freakout Over Biden

After a weeklong hiatus The View is back, and has plenty to say to make up for lost time. Following a Democratic wave of panic which finally acknowledged the mental and physical state of President Biden, all five co-hosts took to the air to lay out their liberal opinions.

Like many other Trump-loathing commentators in the media, it was clear that these hosts didn’t know how to react to the debate, and ended up regurgitating many of the same diatribes of distress and blame the mainstream had already suffered from. But they landed on both sides of the internal Democrat squabble.

Whoopi Goldberg, in an attempt to lift the harsh criticism of the press stated, “I don't care if he's pooped his pants. I don't care if he can't put a sentence together...I have poopy days all the time, all the time. I step in so much poo you can't even imagine. Now I'm not running the world, but I don't know anybody who doesn't step in stuff at some point.” An opinion not shared by many of the co-hosts, Goldberg’s attempt of consolation did very little.



Ana Navarro embodied such stress complaining, “I'm worried and I'm pissed. Frankly I'm livid because for the last eight days it feels to me, I have seen nothing but breathless reporting. It almost feels like media malpractice with them trying to score the winning goal against Biden.” That’s an incredibly weird statement to make following the remarks this show and many others under the progressive media have made about the Republican Presidential nominee and his party.

In all of these opinions, hypocrisy seems to be the main theme. Each issue which has now become too obvious to ignore in the President has been pointed out by many, was previously ignored by the mainstream media. Sara Haines rebutted Ana Navarro’s media critique, blaming the Hidin’ Biden team at the White House:

HAINES: I have been more happy than not with the administration, but I blame those closest to him -- not the media, Ana. I blame those closest to him because by this time, President Obama had given 570 news conferences and interviews. Trump had given 468. Biden has given 164. If they put him out there earlier, we could have either discovered this problem with time on our hands, or squelched it immediately, and that's on their hands.

Hypocrisy as a coping mechanism, each host claiming the end goal of beating Donald Trump merited voting for the obviously aged current one. Sunny Hostin championed this opinion citing the "accomplishments" of Vice President Harris, and spewing, once again the overcited and completely misinformed dissent in the recent Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity:

HOSTIN: What we do know is that in terms of the Supreme Court which the media is not talking enough about, the Supreme Court said that Donald Trump, if elected, becomes a king. They give him total immunity. Sotomayor said, “orders the Navy S.E.A.L. team six to assassinate a political rival, immune. Organizes a military descending coup to hold onto power ,immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for an immunity, immune. Immune, immune, immune. Also then went to say, the President is now a king above the law. So guess what, folks? I am uncomfortable with the state of where Joe Biden is, but I am comfortable with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris versus a convicted felon.

Once again a ridiculous display of misinformation, old news, and exasperated progressive bias pervading the mass media.


The transcript is below, click “expand” to read:

ABC The View  


11:04:47 AM EST


WHOOPI GOLDBERG: So I mean, listen I'm just going to add my two cents because I wasn't here on the day that y'all talked about it. I don't care if he's pooped his pants. I don't care if he can't put a sentence together. Show me he can't do the job, and then I'll say, okay. Maybe it's time to go. Now he had a bad night the first time that he went out and debated with Kamala Harris and everybody wanted him to quit then and said, you can't talk to women like this. You're doing this wrong, you're doing that wrong. He came back and said, you know what? I got it, and gave it four years. So yeah. I have poopy days all the time, all the time. I step in so much poo you can't even imagine. 

[ Laughter ] 

Now I'm not running the world, but I don't know anybody who doesn't step in stuff at some point. So I'm just simply saying, yeah. There are two debates, and if he can't do what he needs to do for the second debate, I'll join any crew that says, get rid of him, but loyalty to me, if you are doing the job -- I might not like everything you're doing. I don't like it all, but I'm going to stand behind you like those guys stand behind the guy who should have been the person people were talking about saying, yeah, Biden had a bad day, but this guy couldn't tell the truth if it split his lip, but nobody said that. But Ana said that, I believe, or something. She's not quite as colorful as I am, but the question --

ANA NAVARRO: Give me a chance.

GOLDBERG: The question now is because lots of Democrats are coming out saying, you know, oh, find somebody else, but when we tried to do that with D.T. -- that's my new way of describing him. When we said, listen. He shouldn't be on the ballot, everybody said, no, no, no. He was -- the people chose him. We can't take him off the ballot. Well, I don't understand why anybody thinks it's going to be any easier to take Biden off the ballot, but I want -- say something.

ANA NAVARRO: Well, I'm going to tell you I'm just -- I'm -- I'm worried and I'm pissed. Frankly I'm livid because for the last eight days it feels to me, I have seen nothing but breathless reporting. It almost feels like media malpractice with them trying to score the winning goal against Biden. Who can have the gotcha moment? They have been splicing, dicing, cubing everything he says, putting it on a microscope slide, and looking at it under all sorts of magnifying glass. Look, Joe Biden is the nominee. He is the human standing between us and Donald Trump. I think Democrats need to stop making the case against Joe Biden and start making the case against Donald Trump. 

