Reader Post | By Texastreeman
Good evening Family,
I hope everyone made it thru the weekend. Pray we didn’t lose anyone.
Ok ! Lot of people need to wake up !!
I know everyone wish this was done last week, last month, last year.
I do too. But it’s not time yet.
Every day you guys get so much throw at you about this or that. It really makes it hard to believe.
Lot of you have had to resell your currency to survive.
Because you keep hearing 100 percent confirm we get pay this week. ( Cry wolf to many times ).
Then you will get your email at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
( Cry wolf to many times ).
Are lot’s believe the code man is fraud.
Allow me to tell you my only opinion.
First Trump has to let DOGE play it’s self out. Trump can’t allow FRAUD into the new REPUBLICAN OR INTO QFS.
Trump can’t allow anyone on these GHOST account’s come over .
So we are looking 6 more weeks for DOGE to wrap up.
Sorry but you got to look at the window timeline just on that events.
Then remember under GESARA/NESARA. We have to be under world peace.
This week they are working on Russian and Ukraine peace deal. That will take 2,3 weeks. There goes MARCH . SO SAD. ANOTHER MONTH GONE.
Remember we still got middle east to deal with. Now they are not doing what Trump has ask them to do.
So Now Trump got to pull a rabbit out of his hat. To make them interested to come over to the table and start working on peace deal as well.
I’ll say that can be done at the same time as Russian, Ukraine deal.
Now what does both of these deals have in common. ( DEEP STATE. ).
How to solve the problem !
Trump has to get out of NATO.. ( DEEP STATE BANK ).
TRUMP takes down both peace deals. That’s the end of NATO..!
Now we could look for next event to move us forward.
Now the peace deal takes us out to 31st of March.
But remember DOGE had 6 weeks to finish up. So you take 3 weeks off from peace deals. That leaves DOGE till 20th of April.
Now we have BONDS trying to get done. It’s not as easy people think. They are all tie to countries. So once all peace deals, wars over, GESARA is ready. Then you will see BIG BOND MOVEMENT. They want to be payout just as much as us.
But !! But you say wait a minute.
Did Trump sign off on the RV back on the 3rd. He sent Treasury over to the world court. ( Yes he did )
Then we heard the GESARA has been sign into law. ( yes )
But both of these signing doesn’t mean we go the next day.
They sign everything into law so once everything is done. The REAL GREEN LIGHT IS A GO. Then the world GCR/ RV can start.
Now if you put all the events dates and times together.
April 20th is EASTER.
Now for the new people less then 3 years into this journey. You may have not heard, but the said they empty the ST. GERMAINE TRUST TO PAY ALL ACCOUNTS. THEN LEFT WHAT WAS LEFT.
Now where does that take you. ( QFS ). Remember a lot of noise coming about your QFS accounts and they are loaded.
There is many TRUST out into the world to move everything out.
I hear a lot of people saying If they will just let us get our money. Then they would have all the money they need to make American great again.
Folks that’s already been cover thru the world trust for humanity. Our funds is not what they need.
There is 5 trusts when they go. It’s all over and you can enjoy life.
This is one reason you are having to wait, wait, wait and events change your time to go bank.
We are not first in line..!!
We have to clean up our country.
Iraq is going thru their fraud accounts right now too.
The world has to be torn down, peace deals, all countries have to agree on a new rate. ( Why do you think many countries are making new currency ). They was not ready to Go.Go.
This Iraq country is not the only thing we are waiting on.
Now I’ve study this project for so many years. I’ve learn don’t look up close and live your life on Intel providers give you good word.
Now I don’t call out names, but am going to cross my line for this once.
One Intel providers I’ve follow since he started. That person is MARKZ.
I give Mark all the credit what he brings. Mark don’t give you BS. Mark gives you what news he gets or find. Markz puts his life into his work every day. Long hours to try and bring the truth.
I’ve heard people say. Markz can’t tell me what am asking him. WAKE UP PEOPLE. Markz may not know at that time to your question.
Markz I give you praise because I believe what you bring to that table.
So let’s get back to trying to put a timeline in here.
Remember we’ve heard for over a year QFS was running parallel with the banks. So just because GESARA and RV been sign off don’t mean we are ready.
Folks this is going to hurt.
You are just going to have a sit back and carry your life on as if you was working.
Once the EBS goes then you know we all go together.
What !! EBS now.
Did you forget about that. Remember EBS is a very important event that has to be ready at any minute.
Remember during the EBS they will show the fraud, high crimes of people in office. All crime in all countries over the world.
Why do you think it’s going to broadcast around the world.
Now If you want a real true opinion we could be going from March into May.
Remember Trump wants a Big celebrity 4th of July because all events will be done by memorial Day in May.
There is nothing you can say or ask Intel providers to speed these events up to get pay.
Sorry to hurt your feelings but truth can hurt. These events must be play out on the right time line.
So step back and go to work, or play with your family.
Pray is a good thing to start with. Get peace deals done, then all countries can see the world is ready.
Get out of NATO will help speed up events. Got to look where is the money coming from to keep stopping us to go.
THERE is still a lot of moving parts to be finish before we can go. Remember they don’t need our funds, you do.
We have 5 very large deep, deep pockets of funds in these trusts accounts for the world.
So sit back and wait till it’s time.
Thank you for reading
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