Friday, 20 September 2024

Project Looking Glass: The Great Disclosure Event

Project Looking Glass: The Great Disclosure Event

Monday, 3 June 2024, 7:08 AM


Project Looking Glass Update | June 3, 2024

Submission received from Alliance sources.

Project Looking Glass uses a combination of quantum data collection, quantum computer modeling, artificial intelligence, and advanced visualization techniques to create a virtual model of the future. This model is being constantly updated with new data, allowing us to see how different choices and events could affect the outcome.

The basic idea behind Project Looking Glass is that it allows us to see into the future. This is not some kind of crystal ball or fortune-telling device, but rather a scientific tool that would use advanced technology to gather data from the present and project it forward in time. This technology allows us to gain a better understanding of the consequences of our actions and make more informed decisions about the future.

Project Looking Glass is being used by the Alliance to steer humanity into an age of prosperity, rapid technological advancement, and opening public contact with our ET friends. The goal is to turn our civilization into a space-faring utopia.

The following information is one of many predicted scenarios provided by Project Looking Glass. The future is not set in stone and therefore each scenario provided by Project Looking Glass is only a singular timeline among infinite timelines. Do also note as a disclaimer, we cannot share the finite details provided by Project Looking Glass to the public. Also, Project Looking Glass provides scenarios in visual form. Therefore, what is shared here is being described in words and was “re-written” to protect ourselves and the public from interfering forces.


The Great Disclosure Event




It was a quiet Tuesday afternoon on [date redacted] when the Emergency Alert System suddenly blared to life, startling everyone who heard it. At first, people were confused and frightened, wondering what disaster could have befallen their country. But as they tuned in to their televisions and radios, they were shocked to discover that the emergency broadcast was not a warning, but something entirely different.

The familiar electronic tone gave way to the sound of a film, one that appeared to have been made decades earlier. The quality was grainy and the sound was a bit distorted, but there was no mistaking the importance of the information being presented.

Extraterrestrials, the film claimed, had been visiting Earth for centuries, even millennia. Governments around the world had long been aware of this fact, but had kept it hidden from the general public in order to prevent mass panic and maintain their own power.

But that was only the beginning. The film went on to reveal a host of other hidden truths, including:

• The true history of human civilization, which had been manipulated and distorted by those in power to serve their own ends.

• The existence of secret space programs, funded by trillions of dollars of taxpayer money and run by a cabal of elite scientists and politicians.

• The crimes of countless politicians and people in power, who had used their positions to enrich themselves and their friends at the expense of the people they were supposed to serve.




As the film played on, people around the world sat spellbound, unable to believe what they were hearing. Some were filled with anger and a desire for justice, while others were simply overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the deception that had been perpetrated upon them.

In the days and weeks that followed, there were protests and riots, calls for investigations and accountability, and demands for sweeping reforms. The world would never be the same again, as the truth about its past and present was finally revealed for all to see.

But amidst the chaos and upheaval, there was also a sense of hope. POTUS announces the signing of an executive order authorizing the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act (NESARA). The Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act (GESARA) which was secretly embedded into the 2015 Paris Agreement has also gone into effect.

NESARA eliminates all outstanding credit card, mortgage, and other financial obligations resulting from unlawful banking practices and government actions. This widely recognized phenomenon is often referred to as a “jubilee” or absolute absolution of debt.

The U.S. will no longer have Federal Income Taxes as they are abolished. Instead, a new revenue stream for the government will be created through a 17% flat rate sales tax on non-essential new items only. This means that essential items like food and medicine, as well as used items like old homes, will not be subject to taxation. Additionally, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be abolished, and its employees will be transferred to the US Treasury national sales tax area.

The implementation of the GESARA law includes the introduction of a new financial system. Upon the announcement of GESARA, the IMF will declare the establishment of a “global gold-standard monetary system.” All existing fiat currencies will be exchanged for gold-standard currency. Eventually, paper money will be gradually eliminated, and all currencies will transition to digital form within the new financial framework.

Energy expenses are expected to significantly decrease due to the availability of free energy and advancements in technology. The upcoming years will bring about remarkable changes, leading to a substantial transformation in our daily lives.

Technologies that have been suppressed for over 70 years will be unveiled. This advanced technology holds the potential to effectively restore and cleanse our planet.

A new medical system, promising remarkable advancements such as the ability to regenerate limbs or organs, and even reverse the aging process by three decades.

Once free energy, transportation, and replicators are made accessible to all, equality will prevail. There will be no enslavement, as individuals will have the freedom to pursue their desires, enjoy leisure time, engage in introspection, and unleash their creativity. The concept of hoarding possessions will become obsolete.




Individuals will embrace the present moment by cultivating their own sustenance and providing food for others. A significant number of individuals will derive fulfillment from their occupations, viewing them as avenues to find purpose and serve others. Those who are not employed will seek out alternative paths to happiness and actively participate in activities that benefit the greater community.

After the public reveal of NESARA/GESARA, US Space Force Commanders reveal the introduction of innovative medical healing technologies utilized in classified space programs like med beds.

The US Space Force also educates the general population on the various spacecraft that exist on our planet and showcases our interactions with the friendly Galactic Federation. They also elaborate on elaborate on the secret space programs such as Solar Warden, the Earth Alliance, and future plans for public transport among the solar system.

The Vatican archives and the Smithsonian Institution also jointly announce that they would be disclosing all knowledge and information in their possession to the public.

They began to reveal the secrets that had been hidden away for so long. The Vatican archives contained information about the early Christian church, the Crusades, and the Inquisition, as well as documents related to art, science, and culture. The Smithsonian, meanwhile, had hidden away artifacts from ancient civilizations, as well as secrets about modern history and technology.

But the most shocking revelation of all was the truth about Antarctica. For centuries, the continent had been shrouded in mystery, with only a select few allowed to visit. But now, the full story was being told.

Antarctica, it turned out, was not just a barren, icy wasteland. Beneath the ice was an entire world that had been hidden from view. There were ancient cities, built by a long-lost civilization, and advanced technology that had been lost to time.

The revelations about Antarctica changed everything we thought we knew about human history. But even more shocking was the total and absolute truth about everything else. From the nature of the universe and the origins of life, to the secrets of the human mind and the mysteries of the afterlife, nothing was left hidden.

The world was stunned by the magnitude of the information that had been kept from them for so long. But as they began to process the truth, they realized that they were now living in a new age of enlightenment. The secrets of the past had been revealed, and the future was full of possibility.

The truth had set them free.





[OpDis Editor Note: We've been told by sources that the Alliance is asking readers to submit scenarios for Project Looking Glass. We've tried to ask why, but they couldn't share that information. If you have any questions for Project Looking Glass, please send them to us via email.]


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Prediction
  • Project Looking Glass
  • Russia
  • Speculation
  • Vladimir Putin
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    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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