Thursday, 24 October 2024

Will the Media Care Soros Funneled $19M into Leftist Groups Attacking Justice Alito? Don't Bet on It!

A coalition of leftist groups published a dishonest attack on Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito just prior to the announcement of the verdict in former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial last Thursday and in the midst of  the Supreme Court announcing numerous opinions this June and July — among them a case involving presidential immunity. A number of the involved groups received millions from leftist billionaire George Soros, not that the leftist media will care anyway. 

On May 29, 25 radical leftist organizations, including seven groups that have received at least $19,512,000 from Soros between 2016 and 2022, wrote a letter to Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) calling for Justice Alito to be investigated for “recent conduct,” suggesting Alito “recuse himself from cases where the public has a clear reason to doubt his impartiality.” The letter used a distorted history of a flag from the American Revolution and a separate recent flag nontroversy to claim that Justice Alito should be investigated. 

Politico, which did cover the story, did not spare even one word about Soros’ generous financing of seven of the signatories. Instead, Politico legitimized the attack, referring to flags flown at Justice Alito’s house as the “latest ethics black eye.”

These radical groups ludicrously asked Durbin to investigate Justice Alito “for the public’s long-term faith in the rule of law,” but went on to rely heavily on a time Justice Alito’s wife flew the American flag upside down and a separate time when the family flew the “Appeal to Heaven” Revolutionary War flag. Their ridiculous argument dishonestly refers to a historical and patriotic flag as “another flag also closely linked to the January 6 attack.” On this absurd basis, the signatories claimed that “Justice Alito’s clear lapses in judgment call into serious question his ability to fairly judge cases concerning the 2020 election.”

The groups outrageously provided a nakedly political reason for Durbin to go after Justice Alito, referencing “a leaked opinion drafted by Justice Alito overturning decades of constitutional protection for the right to abortion,” an issue jealously guarded by the left as evidenced by leftist calls for court-packing following the overturn of Roe v. Wade in Dobbs.

The signatories were led by the radical Supreme Court-packing advocacy group Demand Justice, which was largely responsible for pushing Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination. The group spent a million dollars pushing for Jackson’s confirmation. Demand Justice received $5,837,000 from Soros just from 2018-2021 alone. Demand Justice has repeatedly clamored for adding seats to the Supreme Court, whining about the six justices appointed by Republicans while lauding the three justices appointed by Democrats.“[A]dding four seats is the only way to restore balance to the Court immediately,” Demand Justice fear-mongered. 

But this wasn’t an isolated incident of Demand Justice demanding additional judges on the high Court. Demand Justice also pushed for court-packing to ensure that states cannot protect unborn lives from abortion. Demand Justice wrote that, “Democrats who support reproductive rights need to see the Republican justices’ writing on the wall and stop standing idly by as Roe v. Wade slowly but surely falls,” before using this as proof of the “urgency” of expanding the Supreme Court. 

The letter was also signed by another advocate of court-packing, Take Back the Court Action Fund, which received $400,000 from Soros between 2021 and 2022. Take Back the Court Action Fund warned that a “hyper-partisan, right-wing Supreme Court majority is leading an assault on democracy and striking blows against reproductive rights, racial justice, climate action, voting rights, and more.” The organization also appeared to parrot the language of Demand Justice, that the Court must be expanded by four seats for “balance.” 

Another signatory, the Reproductive Justice for All Committee, a new name for the blood-stained abortion advocacy group NARAL, received $4,500,000 from Soros in a single donation.

Other signatories that received funding from Soros include the People’s Parity Project ($200,000), People for the American Way ($1,375,000), National Women’s Law Center ($825,000) and the Center for American Progress ($6,375,000). The Center for American Progress is currently run by the former president of Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Patrick Gaspard. 

Conservatives are under attack. Contact Politico at 703-647-7999 and demand it report fairly on Soros-funded groups working to undermine the Supreme Court.

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