Monday, 17 March 2025

Liberation for Humanity was and is a Spiritual War

Liberation for Humanity was and is a Spiritual War

Wednesday, 1 January 2025, 7:40 AM


Operation Disclosure Official

By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer
Submitted on January 1, 2025

Dear Readers,

First of all, best wishes for 2025 our year of transition.

Liberation for humanity was and is a spiritual war, both within ourselves and also around us.

Therefore, the attack on humanity’s pineal gland is aimed at turning them into zombies, without empathy and totally indifferent to world events.

All the stories about Clone makes me think that many are not people, but manufactured shells that disrupted society with an unfeeling activity that seems to be programmed in.

It has also always been told that the end will not be for everyone.

Let’s hope Space Force has too technology to eliminate all these human dummies at once via Starlink.




How amazed are we going to look if all the Politicians, police, and top of the pyramid would be gone at once.

If everyone who has dual citizenship, sold their souls to the Z******s are taken away, humanity will flourish.

New Year’s Eve was a perfect time to release the sum total of all fears, where in the tumult of fireworks a great purification could have taken place.

How many people are not going to experience the transition to the new world, be it through the murder against them with Vaccinations, those who are not human beings, those who have everything on their conscience, in the 700,000 indictments, of which these are not single individuals but themselves groups to appear before the Army Tribunal.

All A**********e Vampires do not get a tribunal, but a bullet they have truly earned.

EO13816 and EO13848 are going to breach governments all over the western world.

What you don’t know is that Israel, is also the Netherlands, where 12 families direct all crimes against the population I was told in an anonymous phone conversation.




This would explain why the will of the people does not matter at all, the destructive Agenda of Evil just rolls on.

The attacks on the world’s population sprayed with all pesticide chemicals will have to stop when the QFS goes into effect.

No more Chemtrails or HAARP terror instruments that can be used against the world’s population.

We are now aware that the Mo.Sa.d and Ci@ are the executors of all terror against the world’s population, at the behest of the globally dispersed N***s who have infiltrated all western regimes.

The NV, EU, NATO, WHO should be dissolved, also all international treaties will have to be invalidated, stop the migrant promotion of governments to replace their own population with unworldly people who are victims of the globalists, but a scourge to the indigenous population, precisely because of the difference of norms and values.

The world population has been told you cannot say it you must show it, my image is amply provided for in this film, which may now be over.

For All Patriots who were conscious it was agony that may now end.

In retrospect, it was the Deep State Pentagon that organized terror around the world made possible by extortion of crimes from politicians and army leadership, Hollywood and Big Tech, Big Pharma, along with the food industry.


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  • TAGS
  • Corruption
  • Deep State
  • Politics
  • Rinus Verhagen
  • Speculation
  • Spirituality
  • Previous article(Reader: Latless Susan) Unparalleled Transmission of Latless: Enhanced Human Radio 2025-01-01
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