Thursday, 16 January 2025

Give Humanity the Red Sea Moment

Give Humanity the Red Sea Moment

Tuesday, 8 October 2024, 10:19 AM


Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer

Submitted on October 8, 2023

Elections in the US ?
When will they go through or not?
Is there anything to choose?
It is now for all to see how corrupt politics is in the US.

With designing hurricanes by weather manipulation, then destroying areas that are full of valuable resources and driving out the population.

The deliberately created chaos according to the WEF Z******s’ playbook.

The stolen election of 2020, and the ruling on the matter by the high court that the whole world is waiting for.

The Wife of Kamala Harris caught up in the lithium interests right in the area hit by Hurricane Helena.

Then FEMA driving people out of the area, and the government expropriating people from their land and property.

THIS is WAR against its own people from within.




The Cabal wants to stop the elections by creating this chaos, the current policy is treason against own people what KAMALA stands for.

Then I predict that these elections will not continue if KAMALA is arrested for high treason, murder of population, attempted theft of population’s property.

The wars of the over last 100 years were an away game for the US, now the storm and war at home is coordinated by its own politicians, globalists, Z******s all compromised with human t*********g, a**********e use, s*x and slave trade, p********a.

Evil is deeply rooted throughout society, from the Governments, Judiciary, Police, municipal governments to health care.

Where is the common sense and revolt against this terror.

How long has it been said, Red October, Green Light, the Storm is upon us.

The military is the only solution and option, may they hurry up a bit otherwise there is nothing left to save.




The Catholic religion is now visible to the naive believers that they are Satanists, with the last PAUS, it will cease to exist, and only a memory remains of all the evil that came from it.

The same money for other religions, of inhumanity and delusion that they are the chosen ones created by GOD.

Enki may have created man, but who created Enki, that can only be the one and only GOD and creator of the entire universe.

Let happen what is necessary to make this earth a paradise, whatever it was meant for.

It’s time to clean the house of everything bad.


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