Saturday, 29 June 2024

(Reader: Charles) Another US “Proxy War”

(Reader: Charles) Another US “Proxy War”

Saturday, 2 March 2024, 20:47 PM


Reader Post | by Charles

21 years ago, in 2003, if radical fundamentalist Islam and groups like al-Qaeda (which had no presence in Iraq) were the real enemy of the US, why was Iraq made the target of a US-led invasion? The war in Iraq was a US proxy war with an Islamic state; it had nothing to do with “national security”.

Iraq was a repeat of what happened in Vietnam. Vietnam, remember, was a proxy war with international communism; and the people of Vietnam were forced to fight and suffer in that proxy war.  The Vietnamese didn't see the US as “liberators” any more than the Iraqi people did when their country was attacked. The Iraq people were never our enemy. Iraq became (like Vietnam) a war of attrition, one that the US could not win because there is no “winning” other than the wanton destruction of a civilian population, en masse, which is the ultimate defeat in itself, as it justifies the claims that the US the people of these countries as their real target, and it it nullifies any claims the US might make to a higher moral authority than the enemy. Witness Israel's on-going moral defeat in Gaza.  

Slowly, the people who live in Europe, Canada, and even in the US, are realizing that Ukraine was never about defending Ukraine against an aggressor.  It's a proxy war between the US and Russia; one that is unwinnable, and one that deflects the attention and resources of Americans from problems in their own country that are not being solved.

That's what I believe,



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