[Cheers and applause ] 

I think the media needs to give some clarity to the coverage that they're doing because in their seal to fact check Joe Biden, they too are making mistakes. Yesterday I saw The Washington Post reporting that Ted Lieu asked in that conference call for Biden to step down. Except for a couple of minutes later, Ted Lieu went on social media and said, "I never opened my mouth.” Then there was the entire thing with Mark Warner. Look, I saw Joe Ben the day after the debate. I saw him that night at an LGBTQ gala. I hugged him so tight I almost broke a rib. I thought the secret service was gonna come.

GOLDBERG: His or yours.

NAVARRO: Girl you got to go really deep to get my ribs. He's got less body fat than I do. But I saw Joe Biden. I'm not an anonymous source. I'm not somebody pretending to have spoken to him. No. I actually did speak to him, and he was just fine. He had a bad night, and until Joe Biden tells me he is out, I am riding with Biden/Harris. 

[Applause ] 

And the second part of that I think is very important because they are a team, and Kamala Harris has come out so strong this last week as part of that team, and part of the reason I have no qualms about supporting Joe Biden, zero, zilch, zero, is because I know that if something happens to him, like every other Vice President, she will step She is prepared. She is experienced. She is decent. She is compassionate. She is smart. She is far from the caricature Republicans have tried to build for her. So you know what I am with Biden/Harris till the damn end.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: The problem is this. The problem is this. Most Americans are never going to get a chance to dine with the president or to be at fund-raisers with him. They -- 50 million people tuned into that debate, and it's going to be undecided voters and swing voters who determine this election. I believe that Trump is a threat to democracy. I am horrified that my party nominated an aspiring fascist, and there is one way to stop it. It is in the ballot box. The courts are not stopping Donald Trump. So it is who is running against him, and I'm starting to question if Biden recognizes how big of a threat Donald Trump actually is because as George Stephanopoulos rightly pointed out, there's no example in modern history of somebody having Biden's approval rating, having nearly 50% of his own party saying, they don't want him to be the nominee, they want someone else, and 70% of voters saying they're worried about his age and going on four months later to win. I don't think we're just risking the White House to Donald Trump. I think you are risking a sweep in the House and the Senate. And I actually would argue, unpopular take, I think Kamala Harris would perform better because I think voters felt gaslit being told Biden is as sharp as a tack. I think a young, energetic Democrat running and saying that they're the top of the ticket actually will perform better head to head.

SARA HAINES: I will be voting for president Biden if he is on the ballot come November for all the reasons you guys so adequately spelled out. I don't think he can win up against Donald Trump as it stands right now. I just don't, and his age and frailty were always apparent to me and he didn't concern me. Probably because of who he's up against and also because I have been more happy than not with the administration, but I blame those closest to him -- not the media, Ana. I blame those closest to him because by this time, President Obama had given 570 news conferences and interviews. Trump had given 468. Biden has given 164. If they put him out there earlier, we could have either discovered this problem with time on our hands, or squelched it immediately, and that's on their hands.



11:18:18 AM EST

SUNNY HOSTIN: I didn't say anything in the first segment because I have been so conflicted all morning as most of you know. You know, I think it would be naive, and I think it would be dishonest for us to say that this President that we are looking at is the same person that we looked at in 2020. I think it would be dishonest for us to look at him and his performance now and his performance across the board really, not in terms of policy and what he's got done, but when he speaks and his appearances, that this is the same man that was Barack Obama's Vice President for eight years, and it would be dishonest for us to look at his record as a Senator which is a darn good record and say that that is the same man that we are looking at today, and that concerns me, okay? But what I will say is they say behind every great man is a great woman. Kamala Harris, as Ana said, is prepared. She's ready. She's presidential. She spoke at the essence festival this weekend. I think we have a clip. I want to show it very quickly.

KAMALA HARRIS: You have the former President who is running to become President again who has openly talked about his admiration of dictators and his intention to be a dictator on day one, who has openly talked about his intention to weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, who has talked about being proud of taking from the women of America, a most fundamental right to make decisions about your own body.

HOSTIN: Okay? She's presidential. She's ready. She can assume it, so if he cannot complete a four-year term, we know that we are protected. I will say this. I am uncomfortable with him stepping down because I don't know that this country will vote for a black woman. If this country could not vote for Hillary Clinton, one of the most decorated and successful politicians and people in the world, I don't know that Kamala Harris can meet - can beat a convicted felon. One more thing that I will say is that Republicans are clearly scared about Kamala Harris. They know that as a senator, she presented 1 in 8 Americans. They know as attorney general of California, she ran one of the largest law departments in the country. They know she was the first African American woman to be the District Attorney of San Francisco. That is a hard thing to do. She's a three-peat win. What we do know is that in terms of the Supreme Court which the media is not talking enough about, the Supreme Court said that Donald Trump, if elected, becomes a king. They give him total immunity. Sotomayor said, “orders the Navy S.E.A.L. team  six to assassinate a political rival, immune. Organizes a military descending coup to hold onto power ,immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for an immunity, immune. Immune, immune, immune. Also then went to say, the President is now a king above the law. So guess what, folks? I am uncomfortable with the state of where Joe Biden is, but I am comfortable with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris versus a convicted felon.

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