Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Nuclear Bomb Proliferation in the Middle East as an Introduction to Genoil’s Revolutionary Changes in the Oil Industry

Nuclear Bomb Proliferation in the Middle East as an Introduction to Genoil’s Revolutionary Changes in the Oil Industry

Monday, 30 December 2024, 22:53 PM


Operation Disclosure Official
By David Lifschultz, Contributing Writer

Submitted on December 30, 2024


Compliments of The Lifschultz Organization, Founded in 1899

We start our discussion with a survey of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.

The sanctions on North Korea forced them to sell hydrogen and nuclear bombs and missiles to survive that demonstrates how counterproductive they are. They can be used against the United States launched from cargo ships if not submarines. Nuclear bombs are in concealed silos all over the Middle East including Iran acquired from Pakistan and North Korea. According to the Eisenhower doctrine the invasion of Iraq could not have taken place if they had nuclear weapons as you cannot concentrate troops if your opponent has nuclear weapons. Iraq did not have them but that forced Middle Eastern countries to buy them as they would be invaded otherwise if the west so chose to do.

Here is evidence that Iran has hydrogen bombs:

North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb underground yielding earthquake dimensions of 6.3 on the Richter Scale.

Here is evidence demonstrating Iran has the hydrogen bomb as their alleged earthquake hit 6.3 on the Richter Scale test.  

Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake Strikes Western Iran where at least 70 were injured in Sunday night’s earthquake struck near Sarpol-e Zahab in Iran’s Kermanshah province.




Therefore, we do not believe nuclear weapons will be used in the Middle East as both sides have them.

Israel has threatened to destroy the Iranian oil production. Iran has said that if its oil wells are attacked it will destroy those of the Gulf States. The loss of oil could be up to 25% of the world supply of about a hundred million barrels a day. This would implode the world economy as pointed out in the letter to Jamie Dimon of J. P. Morgan Chase below. There is a solution to this danger created by Genoil.


Light oil production in the world is 81.5 million barrels. We can increase that 52% as 35% is residue which we can convert to light oil. The press release follows. We give a detailed report below how the technology works and how the profitability model is calculated.

WTI and Brent oil contains about 65% oil and 35% residue which latter residue is viscous and used for making asphalt for roads. Genoil can convert the residue to light oil increasing the oil supply 52%. This equipment can be built within 30 days in a crisis producing up to 25 million barrels a day from available oil supply.


Genoil is offering our technology to the national governments to replace the 25 million barrels of oil should a Middle East War break out. If it receives parts priority from all the manufacturers under governmental decrees we can replace this oil in thirty to sixty days if not sooner. We have already experimented in such a war game based on the move of our upgrader from Alberta to Saskatchewan which was taken down and built back up in less than 30 days for ConocoPhillips reflected at our website at The test was done under similar circumstances.




I say as an aside that one of the Gamestop lessons is that naked shorting can create a loss of creativity in start up companies whose new ideas cannot progress based on naked shorting denying them funds on a reasonable basis. Genoil was hit with about an estimated trillion share naked short and recently Citadel bid for fifty million shares to start to cover. Genoil was largely financed by the Lifschultz Organization founded in 1899 as otherwise the technology could not have completed its development.

Israel has said that they may destroy the Iranian oil production and Iran has said that they would in turn destroy the oil of the Gulf States plus or about 25 million barrels a day of oil can go offline. Genoil has the solution to this problem that is outlined below in the letter to Jamie Dimon the CEO of J. P. Morgan Chase and we are therefore a national security interest of the United States. See footnote one for the consequences of what will happen without the Genoil technology. 

We highly recommend that the entire exposition be read as the alternative would be a financial crisis that would raise the unemployment level in the United States to that of the Weimar Republic of 50% inclusive of itinerant workers in 1933.  Then the US suffered an 25% unemployment in 1933 but was able with that lower figure to avoid the type of revolution that overtook Germany. The consequences that the cutting off of the Middle Eastern oil supply today would be worse than 1933 as then we did not have a six hundred and thirteen trillion to two quadrillion exposed derivative positions. Warren Buffett has said that these derivative positions would implode from such a catastrophe as the unstoppable chain reaction of a hydrogen bomb. It would be unprecedented in history. Genoil has the solution.



This presentation will be in two parts. In section one we discuss how Genoil can solve any oil emergency that happens in the Middle East by creating offsetting volumes of oil to replace in 30 to 60 days the knocked out oil if the western nations declare an emergency so parts are available for assembling the replacement upgraders are available immediately. Genoil can then assemble from the parts the upgraders within 30 to 60 days to produce 25 million additional barrels of oil per day. It proved this ability to assemble the upgrader when it built one at ConocoPhillps in Saskatchewan within 30 days as demonstrated under website where we took apart our upgrader in Alberta and rebuilt it in Saskatchewan within thirty days.  The article below on the Gulf States discusses the potential cutoff of 20 million barrels a day of oil by being bombed out in a Middle East war.  If we carefully evaluate the thought experiment in footnote one, the Genoil technology can increase the production of the world oil supply by over 24 million barrels a day to make up for this in 30 to sixty days. Genoil therefore represents a national security interest of the west.

If a state of emergency should be declared in the event of an the oil cut off from the Middle East or about 24 million barrels a day, the emergency rollout of the Genoil technology can be accomplished in 30 to 60 days making up the 24 million barrel shortfall if the western nations order the suppliers of parts for our equipment to be delivered within thirty days to sixty days as a national security priority as assembly time is no more than a month. In other words, all other orders for parts would be held back.  It otherwise is three years time as manufacturers usually have backlogs for parts of up to three years. Genoil accomplished this in the ConocoPhilips test when they required us to dismantle the Genoil upgrader in Alberta, Canada and rebuild it at their facility in Saskatchewan, Canada in a 30 day period as evidenced in the report at the Genoil site at So we know the assembly times if we have the parts. See for the description of the technical aspects of the Genoil technology.

David Lifschultz
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