Saturday, 29 June 2024

9-11 Haunts Middle East Policy

9-11 Haunts Middle East Policy

Tuesday, 27 February 2024, 22:43 PM
Real estate developer Donald Trump is the only person to question, on the afternoon of September 11, 2001, the Bush Administration's version of the collapse of the Twin Towers. Keeping a cool head, he says that according to his engineers (who had built the World Trade Center), airliners could not have caused this destruction.


Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

Submitted on February 27, 2024


Compliments of The Lifschultz Organization, Founded in 1899

I was quite surprised by the persecution of Julian Assange as he had never raised any issue about the restarting of the heroin operation after 9-11 but it appears to have stemmed from actions by Hilary Clinton.

I was introduced to Hilary by Ruth Messenger and I was astonished by the caked makeup on her face. What was underneath appeared to be what

was described in the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” only she did not have a painting to transfer her deeds.

I met Bill Clinton at my friend Jerry Nadler's reception who could have used the painting also as his unnatural deeds were on his face. Our discussion

centered on the writings of Carroll Quigley who was his professor at Georgetown University.  Here he taught that the success of the modern economy is




to be found in technological innovation so he created the era providing huge incentives that drove the economy into great technological 

advances and huge budget surpluses. Quigley wrote these ideas up in a book entitled: ‘The Evolution of Civilizations” which is quite profound.  

And it worked.

Schumpeter characterized creative destruction as innovations in the manufacturing process that increase productivity, describing it as the “process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.”

These budget surpluses were wiped out by George Bush in the Iraq War that was totally unnecessary and the inside job as Pearl Harbor called 9-11 that engineered

the invasion of Afghanistan to restart the heroin production.  The World Trade Center demolitions were at their foundation that caused the buildings to fall into their own footprint the planes being mere distractions which are called in spy novels misdirection. Nevertheless, no plane hit Building Number Seven proving this premise as it too fell into its own footprint anyway.  No planes could have achieved this result in any case.  

Roosevelt purposely provoked the war with Japan and sat on the decrypts of the Japanese transmissions on the coming attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 as he wanted to enter World War Two. There was no Islamic attack on the World Trade Center and it was an inside job to justify an invasion of Iraq to control the oil price as the US was importing then half their oil until the fracking technologies wiped out the oil deficit.  Later in the day it was decided to blame Afghanistan first to restart the heroin operation to finance the external operations of the CIA and DIA and later Iraq was invaded based on the trumped up charges of weapons of mass destruction which were known not to be there. A major factor in Iraq was control of the oil as well as Libya later.  Iraq wanted to move into the Euro system away from the dollar and Libya into a gold standard for Africa to replace the dollar that was unacceptable to the US.  




In October 2000 Iraq insisted on dumping the US dollar – ‘the currency of the enemy' – for the more multilateral euro.

The boarding tapes were doctored to show members of Islam boarding the plans as can easily be proven should they be examined. It was also to end the US love of Islam for supporting our cause against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan that was provoked by Brzezinski. It is obvious who was behind it when we consider who was to gain from a US war on Islam.

This 9-11 hoax governs US Middle East policy to this day. The following links support our conclusions.

David Lifschultz
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