Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Project Looking Glass: Russia without Vladimir Putin

Project Looking Glass: Russia without Vladimir Putin

Sunday, 7 April 2024, 0:35 AM


Project Looking Glass Update | April 7, 2024

Submission received from Alliance sources.

Project Looking Glass uses a combination of quantum data collection, quantum computer modeling, artificial intelligence, and advanced visualization techniques to create a virtual model of the future. This model is being constantly updated with new data, allowing us to see how different choices and events could affect the outcome.

The basic idea behind Project Looking Glass is that it allows us to see into the future. This is not some kind of crystal ball or fortune-telling device, but rather a scientific tool that would use advanced technology to gather data from the present and project it forward in time. This technology allows us to gain a better understanding of the consequences of our actions and make more informed decisions about the future.

Project Looking Glass is being used by the Alliance to steer humanity into an age of prosperity, rapid technological advancement, and opening public contact with our ET friends. The goal is to turn our civilization into a space-faring utopia.

The following information is one of many predicted scenarios provided by Project Looking Glass. The future is not set in stone and therefore each scenario provided by Project Looking Glass is only a singular timeline among infinite timelines. Do also note as a disclaimer, we cannot share the finite details provided by Project Looking Glass to the public. Also, Project Looking Glass provides scenarios in visual form. Therefore, what is shared here is being described in words and was “re-written” to protect ourselves and the public from interfering forces.


Russia without Vladimir Putin




After over twenty years in power, Russian President Vladimir Putin is assassinated in a shocking attack on [date redacted] at [time redacted]. The country is thrown into a state of chaos as news of the president's death spreads.

The attack took place during a public event in Moscow, where Putin was giving a speech. The assailant, who has not been identified yet, was able to sneak past tight security measures and get close enough to Putin to shoot him at point-blank range. The attacker was then killed by Putin's security team, but not before causing significant damage.

As the news of the assassination spreads, the Russian government goes into lockdown and a state of emergency is declared. The Kremlin is heavily guarded by the FSB and all flights in and out of the country are grounded.

The first order of business for the Russian government is to confirm the death of President Putin and start the process of finding a successor. The constitution states that in the event of the president's death, the prime minister takes over as acting president until a new election can be held.

In the chaos and uncertainty, there is speculation that the assassination was part of a larger political plot. Some suspect that Putin's political opponents were involved, while others believe it was a foreign government's attempt to destabilize Russia. Factions such as the Freedom of Russia Legion rejoice in hearing the news and ISIS claims responsibility for the attack.

The country is in shock as the events unfold, and the people mourn the loss of their leader. Putin's strong leadership and authoritarian rule have kept Russia stable and powerful, but with his death, the future of the country becomes uncertain.

In the weeks that follow, there is intense political maneuvering as different factions within the government vie for power. Ultimately, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is chosen as the interim president until a new election can be held.




However, with Putin's death, the country is left without its dominant leader and there is a power vacuum that is difficult to fill. Protests and demonstrations erupt across the country, with some calling for a new government and others pledging loyalty to Putin's legacy.

The assassination of Putin is a turning point in Russian history and its political landscape. The future of the country is uncertain, and it remains to be seen how the events will shape Russia's role in the global stage.


[OpDis Editor Note: We've been told by sources that the Alliance is asking readers to submit scenarios for Project Looking Glass. We've tried to ask why, but they couldn't share that information. If you have any questions for Project Looking Glass, please send them to us via email.]


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Prediction
  • Project Looking Glass
  • Russia
  • Speculation
  • Vladimir Putin
  • Previous articleRestored Republic via a GCR as of April 7, 2024
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