Saturday, 15 March 2025

Q Playbook

Q Playbook

Friday, 3 January 2025, 9:39 AM


Operation Disclosure Official

By Rinus Verhagen, Contributing Writer
Submitted on January 3, 2025

The playbook of the Plan to free humanity from the Globalists as I see it through now, it is only my opinion of the possible course to GESARA.

1. ISO20022, Basil 3 – 4 effective Jan. 4, 2025, will cause banks to collapse as they have no coverage of their Fiat Money accounting values.

2. This will result that the value of Equity Market will collapse because these loans can never be paid back with which companies bought their equity.

3. Companies as well as Countries that are run as companies with an NGO government will also be bankrupt and unable to continue acting.

4. With the shutdown of the Internet, the SWIFT fiat money system will also be shut down, this may go along with the shutdown of the power grid around the world.

5. The Democrats and Republicans want to prevent Trump from coming back as President of the restored republic as of Jan. 20, and will want to block his presidency by not ratifying.

6. The Brunson Case has ruled in favor of the high court for recognizing that the 2020 election was rigged, and designating Trump as legitimate President of the restored republic under the 1776 Constitution, because the US inc is bankrupt.




7. The Army will maintain order under the constitution of 1776, and act according to martial law, as the maritime commercial law is thoroughly corrupt.

8.  Iraq is the trigger with revaluing eb devaluing their Currency, which will be the beginning of the RV leading up to NESARA/GESARA.

9. From Jan. 8 to 11, 2025, we can expect the old system to collapse because FIAT MONEY will no longer have any value and will not be recognized by the QFS, except for normal people and small and medium businesses with their balances in their accounts in banks.

10. From Jan. 12 to 19, 2025, Biden will be blamed for the collapse of the world economy, both at home and abroad.

11. At the end of January there will be a Davos meeting of the WEF, where I hope project ODIN and the Rods of God will remove Davos from the world earth with all the WEF Globalists Satanists human traffickers in attendance.

12. Although the QFS will be active as of Jan. 7-8, I imagine it will only apply to the US after Jan. 20 and to the BRICS countries as of Jan. 7-8.

13. The beginning of the new Trump administration will begin with controlled chaos and arrest of all old corrupt government members by the LEGER.




14. The Period of EBS will then be able to take place with the arrests, confessions and tribunals.

15. This will put the rest of the Deep State governments around the world in extreme panic, hence they will be forced to attend a WEF consultation, where the are going to be arrested or destroyed, because all their crimes against the world population will come out in the 10 days of the EBS.

16. The new Money system through the QFS is 100% ready to use the XRP as an intermediate crypto to convert all Fiat Currency to GOLD backed money, this will allow countries with a GOLD backed Currency to trade around the world and nationally.

17. With the EO13818 and EO13848 all Globalists companies and players are going to be expropriated, their assets of value will flow back to the world population.

18. Blackrock, Vanguard S&P 500, Committee 300, Bilderberg, UN, WHO, NATO, EU are then eliminated in one fell swoop as the FED, ECB and IRS around the world can no longer steal funds from the population.

19. This totally eliminates the Rothschild and fellow FED owners, World Bank, IMF, and the military complex around the world which also eliminates Israel who by blackmail had taken the yellow world hostage with their underhanded genocidal agenda.

20. GESARA legislation will not allow Wars, ban arms race and mass destruction weapon.

21. The Terror Agenda of the Globalists makes that with the implementation of GESARA everyone is going to get their birth certificate paid out in the country of origin. Which will bring about an Exodus, Countries of origin are obliged to take back their own population, under compulsion of exclusion from the new value covered Money Crypto system via the QFS.

22. Banks as we have known them are redundant with the QFS everyone is their own Banker with a fresh start from their own birth trust Balance, allowing Banks to only facilitate Services but not produce money out of thin air.

23. Release of funds to do humanitarian projects will have to be done in redemption centers.




24. There are two trajectories here, Currency and Bonds, both of which can be at the same time if you want to start exchanging your Bonds.

25. The actual rates you are only then going to be told of Currency and Bonds, these are paid from the total amount set aside for humanity.

26. With the BONDS your projects will be financed with the help of engineers from the LEGER if your project is approved.

27. The exchange of Currency will provide a value covered capital in Crypto XRP / XLM, it is not necessary that the exchange of foreign currency will be at the expense of the countries where the Currency comes from, this would not be logical and give these countries a financial inequality, which is not the intention.

28. As I understand it, future revalued currencies should not deviate by more than 5% under the GESARA law compared to other countries with their currency value.

29. The XRP and XLM are GOLD and Silver backed and value transport security for trading with other countries in their Currency as transaction settlement.

30. Conclusion from all it appears that Religion in any form was an oppression tool for humanity, to use indoctrination to turn peoples and cultures against each other.

Everyone who comes to this realization will undergo a transformation to spirituality, because there is only one GOD, the way to it is the same for everyone, the other way to death and destruction is closed when your spiritual maturity is active.

31. The reform of justice according to birth law will apply to everyone wherever you live or live, whatever background you have adhered to or your culture and upbringing.

32. This awakening has been sown and will be a beacon for people of good will to shape the transition for all humanity together, it is a collective learning path that we will walk together, without prejudice, hatred and animosity against each other or among peoples.




33. Children are central to this, with their innate innocence and love, which we must cherish, for they growth so had from Baby to adults, they are perfect and need no injections to make them sick.

34. Enki was the Anunnaki creator who created Man with his trials to create a worker, in the end he was created by GOD the creator, without GOD no Enki, no Man in this way as it happened in the past.


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  • TAGS
  • Corruption
  • Deep State
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Politics
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Rinus Verhagen
  • Speculation
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