Friday, 14 March 2025

(Reader: Logan B) Ask Not

(Reader: Logan B) Ask Not

Monday, 22 April 2024, 7:10 AM


Reader Post | By Logan B

Whether you believe that Tartaria actually existed doesn't matter. Whether you believe the claims of Nos Confunden about realms beyond the ice walls should matter because need another space agency and governments around the world believe it and are spending billions of your hard earned tax dollars keeping it all a secret. 

Two things that made the plight of the Tartarians so horrible is that the Annunaki and Custodians murdered and buried the evidence of probably more than a billion people over the age of 7 months and it was allowed to happen. This happened only about 300 years ago and continues to today. 

Seventy five million managed to escape the carnage and found refuge on the continent of the Ancestral Republic just beyond the ice wall from Antarctica. St Germain watched it happen and tried to set up a Republic like the Ancestral Republic in America but that was stopped. 

Was the thousands of nuclear weapons built not for some fictitious cold war but as a defense against them doing that to us again. Should we be concerned that they have been turned off. Humanity is far outnumbered by these parasites that number in the tens of billions. 

Make love not war. We are out creatured and out gunned. We have gotten our butts kicked 7 times in relatively recent history. The definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. We may not be able to beat them with might but we can kill them with kindness. 

Every reset was because we woke up and figured out what these soulless creatures were doing to us and we decided we didn't like it just like now. Galactics are here to help this time but ask not what can the Galactics do for us but what can we do for them and what we can do is just be happy. Creatures hate that. 


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