Saturday, 19 October 2024

History Repeats itself First as a Tragedy and then as Farce

History Repeats itself First as a Tragedy and then as Farce

Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 12:19 PM


Source: Operation Disclosure Official | By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

Submitted on July 3, 2024


Compliments of The Lifschultz Organization, Founded in 1899

The European wars such as World War One and Two were initiated by the Rothschilds as today’s war in the Ukraine by Alexandre de Rothschild, descendant ironically enough of Baron Eduard de Rothschild, who is behind the corrupt Vladimir Putin and his corrupt oligarchs as well his financial minions who run the 

US and Europe. His hand is also in the Holy Land. The Rothschilds historically make their money by by controlling both sides in wars.

The goal of Baron Eduard de Rothschild was to destroy the Tsar his traditional enemy for which reason he had assassinated the Archduke Ferdinand that created a war fever as planned. This history is covered in the novel “Thirty-Nine Steps” by John Buchan, First Baron Tweedsmuir, in the early chapters. Thereafter, the Baron, who had obtained by bribes the Schlieffen Plan, knew that if he could mobilize the Russian Army it would trigger the German mobilization via Schlieffen Plan.  

The key in the Schlieffen Plan was to use the railroads to move the troops to the French front to obtain a decisive advantage in mobilization time. So that a bribed member of the Tsar’s entourage was to order the Russian Army to mobilize in a diplomatic crisis knowing that the Germans could not stop their mobilization once launched or forever lose their great advantage. So started World War One. The Germans thought the Schlieffen Plan would give them victory.

The problem was that the Tsar did not fall and so Baron Eduard de Rothschild created the Bolshevik Revolution through his agent Alexander Parvus which worked and Russia was knocked out of the war.  Thus, the Baron was behind the murder of tens of millions of Russians based on his unbridled hatred of Russia. See the discussion of this hatred in the novel by Benjamin Disraeli named “Coningsby”.

Fall of Eagles – Sealed Train Decision (9m)




When it became clear to Lloyd George that the French and British manning the French front against the Germans were now about to be engulfed by the over million troops being transferred from the Russian front to the French front, he contacted the Baron offering him Palestine in exchange for the US to send two million troops to France to fight the Germans. Today his descendant with control of the west, Alexandre de Rothschild, is frantically trying to save the Baron’s heritage. It is a sight to behold.  

The deal was made by the Baron so the Anglo-Saxons and French could defeat Germany based on those two million troops. A hundred thousand 

Americans died for nothing though in World War Two many more died also for nothing in another of the Baron’s wars against Germany.  Roosevelt, a Rothschild agent supervised by Kuhn Loeb who created him by bribing Boss Flynn of the Bronx for the election, did his part in provoking war by the strangulation of Japan by sanctions blocking all of their imported oil to force them to attack the US.  These provocations worked in that the 

Japanese did attack the US at Pearl Harbor enabling the US to enter the war. Roosevelt wanting this sat on the decrypts of the Japanese codes revealing the attack was coming refusing to notify Admiral Kimmel of the coming attack under the orders of Baron Eduard de Rothschild.  

The subterfuge worked.

World War One began the massive moral decline of the United States as our soldiers were corrupted by the infamous brothels of Paris and returned home morally ruined. And though no condoms were passed out in World War One by the US authorities fomenting this mortal sin this was taken care of in World War Two as the US accelerated its moral decline.  The destruction of the moral fabric of the United States as all the western countries makes it easier for the Rothschilds to control the world as immorality is a control mechanism just as much as usury and fiat money. See footnote two.  

It is most interesting that none other than President Wilson was similarly destroyed not only morally but physically as he could not keep out of the Parisian whorehouses after World War One wasting himself in these dens of iniquity during the concoction of the Treaty of Versailles. Later his health collapsed at the 




White House as a consequence and his wife ran the country not too dissimilar to the US today.

The ravages of this war, and the Treaty of Versailles ruined the defeated Germany which then then underwent the National Socialist revolution in 1933 as everything was collapsing the early signs of which we see in the United States today.  So now the Baron had a new enemy to destroy named Adolf Hitler. The goal of the British and French under the Baron’s orders was to create a new war of Germany against Russia so that the two of them could self-destruct once again as in World War One. World War One was perfect for the British and French as their two enemies Russia and Germany destroyed each other. England was afraid of Russia invading India and Germany was building a fleet to threaten British naval supremacy before World War One. So they killed two birds with one stone all over again or at least tried to in World War Two.

The same fears preceded World War Two as England feared for India from a Russian threat and Germany was a growing threat to France and England.  

So England desired to see Russia and Germany fight a war together again destroying each other.  In fact, in 1939 MI6 guaranteed Germany that they would not invade Germany from the west when they invaded Poland giving Hitler the green light for the invasion to place Germany and Russia on the same border to kill each other later.  Here is the kind of phenomenon where the expression perfidious Albion derives its name.  

Once Hitler had defeated Poland he could not invade Russia as he had France and England at his rear, and despite the agreement between England and 

Germany paving the way for the invasion of Russia, Hitler did not trust perfidious Albion. So he invaded France knocking out France and England’s Army fled to England at Dunkirk. Now that Germany’s rear was covered in 1940 with the rout of England on the continent and France, then Germany was ready for the invasion of Russia which was planned for 1941. The irony of the invasion of France was that the great genius Baron Eduard de Rothschild had been outmaneuvered being forced to flee Paris for New York City as the German soldiers marched into Paris singing songs of hatred against usury. Most of his wealth disappeared from the continent after the German invasion.

Hitler then met his Waterloo in Russia. At the time of the Normandy landing on June 6, 1944 of US and British forces over 80% of the German Army was fighting on the Russian front and the 15-20 percent of the German forces found in France were made up of beaten up divisions sent to France to be rebuilt with a number of crack divisions there to try to stop the invasion. It was hardly enough.  Here Allied air power was a critical factor. Germany was not defeated until May 6, 1945 so it took the Anglo-Saxons nearly a year to defeat Germany facing the rump of the German Army.  Eisenhower and Montgomery were hardly the the match of 

Field Marshall Model who inflicted at the Battle of the Bulge such horrendous casualties on the allies that they had to distribute the dead numbers to other fronts to avoid the embarrassment and uproar that might rise from the US press. There is some question whether they would have won if the Russians and Anglo-Saxons did not have the enigma codes giving to them by the German traitor General Erich Fellgiebel that will be covered next. They knew every German move in advance. It is amazing the Fellgiebel is a hero in Germany today for his treason.

David Lifschultz
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